Anyone for tea?


Full Member
Hello folks, as I use the app on my phone I'm struggling with the search function ( I'm hopeless!) so please forgive me if there is a thread on this already ...

Does anyone drink a lot of tea or green tea and do they think it makes any difference to losses?

I drink green tea and find it stops me getting hungry so probably does help. Helps with water retention and bloating for me too!
We talked about this a bit in the thread below on bloating. It's pretty much all I drink and I totally recommend it. The more I read about green tea the more I drink it (and white tea but that's an acquired taste) and I love mint tea.

My favourites are Twinings Butter Mint (amazing stuff), Twinings Double Mint and Pukka Three Mint. The single peppermint are too thin and watery. I also have twinings green tea with mango and lychee and with apple and pear as I don't like it straight.

My husband has recently converted to green tea and has approx 4 cups a day. He goes to the gym a lot and reckons its helped muscle definition. He said the other day 'cut up from the butt up', I just rolled my eyes :eek:

Anything that adds fluid to your diet will help, green tea has caffeine which helps metabolism and has so many antioxidants it's almost sickening. Mint tea helps digestion and stops bloating and fluid retention.

Whats not to like!? ;)