Am I 'used' to being in ketosis?? Another ketostix thread- sorry!


A little of everything!
When I started LT my ketostix were negative, then over the first week they slowly registered ketones- I never got past the 4th reading on the bottle, but then the reading got fainter & fainter. I had picked a bit and put it down to the fact I must have knocked myself out of ketosis, but then I read of Atkins/low-carbers who are in ketosis as long as their carb intake is less than 20g a day? So I did a bit of googling, and may have come up with some reasons why my ketostix are constantly negative!
1: The simplest- they're faulty. But I don't think they are are they did change colour at one point.
2: The amount of water I'm drinking is 'flushing' the excess ketones out of my system so they're not registering when I test. Not sure about this as I test first thing in the morning when there should be some present?
3: My body is now only producing the amount of ketones I NEED, and using them for energy. This could be why I have no excess ketones (which is what the stix register?) I like this idea! LOL!

"With time the person who reduced carbohydrate below 40g and stays there will also begin to not see any measurable ketones on the Ketostix as they get more efficient at making ketones for energy. There is less wasted ketones, thus less to see on the sticks, as time passes. But, if one is keeping carbohydrate below 40g, they're burning fat for their primary energy source, which means they are making ketones whether they register on the sticks or not."

This is why I like this theory! LOL!
My weigh-ins should surely be 'better' though if this was the case. I think I think too much sometimes?? :confused:
I still have that 'metallicy' taste in my mouth sometimes..I don't notice so much anymore..maybe I'm used to that too?...