Anyone embarrassed about having shakes at work?

carly taylor

Likes food too much!
I've done these kind of diets for awhil now, (mainly before I have to wear a bikini in holiday !)
Does anyone else get annoyed/embaressed with the constant nosiness of work colleagues?

I just tend to have the bars on lunch now as its not as obvious!
I get annoyed when people try and force their options onto you, it's like just mind your own business!
Your doing it for you and no one else so tell them to mind their own business x
Yes I found the shakes really difficult because of that so I just use the soups at work or sometimes poridge then no-one notices -but I slip it out the packet and the put the packet at bottom of the bin!
I must be really lucky to be in an office with a load of girls OBSESSED with their weight. I was considering not telling the girls in work that I was going to be doing this, then I figured that it might be better that they know. I did AAW8 before, and the girls were all very supportive then, and this time if no different.

Providing you don't mind answering all the random questions, it might actually be of benefit to you.

But anyway, I have my shake at breakfast time (which for me is around 10.30am), in a blender bottle, and so far no one has passed any comment.
I used to bring my shakes to work with me. If they asked I just said it was a protein shake. It's none of their business.
I might be used to people asking me about the stuff I eat though, I'm a vegetarian and I am always always always asked "why?"
It's very annoying lol.
I just answer the questions and get on, saying that there was much talk of my shaker being a great bingo wing exercise the other day.
lol a bingo wing shaker i love it!!

i dont get embarrased but i HATE explaining the diet to people and them judging you!!! and the same judgemental people coming up to you again a few weeks later asking how they can get the diet cus they see how much weight you lose!! lol
Amen to all the above, I definately didn't want to take shake/soup to work for the very same reason, nosy nosy people lol and sooo judgemental, oh u will put It all back on when u have finished the diet etc etc.... Yawn!! Got some Tesco ultra slim to take to work instead..... Sneaky peak on scales this morn and since sunday 6lbs down so into the 12's iam, chuffed to bits!

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