Anna's WW journey

Thank you :) I do have mixed feelings about it. I hate being this poorly so would much rather of had a healthy week & a normal loss but at the same time it's still 7 pounds gone so I'm not exactly unhappy about it ;)

No, and you shouldn't be unhappy. It may just mean a slower loss next week in which case it will all even out :) It's a shame you had to suffer for it though but nevermind eh! Well done you!

Come over and post on the WI thread. It should count :D A loss is a loss x
Well done Anna - every cloud has a silver lining (cliche alert!).

You might want to build up to your normal points gradually once you are feeling better.

Take care x
Well done Anna - every cloud has a silver lining (cliche alert!).

You might want to build up to your normal points gradually once you are feeling better.

Take care x

Thank you, I like a good cliche LOL :D

I am struggling with food so I'm going to just eat what I can for now, hopefully things will be more normal in a few days.
Sounds sensible. I am in the same boat - really struggling to eat atm and having to stick to bland foods.

Poor you x It's not much fun is it! :( I know my body is crying out for fuel but I have zero appetite but I'm forcing myself to eat something to try & help me feel less wobbily, it's still a lot less than I know I need but it is at least something.
No fun at all. I'm like you - eating something when I feel wobbly or I know I'm going to feel worse.

Yep, that's what I'm doing, there really is something horrid about eating when you REALLY don't feel like it but know you have to. I hope you are feeling better soon. I'm looking forward to having to worry about going over my points again because I've got the munchies! ;)
Wow Anna, that is a huge loss! I would say well done but I know you have been poorly! The only good thing about illness is that it does help the weightloss journey. Well done hun. You are doing so well.

I hope you feel better soon. xxx

I have just read this and realised it came across all wrong. I was not meaning your loss was not 'well done'. I simply did not want to make it sound like i was happy you have been ill. lol

Anyway, i think it is a fab loss. Well done!
I have just read this and realised it came across all wrong. I was not meaning your loss was not 'well done'. I simply did not want to make it sound like i was happy you have been ill. lol

Anyway, i think it is a fab loss. Well done!

It came accross just as you intended :) you have nothing to apologise for :) I knew just what you meant :D:D:D
congrats on your loss thats amazing Anna! :) shame you've spent most of the week ill though, i really hope you feel better soon :) xxx
It came accross just as you intended :) you have nothing to apologise for :) I knew just what you meant :D:D:D

Cool. :)

How is your toddler now?
Wow 7lbs? Quick give it to me! Give it to me!!! Hehe.

How are you feeling now? Better i hope xx
Cool. :)

How is your toddler now?

He's doing OK, just rather tired so sleeping a few extra hours a day but that's rather helpful with me ill as well. He is a happy little boy again though :)

Wow 7lbs? Quick give it to me! Give it to me!!! Hehe.

How are you feeling now? Better i hope xx

I'm still very weak & wobbily but am starting to feel a little human again. Trust me, the 7 pounds were not worth this, I wouldn't wish it on anyone :)
That's great Anna. Sounds like you are on the mend :)
Sorry youre still feeling so poorly, but 7lbs is great, just not the best way to do it. Look after yourself *HUGS*

Thank you :)

That's great Anna. Sounds like you are on the mend :)

I'm getting there. I've still not left the house as I am very weak & wobbily but I have been finding getting round inside easier, I no longer feel the need for a nap because I've climbed the stairs! :) I am sure being able to eat all my points has helped, I really needed the energy. Food is still fuel rather than something to be enjoyed but at least I can now eat it without feeling like I'm force feeding myself every mouthful :) I'll be glad to get back to normal. The flu really is horrid :sigh:
Glad your feeling better! Mustn't of been very nice for you! I would have liked the lack of appetite without the sickness mind!x
Glad your feeling better! Mustn't of been very nice for you! I would have liked the lack of appetite without the sickness mind!x

Thank you. I agree, the lack of appetite without the illness would be great :D

I've eaten all my points today but I've not made good food choices. I'm letting myself off today though as I'm still recovering from flu but will make sure I make better choices tomorrow ;)