Anna's WW journey

i agree at the mo you dont really need to worry about what you're eating, as long as it fits into your daily points! Just get yourself better - glad you are managing to eat more at least :)

and i realised you're only 0.5lbs away from 2 stone! :D how great is that?
i agree at the mo you dont really need to worry about what you're eating, as long as it fits into your daily points! Just get yourself better - glad you are managing to eat more at least :)

and i realised you're only 0.5lbs away from 2 stone! :D how great is that?

I know, so near & yet so far lol After loosing 7 pounds last week I'll be happy with a STS this week. I'm sure a big part of that weight loss was dehydration & because I was 'empty' rather than a real weight loss so will consider myself lucky if I STS rather than a gain. I have eaten all my points so far this week, I made up for the ones I was down on Monday.

I'm not exercising at all & have spent most of the week just sitting or in bed. I am going out this morning for the first time since I got flu. It will be good to get out although I'm still rather weak & wobbily so not sure how well I'll cope with it :rolleyes:
hopefully the fresh air will do you some good :) glad to hear you're managing to get out though - flu really is awful, all my family has had it and i've been really lucky to avoid it! Have you been taking vitamin C? It might help you to overcome the last legs of it - i take it whenever i'm ill and it always seems to help :) hope you're better soon and wish you best of luck for that 1/2lb for weigh in :)

if you do get it, you're going to have to extend your xmas target :D how cool is that?!
Whatever happens, good luck for Monday. I have a feeling you will be pleasently suprised :)
hopefully the fresh air will do you some good :) glad to hear you're managing to get out though - flu really is awful, all my family has had it and i've been really lucky to avoid it! Have you been taking vitamin C? It might help you to overcome the last legs of it - i take it whenever i'm ill and it always seems to help :) hope you're better soon and wish you best of luck for that 1/2lb for weigh in :)

if you do get it, you're going to have to extend your xmas target :D how cool is that?!

Thanks :) It was good to get out yesterday & whilst it did exhaust me it wasn't as bad as I'd expected.

I'm not sure about extending the Christmas target, I'm still 7.5 pounds away from it :rolleyes:
Whatever happens, good luck for Monday. I have a feeling you will be pleasently suprised :)

Thank you :D I got on the scales yesterday (I know, very naughty) and I have gained weight since I've been eating again so I'm still hoping I at least get a STS as I really am not expecting a loss.

I'm missing the exercise, I hope to start building that back up next week but very slowley/gently.
glad to hear your a bit better Anna, take it gently... Flu is really awful and knocks you for six!!! Don't worry about the sl gain... hopefully it will sort itself out by WI

Love Nas x
glad to hear your a bit better Anna, take it gently... Flu is really awful and knocks you for six!!! Don't worry about the sl gain... hopefully it will sort itself out by WI

Love Nas x

Thank you :) I'm feeling exhausted again today so have done very little. I guess it's going to take me longer than I'd like to really get over this.
Naughty girl!:whoopass: hehe! x

LOL I know, I wouldn't normally weight myself before the weigh in but I just knew I'd gained & felt it helpful knowing where I stood. Having said that I don't see it as a normal gain because it was just due to me eating again & getting more fluids in me. I'll still see a STS as a good thing on Monday as that will mean those 7 pounds I lost the week before really are gone forever :D
That's a good attitude to take hon - and 7lbs over 2 weeks is still a really good loss. I think I'll probably sts this week as well as I'm only just starting to eat again :(
good luck for when you weigh in x
That's a good attitude to take hon - and 7lbs over 2 weeks is still a really good loss. I think I'll probably sts this week as well as I'm only just starting to eat again :(

Thank you :) How is the eating going? are you finding that some foods still really don't agree with you? I had a really nasty sickness bug last year & it was quite a while before I could eat everything again.
Yep. I can't eat anything fatty at all (which is technically a good thing) and the only fruit I can manage at the moment is banana.

Had a yogurt today with no ill effects which is an improvement.

Going to do Core next week and try to eat three meals a day based around grains, veg and low fat protein and see how I go.
Yep. I can't eat anything fatty at all (which is technically a good thing) and the only fruit I can manage at the moment is banana.

Had a yogurt today with no ill effects which is an improvement.

Going to do Core next week and try to eat three meals a day based around grains, veg and low fat protein and see how I go.

That sounds similar to what I could eat at this point. Good luck with core, I hope it goes well :D
I've had a really enjoyable day. My toddler has been a little star & played quite happily with everyone else or on his own :)

I've just paid up for my next open university course. I took 2.5 years off as I knew I'd struggle to study & have a baby but that's one of the beauties of the OU, you can take a break.

I'm going to be studying Inclusive Education. After that it will be 3 consecutive religious studies course to complete my degree. I'm also going to take GCSE Science next September as I really want to go in to Primary teaching. I do have a science O level but that's years old so I thought it would look good if I updated it, it might help me in the long run as well. It's quite hard to get on a post graduate primary teaching course especially as I need to take a work based course so anything I can do to make my application look better will be worth it. I'm also thinking about GCSE French as I can't remember anything from school (20 years ago now) and I know that's another good one to have.

Hopefully all the studying as well as the children, volunteering at a primary school etc will mean I have no time to over eat so I'll carry on shrinking :D

I've kept to my points today, have kept a few back for a curly wurly & finger of fudge whilst watching the X Factor later :)
I bet you'd make a great primary school teacher. You will need to retake English and Maths at level 2 if your O Level or GSCEs are more than 4 years old. Apparently you can just take a one-hour exam for level two basic skills (one in numeracy and one in literacy) rather than redo the GCSEs themselves (OH did his teaching qualification last year so it's still in my head. He was a bit cross at having to do a numeracy exam as he has a degree in astrophysics (!)
I bet you'd make a great primary school teacher. You will need to retake English and Maths at level 2 if your O Level or GSCEs are more than 4 years old. Apparently you can just take a one-hour exam for level two basic skills (one in numeracy and one in literacy) rather than redo the GCSEs themselves (OH did his teaching qualification last year so it's still in my head. He was a bit cross at having to do a numeracy exam as he has a degree in astrophysics (!)

Thank you, I'd love teaching. I want to do lower primary, reception would be perfect :)

I knew I'd have to take a literacy & numeracy test as part of the application process, you sit them on the interview day with the provider I want to take the course with. That's fine, I know I'll pass them with flying colours & tests/exams have never stressed me out so it really doesn't phase me :) The rest of the interview process, that worries me though! lol I need to finish my degree first & get that science GCSE (I know it will be worth taking it even though I don't officially need it) so I'll worry about the interview nearer the time & worry I will :)
After being all positive about tomorrow's weigh in & feeling fine about a STS I've changed my mind! I'm now worried I'll still have put on weight even though I've stuck to it 100% due to a kick back from having flu & loosing so much last week. Even a STS I'll be disapointed with really as I'd love to lose 1/2 pound to make my 2 stone. So now feeling rather low & bothered by it all, daft I know, but true none the less :sigh: