American Cheese Cake

Thanks guys!

Yes actually, marinating is a great idea. Adds a bit of variety without going too crazy.

I have a tendancy to overeat anything, so I don't want to make my food too interesting, but there does come a point where dukan vanilla custard just becomes rank.

And I don't want to start horsing into the sweetners and all that artificial food - would much rather keep things 'clean', so some nice marinades is a top idea. Having said that, tonight I'll be lashing into SF jelly made with some natural fat free yog. Presume that's okay?

Vicky - horseradish - is pre-made in a jar okay?

I love mustard too :D

I think I just wish pick n mix were unlimited on this plan too!!!
there's a horseradish sauce recipe in the book :) probably far more dukan friendly than anything in a jar....

mustard is great and advised on the diet....

as for not overeating, the great thing about this diet is that as long as you choose tolerated foods, you can't overeat :)... I make sure I eat til I'm full - it works :) stops you fancying anything else for afters

good luck xxx
lmao at Allo Allo :)
yes marinade marinade. thai chicken? chinese chicken? chicken tikka? fish with horseradish?
What do you use for chinese chicken? I have chinese 5 spice mix, will that do?
Oh yeah, I use that and some light soy sauce. let it marinade overnight or couple of hours!
No soy sauce in attack though Kim!!
(and only a small quantity thereafter actually!!) one teaspoon is the official "tolerated" amount allowed per day in Cruise.
Actually, that coaching website is beginning to bug the be-jasus out of me. Jo, I don't know if it was the same for you, but the ridiculous 'motivational' messages (which seem to be randomly repeated, in different order, every so often) are written in English translated from French so they sound so contrived and cliched. And like an episode of 'Allo Allo'.

And I'd say you could tell them that you ate your mother and they'd come back with some corny pre-worded blurb about how they'll stand by you and 'we'll do it together' the next day.

I fully intend getting totally stuck into them re the cheesecake thing :D

Sorry, I'm having a rant, but I'm bored with Dukan (protein, protein, protein... sweetner, oatbran, odd, fat-removed frankenfood... and perhaps a little bit of tomoato for excitement once in a while....)

Time to go for a walk, methinks!

The coaching is very obviously spewed out by a computer, sometimes varying its messages according to how you filled out your daily report. On the forum of the French site, many were complaining at the lack of personalisation of the coaching, given the cost and the reply was that the coaching WAS personalised (according to the replies you gave at registration time - the six page online questionnaire; and also your daily reports) but it wasn't INDIVIDUALISED...

I think the thing that annoyed me most was, while the recipes are great (think of copying lots onto Word while you have access!!), the fact that each morning I'd receive three course meals to prepare myself for lunch and dinner made me wonder whether ANYONE actually could or would do them!!

But that aside, the recipes alone on the French site meant I never regretted joining... but the coaching itself, pffft!
He he. Pfffft indeed!

Yes, computer-spewed response actually makes me want to 'report' strange combinations of answers every day... and yes, I can see that the questionnaire you fill in at the beginning certainly illicits the aporpriate (for them) response. To one question, I said I didn't want to be 'thin' or whatever, but just wanted to 'be like everyone else' (i.e. normal). Since then I've got so many motivational messages from them about my 'desire to conform' (eh? huh?). You gotta laugh.

Great idea on the cutting and pasting of recipes though! Are there any I can get for you Jo? Or anyone else out there?

Still waiting to hear back from them re Cheesecake!! :D
ooh any soups would be great! and anything that sounds interesting ;)
err well we have a recipe thread, but I dunno if there's a copy right thing... but you could personalise them a bit?!!

I read the chat each time it renews and some of the answers given are totally incomprehensible! even an online translator could do better!
Hi Vicky and Jo,

Will have a look later and will 'personalize' accordingly so as not to infringe copywrite ;)