Anooother Diet >:(


Gold Member
Hi all :D

I could really do with your input here, I'm so sick of always battling my weight. I lost 8stone on Lipotrim in 2008 but regained alot back -oh the shame!!
I've done WW, Atkins, Baby Food, Celeb Slim-You name it!
But I always give up soon after. I've put my body through the ringer as I'm always looking for quick fixes. This time I want a realistic yet speedy aproach that I can stick to long term.
I think Dukan sounds healthy, realistic and I love the idea of different phases so it doesn't seems so long and grueling!

Can you please share your experiance of Dukan Diet with me, I really need the motivation!

Also, can you reeeally eat Muller Lights?? Mmmm!!

Hi Daisy and welcome to the forum,

Yes the toffee and vanilla Muller Lites are fine on this diet.

Having lost and regained more times my weight over the years than I care to count, I understand what you're saying absolutely. Speedy yet efficient.

With this diet, you really can by following it to the letter lose weight relatively quickly and totally painlessly because, after the first few days on Attack phase, you aren't particularly hungry... and because the foods you are allowed to eat freely (in Cruise phase = protein on PP days, protein + veg/salad on PV days, ) fill you up so quickly, there's no need to look elsewhere. Also, to be honest, the list of foods you are allowed to eat is pretty restricted compared to a "normal person's food intake" (but not to an ex-Lipotrimmer of course!), I find it easier when there is no leeway...

So, my advice would be to read all you can about the diet... (buy the book if you can). Be SURE it's for you because it is a commitment. Social occasions can be handled but need thinking about in advance as a blow out meal will put you back to square one... and each time it's harder to restart.

Then set yourself a start date. Before starting, work out your menus and shopping (and cupboards and social calendar!!), and post here regularly... whenever you're wavering, there'll be someone around to hopefully say the right thing at the right time!

Good luck!
How sucessful were you on Atkins? If you found it hard going, Dukan is in some ways harder(no cheese, less veg, less variety of meats).

Dont want to put you off, its certainly do-able and gives great results when sticking to it.

Right now its working for me and I will stick to it (odd alcohol lapse aside) but I'm not finding it easy.

Good luck.
I have found this diet much easier than Atkins if I am honest. I have a mental block about fat, from being on low fat diets for years, so I cant put full fat stuff in my mouth, its not even the taste its the thinking of the fat. So this diet is ideal. I also find that you get to figure out what works for you too along the way, how much of everything you can tolerate. Plus theres loads of new recipes to make and if you like cooking, its great to experiment with loads of herbs and spices.
Thanks for your great reply :)
Are you doing it yourself? How are you finding it?

I'm an all or nothing girl, If I have options I go overboard whereas with LT I can stick to having NO options. This isn 't very realistic for the real world though so I want to find something with ridget guidelines and this seems perfect!

Im finding this good as I can keep it to not too much choice so dont start trying to add bits , I find im not hungry and easy to do which for me is a first
hi there daisy ,jo,jaqy's and cathy say it has it is which is good ,i myself find this diet easy but the hardest bit for me was my recent hols all inclusive food cooked in the wrong way and a 10lb gain but being back home where im allowed to cooked the foods i want in a healthy way ive already dropped 6lb's from being home on monday im a happy bunny !!

so daisy good luck with the diet !!
Wow Jet that's great!! 6bls in a few days is amazing!
The website doesn't seem to be working is there anywhere I can see allowable foods for attack stage?
Wow Jet!!!!!!!!
Hi Daisy and welcome.....yes as many muller lite toffee and vanilla as you like or 2 x fruit ones per day!
Can i ask how was the baby food diet??????
I too did Atkins, loved it just wasnt losing much and at the end of month 5 was sick of fat!
Dukan is fantastic, you do need to be imaginitive and by lots and lots of spices and herbs (my kitchen is now full) but once you get into the swing of it and see the weight coming off its worth it!
i do think u should buy the book if ur able has jo said ,its a good read and also use this site its brill ,im a bit of a boring unadventurus dieter lol (big words for this time of the morning mmmmmmm) but it works for me !!

thanks daisy and vicks ,im very impressed with myself !!
Yeah I'll have to get the book, my cuboards are full to the brim of spices and herbs so yippie!
Ah the Baby Food diet was great but really embarressing whipping out baby food- I had had my wisdom teeth out so used this as an excuse. It was cheap and loads of varitey but again, really really unsocial!! I didn't stick to it for long, not cos it was hard, just cos I'm me! :mad:

This one is a little unsociable too - leastwise on PP (cos I begrudge paying for the salad/veg that I'm not going to eat!). Over here, they advise ordering a seafood platter, or a big steak, if going out on a PP day...
Lol and what does it taste like? and how much did you lose?
i lost about 7 pounds in a week, it tastes really nice!!
It was 60 cent a jar and I had about 9jars a day (you can have any up to 14) I just felt really silly cos the only reason it works is cos you are consuming so few calories.
I did learn that they make great low fat snaks and deserts though!
lol...i dont know if i could eat it.
me neither... and I thought I'd done most of the faddy diets going!