Alcohol free drinks syn-free or low in syns

I used to drink spirits or wine but switched to beer as my husband is a beer lover and in the warm weather it was refreshing. Though I've noticed my belly being a lot more bloated than usual and I've put on 10lbs in 6 weeks!!

So I've decided to cut down on alcohol and cut out beer all together.

I like fizzy, fresh things. I like Soda and lime in pubs but don't really know how to make it... It probably sounds stupid but I don't know if I should use sparkling water with lemon or sodacream/soda water with lemon squash? Any suggestions for refreshing cold drinks?

Thanks :)
soda water and lime cordial.. i'm sure the cordial may be synd but not sure how many!

good luck x
I work in a pub and as I am allergic to Pepsi (not coke strangely) and Pepsi is what they have on pump, and I am allowed to drink anything on pump, I thought soda and lime would be a good choice. However I then realised lime is 3syns a pop!!! Not good so having soda water and a drop of oj (literally a tiny amount) just to take the edge off.
Theres a newish alcohol free 'beer' called Equator which is syn free - tastes nice too!
you could have any of the robinsons sugar free squashes with soda water, some ice and a slice at least it will look the part. I have always found alcohol free beer pretty rank to be honest ( i tried a lot when i was pregnant lol) x