all change nanny needs to be slimmer.


Gold Member
*stands up and clears throat*
hi there,i'm changing over from Atkins to WW in a bid
to change my ways,i am addicted to carbs,and no matter
how long i abstain from them,i slip back :mad:
i am worried about feeling hungry,as that seems to send me
into a tail spin,and the biscuits and everything else seems
to slip into the pit of my stomach,and then i feel depressed
then i eat more,then i feel worse because everything i did lose
goes back on,and the on set of backache,heart burn,sleepy,brain fog, my usual unhelpful friends are back to haunt me.:(
so i would like to try my hand here,and see if i can do this
in a sensible,well documented way.
my OH is a member of WW so he can get products from the meetings,like the bars,and the new coffee,and other things,
not sure how many points i should be on,i'm 44 yrs 12st4lb and 5ft2.
i went out today and got some stuff in,had salmon,broc,and cauli,
mash,and a little gravy,going to have a dark chic orange bar later
they are a favourite of mine,and the hot chocolate isn't bad either.
anyway,that's sort of me,and i would really like to lean on you guys for a bit of support, along with my Atkns buddies if thats ok :D
kept myself busy today,and painted the kitchen,
hope tonight i can keep from picking.
and thanks nicoletia :)