Any restarters?4th time lucky,6days in no cheating ;-)

This is my 4th time trying to do the cd diet. This time around i haven't cheated at all,i have had a teaspoon of bouillon but nothing else bar the shakes. I feel really positive this time and have so far lost 8lb,weigh in monday.
Whenever i feel hungry i have a glass of water but i seem to be going for a pee every 20 mins!!!
Anyone else restarted this week??
I've re-started again this week. I broke the diet a few weeks ago to go on hol abroad and has taken a couple of weeks to regain my focus.
I'm on day 3 of a re-start and just taking one day at a time, with each day getting easier. I managed to last 28 days on SS prior to this. If I did it once I can do it again....
The problem i had was that i told everyone i was on a diet last time and i felt that i was doing it for them not me. Team that with others who were telling me that it was ok to cheat and eat blah blah blah i had no chance really ;-( I didn't realise that if you cheat you make yourself hungrier,hence no cheating this time. I have even fed my daughter(disabled) and not even licked the spoon haha. I think this time i am so determined to get 'thin' that i think i will do it.
Good luck to you too, we can do it ;-)
Absolutely we can do it! I'm the same with feeding my 8 month old - even his baby food looks tempting some days... but I will not even sniff it!

I find other people (even supposed friends) like to try and sabotage my diet,so I haven't even told people other than my partner and best friend that i'm doing CD as I know they will try to highlight any negative thoughts they have. When I reach my goal then I will confess to people how I did it...

Good luck to you too. :)