Anyone else frustrated when others cheat?

Kuromi Jenkins

Silver Member
My partner signed up and started last Fri so is on day 4. It started off well and the first few days went quite well despite us being out around food a lot.

However, he's already planning on having "a day off" this coming Sunday which would be his day 9. I've stayed 100% committed since starting 12 days ago even when he sat next to me eating and talking about food all the time during my first few days.
I'm actually quite annoyed by this as I feel I'm taking this seriously and he's not, so come Sunday instead of joining me in abstaining from beer and food when we go out with the family like I have for the last 2 weeks, he's going to eat and I'll be the only one going without again, sitting watching everyone else.

I understand it's his choice and I can't make him do this but I did think he was going to be a bit more supportive and on track doing it with me, especially being as I'm 8 days ahead of him so have been able to offer advice and support, on what to expect and try to keep him positive.

He insists that he doesn't eat all the rubbish he usually eats because he's bored but because he likes the taste of food. Don't we all?

I'm finding I'm becoming increasingly frustrated about him going on about it, as I'm going through it too but decided to just get on with it.

Has anyone else had this issue with their "diet buddy"?
um no. my OH and kids both eat and i have to cook their meals too. it doesnt worry me. basically its up to him id say. you will be the one who loses more more quickly probably but if he sticks with it the rest of the week thats something rather than giving up.

h x
My partner signed up and started last Fri so is on day 4. It started off well and the first few days went quite well despite us being out around food a lot.

However, he's already planning on having "a day off" this coming Sunday which would be his day 9. I've stayed 100% committed since starting 12 days ago even when he sat next to me eating and talking about food all the time during my first few days.
I'm actually quite annoyed by this as I feel I'm taking this seriously and he's not, so come Sunday instead of joining me in abstaining from beer and food when we go out with the family like I have for the last 2 weeks, he's going to eat and I'll be the only one going without again, sitting watching everyone else.

I understand it's his choice and I can't make him do this but I did think he was going to be a bit more supportive and on track doing it with me, especially being as I'm 8 days ahead of him so have been able to offer advice and support, on what to expect and try to keep him positive.

He insists that he doesn't eat all the rubbish he usually eats because he's bored but because he likes the taste of food. Don't we all?

I'm finding I'm becoming increasingly frustrated about him going on about it, as I'm going through it too but decided to just get on with it.

Has anyone else had this issue with their "diet buddy"?

No. I don't have a diet buddy. But if I did I'd be a bit disappointed.
yeadh. Not on Lipotrim, but myself and Mom were Weight Watcher's buddies - we don't live near each other so we'd go to different weekly meetings, but we'd text each other what we'd eaten during the day, and text each other our results after our weigh-ins.

She'd fall off the wagon a LOT, and I'd frequently text her saying I'd made some low fat salad thing, and I'd get a reply saying she was tired when she got home so she just ordered pizza. Or she'd text to say she was having coffee with a friend so she was skipping her WW meeting. It was so frustrating - not only did I feel like I'd been dumped by my buddy and was soldiering on alone with my low-fat toast while she tucked into pizza - but I was really worried about her health too, and the fact she was was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes last year and told to keep to a low carb, low sugar diet to bring her weight down and help control her symptoms...SO FRUSTRATING on both counts because it's their decision, you can't really intervene very much :-(

I guess if your partner doesn't listen to you, maybe gaining (or at least not losing as much as you!) will make him stick to it better? Wanting to eat because he likes the tatse of food is such an annoying argument! We all like the tatse of food god dammit that's why we're now on Lipotrim!
I'm going to be unpopular for saying this but it drives me mad when I read some of the posts on here, "oh day 1 I cheated, on and on day 2 on and on day 3, will I be in ketosis yet?"

I know we all can have slips... but some people just seem to be on a total slippery slope of their own choosing and then moan about it.

Just to be clear, I don't mean people who have 1-2 slips in a month, I mean the ones who slip every other day and moan how hard it is. Sorry but it just annoys me. This type of diet isn't easy for anyone!
Thanks guys, I expected aload of responses saying I shouldn't feel annoyed as it's his choice and just to get on with it, so it's nice to see others go through the same feelings when they encounter similar.

It started to really wind me up as I hate this whole "I can't do it" attitude some people adopt. This programme is pretty much all about will power and nothing else, as you've not got to worry about planning meals with a certain amount of fat, carbs, protein etc - they give us exactly what we need, yet when people can't even make it through a few days because they get "hungry" it's frustrating. I can't remember if it was Paul McKenna or Jason Vale or someone else who said that basically most of us have never experienced real hunger. Going without food for a few hours is not "starving". Going without food for weeks because you are in Ethiopia with nothing is starving. Yet the slightest twinge in our stomachs and some folk run straight to the fridge. Well I can assure you, whatever the problem the answer is not in there.
I realise that we are driven by a desire for food. Back in our hunter gatherer stage that was pretty much all we were concerned about - where our next meal was coming from. Yet in today's society when food is in abundance some of us still eat like we're concerned we won't be getting anything else for days after. It's like we're scared it's going to run out so greed makes us grab as much as we can just incase.

I also get that some of us are in a better mental place than others when doing this and so are more likely to succeed as will power is only as strong as the desire to change something, but it's frustrating when those who are trying really hard and being 100% get small losses or plateaued then others are constantly cheating. It makes me think am I the only one going without here.
It surely has to be the most frustrating thing when you have put all your effort into avoiding food, watching others around you eat, cooking for others and drinking all that water to ensure you follow the rules to the T, then you plateau. And then you read about people who ate and lost 5lbs! It really makes you feel like crap, but I'm determined and I'm not going to let other peoples experiences stop me! This diet has helped me so much so far and I'm not about to give up on it now.
This diet is all about headspace. You either have to be in a place where you're ready to tackle it; or you won't be able to do it at all. about 5 years ago, I did Lipotrim for 2 and a half weeks, and then again for a week about 4 months later; I was terrible and fell off the wagon every time because I wasn't in the right frame of mind.

So I think that if you say you're doing this thing, and an overweight friend decides, hey, this person can do it, I'mma do it too! ...they may not necessarily be ready for it. They're not in the proper headspace, or aren't mentally prepared. So they're gonna fail. I think.

and yea, natty, it's SO annoying when you're being great and you lose half a pound, and someone else is cheating left right and centre and lose 5lb. Hmph.

Cooking for others is hard for sure. I'm lucky in that I've only had to do it once. and I was making meat stew so I had to taste it to make sure it was cooked through - I put it in my mouth, chewed it around to make sure it wasn't raw etc, spat it out into the bin and instantly swished Listerine around my mouth before anything got swallowed - my housemate was like "What is happening to you right now??". Lol.
Haha, I did a family brunch rather than going out with them all and looking strange with a bottle of water while everyone else eats. I didn't have to taste anything but I think the beans were a little cold when served as I couldn't check!
It's amazing how much this diet does for you, not just weight loss but your frame of mind and habits when it comes to food.
I go out with the family every Sunday night to the pub and we usually have a platter of sandwiches between us, so I know how it feels to be the odd one out sitting with a glass of water while everyone else is eating and drinking.
yeadh, I don't want to tell anyone I'm doing this because they'll all tell me it's unhealthy and that I should just eat healthily etc, and I don't want to be patronised. But it's getting so hard to deflect people's questions - so tonight at the pub I had sparkling water and I told everyone there was gin in it. :p
I gave family members all the food out of my fridge, freezer & cupboards when I started this so ... when they come round now if they want something to eat or drink they know they have to bring their own !!! its great !!! Fridge is full of fizzy water and the freezer full ok ice-cubes ... that's it !!
The other half cleared up what was left in our fridge, so now it's mostly full of water and a few items with a long date, like cheese. I'm doing quite well to leave it alone as I had a thing for it right before I started LT. Oh and a big box of chocolate, which again I'm amazed I haven't craved. I think I'm content in peace of mind it's there should I ever want any and that's enough to make me not want it (if that makes sense).
A few years ago I went for a food sensitivity test and was told I should avoid yeast, sugar, and dairy - and whenever I avoid those foods, the weight does tend to fall off me! So I do it every now and again, so that's what I've told people I'm doing this time around, so it's believable.

A friend called over for coffee the other day and he rang me saying "I'm in Tesco! Is there ANY sort of biscuit or snack thing you can eat on your weird diet that I could bring?", and I said no :p.
I gave family members all the food out of my fridge, freezer & cupboards when I started this so ... when they come round now if they want something to eat or drink they know they have to bring their own !!! its great !!! Fridge is full of fizzy water and the freezer full ok ice-cubes ... that's it !!

Haha, it's the same at my house. They get annoyed when I can't even offer them a proper cup of tea because I have no milk!
I love it when people cheat on this diet. Sounds weird but it reminds me how well I've done not to cheat and come successfully through it.
Suppose that's one way of looking at it. I've been 100% from the start and I'm one of these people that thinks "well if can do it, then so can they" on pretty much most things, so I tend to be void of sympathy sometimes.

For the record the OH has not actually cheated as yet to my knowledge. He was planning to on Sunday but that went out the window, so he's still on track. I'm pleased as I really want him to succeed on this and loose some weight. I know it's not a nice thing to say but he was thin when we got together and his eating habits have become really bad so his weight has rocketed. He looks like he's 9 months pregnant as he has a tight bloated stomach al, the time and now also a double chin, plus his snoring was that bad I've started sleeping in another room.
And to make me dislike the cheaters even more... I cheated last week for the first time ever and gained 3lbs...

6 weeks on this bloody diet (exante) and I'm not sure I've lost THAT much (didn't weigh myself at the start).

I shoulda done LT and not cheated.
You might not feel like you've lost much but you probably have. I lost a stone and a half and still felt the same but my clothes are loose so something's changing even if I can't feel it yet.