Ann's photos from Italy


I STILL mean it!
Right, here goes then folks - some photos from my holiday in Italy. Public Album
Ann x
Wow! You're looking great.

What wonderful views too. Is that your dog? Looks like a loveable fella (the dog that is)...sure your DH is loveable too :D
WOW Ann!! What fantastic pictures!!

You've changed even since Birmingham - you are just stunning! I can never, ever imagine looking that good ... you are an inspiration to us all. :)
Thanks KD & Debbie. The dog belonged to the lady who owned our apartment in Italy. There were 4 of them living there. This one has had 18 puppies (not all at once!) and they have all been adopted by various members of the family. They are Newfoundlands. They were GORGEOUS!!!!
Ann x
You Look Years Younger!!!Italy looks beautiful!

Hi Ann,

My first impressions was OMG! You look so much younger, I would not know you from your first photo!!!

You look absolutely fantastic and well your green top and dress and the yellow one and the striped top:)

Italy looks beautiful and the photos are great as they are very well taken and you get a flavour....

Thanks I enjoyed that...

Love Mini xxx
Did you always have lots of holiday pics taken Ann - even before you lost weight (whether you were happy about it or not)?

Reason I ask is that when we went to New Zealand for 6 weeks, we took over 500 photos and I am in only 3 of them (not 300 ... 3 singular! :eek: ) I absolutely hated a camera being pointed at me and I cringe when I see ANY photos of me when I was bigger. I don't mind having my pic taken as much now I'm a lot thinner (even though I've got quite a way to go) and my guess is that I'll be champing at the bit to have loads of pics taken the next time I'm on holiday (Holland - Oct :) )
Your photos are absolutely great. And not only do you look much slimmer than when I saw you in Birmingham but you also look so much younger.
Irene xx
Thanks again everyone, (I'm blushing)
In answer to your question, Debbie. Absolutely NO, I very rarely would have my picture taken. I have one of my summer holiday last year & 1 (taken without me knowing) from Spain last year. I haven't got any taken that I felt comfortable with, for years and years. It was Michael who said - right, we're having some pictures of you this year - and I didn't mind. The one of the Armani jacket is work in progress! My life has changed, in oh so many ways. It leaves me with a steely determination to help other people who feel like I did, to change their lives around, and really LIVE again.
Ann xxx
PS for those of you who haven't seen them, my "before" photos are on
Public Album
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The difference is just STAGGERING!!! :eek:
STAGGERING is the word Debbie, I agree!!

Ann, thank you so much for uploading all your holiday piccys and then, your before piccys. It has truly made my night looking at them:D
Ann!!!!! WOW just a fleeting visit but I couldn't see these pics and not post!
You look stunning, and the happiness in your eyes is so heart warming. I am so pleased for you, if anyone deserves to reap the rewards of this diet it is you! Italy looks wonderful, but next to you it pales into insignifigance! You are a true star xx
Hi Ann, you look great and it looks as if you had a fab time.
Just been looking at both sets of pics Ann and I can't believe the difference. YOU LOOK AMAZING. Well done and thanks for posting them.