Any ideas on how to make soups

This is how I make my soup.

Add 200ml-250ml water to a ball-whisk shaker, add the soup powder, black pepper, and whatever else you are using to spice it. Shake until all mixed up, pour into a container and microwave for 2-3 minutes. Pour into a bowl and eat

I found using just water from the kettle didn't make it hot enough for long enough, and using a stick blender made the soup too frothy.
I haven't tried this with these soups as I only had 2 mushroom ones (that I liked) but something we used to do when I was on LL as make a thick paste of the soup powder with a bit of water and then put spoonfuls onto baking parchment and then put in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time until they spread and went crispy, they made kind of crisps. Or you could spread the whole lot instead of making separate little ones and it was like a poppadom. It's not as filling that way but it's something else to try anyway.
So glad I read this thread - been trying to find out if you could make the soups cold and heat them up! Was panicking a little as I was going to work armed with only a shaker and microwave. Phew!!
I think they advise only microwaving one pack a day as it breaks down the nutrients but if you're just going to do it for lunch at work that should be fine. Also technically I believe you're supposed to eat/drink them within 15 minutes of making them as the nutrients break down the longer you leave them too. At least that's the theory.
Yeah will only be the one meal and I work 3 on 3 of shifts so at least the other 3 days I can make them as they should be. Only other option if there is any down sides to doing it is just to take shakes to work. End of 2nd day now and definitely feeling the energy levels going down - just cleaned my bedroom and i could fall asleep after it :) cant wait til I feel more energetic!
Yeah I got the 4 week bumper pack soups shakes and bars. Having one of each a day. Unfortunately I work 12 hour shifts :( leave the house at 7am and get home at 9pm so breakfast lunch and dinner are in the office on my working days hehe
Oh wow, how do you do that? 12 hour shifts sound horrendous and I can understand how difficult it must be fitting the diet in to that.
They are long!! I've been off for the first three days of the diet so I think the coffee and water are definitely going to become my best friends when I go back tomorrow! Made the mistake of going to bed and watching master chef last night - my tummy was talking to the tv the whole way through! Out of curiosity - without using the ketostix how do you know when you've hit ketosis?
The usual symptoms of being in ketosis are bad breath, feeling cold, no longer feeling hungry, maybe a surge of energy and feeling a lot better, also your pee might smell.