

Full Member
has anyone gave up alcohol completly since starting SW? i must admit i do use quite a lot of syns for wine at the weekend which i know you can do but im thinking of trying to cut back and just use my syns for food only?
I didn't drink to start with (only drank twice in my life), saves money and syns :) I have known a few people cut back on alcohol though just cos they wanted to use syns on other things.
I think you have no option but to cut back on alcohol on SW.
i drink alot, mostly on a friday night, im only 20 and my friends are the same with the booze so its really hard for me NOT to drink, i just save my syns through out the week and then have about 50 syns on a friday, ill stick to the free food and just have the syns in the drink, its worked for me!
I like wine - no I really like wine! I thought about cutting back when I started my diet on 2nd January but decided it was easier to give up completely - after all good intentions disolve in a glass of Pinot!

I have only lapsed once and I didn't enjoy it and was really ill the next day so no intention going back to it in the short term.

It is definately worth trying giving up all together. I have a glass of Soda water and lime now ina tall glass with ice and a straw and no-one even realises it isn't my usual wine and soda. Added bonus is you get a good laugh when everyone else starts to get tipsy!
thanks for the advice im still clinging onto my 20s so dont want to give it up altogether but will try and cut back instead and see what happens fingers crossed x
No, I use syns on wine...I think I would get carried away with syns used on treats like least I know I have my wine with dinner and thats it. I avoid gravies and sauces so I am able to have a nice big glass and count it easily in syns :)
I have wine too. It's a personal choice and helps me relax and unwind much better than any food can. One bottle per week if that but would never give it up as I would be fooling myself. It's my main and only vice.
i've cut back loads I used to drink wine every night as I have a stressful job. Now I have a drink maybe 1-2 times a week. Infact I was celebrating yesterday and went to the pub.... and had a diet coke! Didn't want a wine, weird but think I am getting out of the habit.
Hi there. I am back on sw after being off since just before Christmas. I only drank a few glasses of wine a fortnight last time. I would rather use my syns for food.