and then there were two.. back on the bandwagon !

Great girlie....
.....need some more pics of Oliver, hope that you are doing well, how did the birth go? Was Oliver slightly early....or has this year just flown by?

Can't wait to see some more posts...

....Lots of love to you....all
it's amazing how time flies - especially now I'm trying to continue working from home and have an Oliver !

Oliver is 2 weeks old today and I simply don't know where the time has gone. Wouldn't swap him for anything.

I've turned into the inevitable milking cow and have enough to feed 4 I think never mind one! Got to be careful not to drown the little mite.

Paula - my due date was 2nd Nov, but they took me in for induction early am on 23rd Oct. I'd developed gestational diabetes and had to inject insulin for about the last three months. They put me on metformin before the insulin - but I turned out to be allergic to that.

In short, induction didn't exactly go to plan... my cervix was very posterior and stayed that way the whole time throughout labour. It was 32 hours from after my waters broke until Oliver came out.... forceps delivery in theatre as he was getting distressed.

I had an epidural 7.1/2 hours before we went to theatre and I all I say is thank heavens for epidurals ! All the contractions had been in my back and at that point I was still only 3cm dilated and no change from 4 hours before. That's where breaking point occured !

Once I was fully dilated, there were still problems with presentation etc - and it wasnt happening fast enough. Ceasarion was threatened - but they managed to get him out with just forceps and episiotomy thankfully (which I'm told was practically a miracle in itself !)

As if that wasn't all bad enough - about 8 hours later once on the recovery ward, I had a bad haemorrage and it was back to delivery suite / theatre. Steve had gone home by then and I'll tell you I've nver been so scared in all my life !

Still - it's all over now - and it was certainley worth it.

I put on exactly a stone from finding out I was pregnant to the morning I went in for induction. Strangley enough after giving birth to a 7lb 11oz baby + waters, placenta etc - I came out as heavy as I went in which really annoyed me !

Huge amount of fluid retention - but it is starting to decrease now.

Post more a little later - gotta go again...
Good to see you back Sarah :)

Glad your little one os bringing you so much love and pleasure - good job after the ordeal you obviously went through!! :eek:
Kudos to you lady :D
Oh darling, I feel for you so much, every hair on my arms and neck are standing up just now - remembering my own labour and how horrifically painful that was.....and yours sound so, so much worse....
.....but I also remember that after all of the pain, as soon as Eiriana was out, everything just seemed oh so worth it, and every painful nitch that had gnawed through my bad just immediately faded away (until they stitiched up the tear - ow!:))....and you sound exactly the same, Sarah...I'm so happy for you all!!!

How heavy was Oliver...hang on...did I miss that...let me go back to check...yep...7lbs wonderful size....give him so, so much love!!!

Need to sleep now as I've had a VERY busy day Christmas shopping's already 10:30.....

.....If I can just share something with you.....discard it if you feel.....but ignore all of those who ask you if Oliver is in a routine yet...if he's sleeping through the night will stress you out and he will get into his own natural routine in his own time, and no adult pressure for him to get there sooner will help.....only cause copious amounts of stress.

Love to you all sweetie...shall be eagerly waiting for the next installment!
I'll post some more pictures for you...

I can't say we're in any kind of routine yet - apart from the fact he'll sleep from about 5pm > 10pm and all hell lets loose when we try to go to bed. I'm generally up 3x through the night for an hour or so each time.

The stitches have pretty much disintegrated and gone now - they aren't painfull as suchnow, but irritating still and it's definately split open a bit down there :-S Not exactly pleasant !

Don;t get me wrong - the labour wasn't fun... but once I'd had the epidural there was nothing in between top-ups. If you ever do it again, I'd seriously recommend an epidural !!!!

Diet wise - I'm being sensible at the moment as I'm breast feeding and am producing silly amounts (milking cow status !)

Omlette for lunch (no breakfast as didn't get up !) and home made fish pie for dinner with some grapes in between as a snack.

I'm not putting a time limit on anything at the moment - but I'll damn well finish what I started

Last Sunday - having forgotten to take the pain killers !


dressed up to go out and visit the inlaws


Friday - 13 days


and going out for a quick walk


He HATES going in his crib upstairs - but is fairly happy being put either in a shawl on the sofa during the day or in his moses basket in the living room when he nods off in daytime.

Put him in the crib at night (other than the first couple of days) and it seems to result in screaming ab-dabs... so much so we give up and have him in with us. :rollseyes:

Three in a bed and the little one says roll over, roll over.... well - lets just say there isn't room in our bed for three and I often end up in the spare room half way through the night with Oliver !

Had a lazy day today and not done too much. No work anyway. Got up fairly late as Oliver was happy enough after breakfast to settle back into bed. Went to the supermarket for shopping in the afternoon and then down to the field to see the ponies and put up some new hay feeders.

I can't remember being so pleased as to go to the supermarke - I've barely been over the door recently. I did take him a short walk on Friday, but my feet are still huge. They are also now carting in sugar beet round here - so the lanes are very muddy and wet. Not nice.

Glad you're back - it's not been the same without you :hugs: x
well - i've dropped a stone since i last post ! i know it's really all fluid and there is more to go - but I'm now only 2lb heavier than i was after losing the weight at the beginning of the year and then finding out i was pregnant.

i'm pretty happy about that !!!!

hopefully, i can maybe drop another stone by christmas ... but realise i need to do it sensibly whilst breast feeding.

i also got the tape measure out today. I'm 1" less round the hips than I was in april and 1/2 more round the waist..... but hell - i only had a baby 2 weeks ago ! :)
i'm pretty pleased i've managed to maintain given my diet was pretty severe calorie counting initially. I'm really looking forward to losing the rest.

i even feel so much different and think i look it too since that picture with me i posted the other day :)

thank you !
well - almost a week since I last posted an 6.1/2lb less.

Been bad today though and pretty much blown out the healthy eating. Oh well - it's only one day. I'll just need to be good again tomorrow

more pics - taken saturday at 3 weeks



another 3lb off in 3 days !!!

Must be the breastfeeding that's really pushing things along at the moment - I know that's meant to make you burn an extra 400 calories a day.

I'm certainley not complaining - it seems all too easy at the moment.. I'm just still sticking to the sensible eating, as I have done this year and not calorie counting.

Long may it continue ! I'm rather hoping I can manage to get to the initial 1/2 way marker by Christmas - and that should mean (hopefully) I might also drop to the next dres size.

All I want for Christmas is to lose 7lb from now... so SHOULD be achievable !
Well - it has been a long long time.

I've put quite a bit back on recently - psychological stuff - but hopefully now I've pulled my heat out the sand I can get on with it again. I don't suppose a 14lb weight gain is THAT bad given I've had a baby in the last year.....


I've put that 14lb back on that I'd previously lost. So, if I get my nose down, and my blinkers on and FOCUS hopefully I'll be a few steps in the right direction. Even if it's only small ones to start - anything is better than nothing !

That hard bit is getting back on the wagon after you've got off.

Young Oliver is growing up so fast and he's such a super super little boy. My life has changed so much for the better. I've still got time to turn things around so he doesn't remember his mummy being the weight she is now.

I want to lose it so my weight isn't detrimental to him - whether through taunting at school or picking up bad habits from me. Ok - so he's not even 10months.... but they learn FAST !

Hope all goes well with your re-start. What plan are you following now?

BTW, gorgeous pics of you & Oliver! Got any new ones?
Hey S-J, I know you from another forum, I think you may be able to work out who I am. I think you're an inspiration. I've managed to gain the 3 stone I lost 18 months ago, and a bit more, and I didn't have the excuse of having a baby!

I'm back on the Cambridge Diet wagon as it's the only diet I've ever had any success with, as usual I'm not exactly 100%, I have milk in my tea for example, but I'm proud of myself, and this forum is fab.

How are you getting on? Oliver must be getting big now :)

Bailey's out on loan as I just wasn't enjoying riding him at my size any more. Am trying to make a new life with new interests.

Wishing you really well hun

Em xx
not been on in a week as been VERY poorly. Some kind of gastroenteritis kind of thing. I think I'll need to go to the docs this week.

I'm starting to feel a lot better but still got severe runs despite Immodium.

My parents have been down visiting over the weekend which was lovely. Also very very welcome as Fri / Sat I was SO poorly and it gave them some precious time with Oliver and me a chance to have a few hours in bed when I was doubled up with cramps :-(

Oh well - good start to the diet if you look at the positives !

Hi Em

Hope life is treating you well. Unfortunate that the weight is back on - but good that you are getting back on track.

I'm hoping that this spell of not being well really is a big aid in getting me back on track. Not yet stood on the scales from last week - but I'll have lost something for sure !

I'm not yet following any sort of plan - I kind of did my own last time which worked well. I looked at it as a complete life restructure and stuck at it for a long enough time that it could have been.

PRegnancy related diabetes threw me out of kilter a bit - but right up until a few weeks before Oliver was born, I managed to keep everything off. I was desperate to get back to a rigid diet after he came along - but it simply wasn't to be as I was feeding him and HAD to eat more calories. I stopped BF at 7months and didn't get back on the diet then which is why I've gained some.

Still - it's not at a point where I can't sort it and not tooo far gone.

If I can't for any reason lose it and keep it off this time - I'll try some kind of sole sourcing like Cambridge to get the inital weight off.

Will they sell you a few trial packs to see how you can hack it / which ones you like ? Do you tend to live on the shakes or tetras ?

Once I've gone back on track (or off food) - I get rid of my cravings for all the bad starchy things which dont agree with me anyway and also make me pile weight on. If I can avoid those, then I don't want them and feel so much better too !