Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Not great, I maintained but as I wasn't 100% all week I can't moan even though I am a little disappointed. But like I said I earlier I am happy with myself at the moment, so fingers crossed for a loss next week, if not as long as I don't go out of target I'm not going to get upset.
Not great, I maintained but as I wasn't 100% all week I can't moan even though I am a little disappointed. But like I said I earlier I am happy with myself at the moment, so fingers crossed for a loss next week, if not as long as I don't go out of target I'm not going to get upset.

well if its any help i think you are doing great. i honestly think your exercise is paying off for you. as Kim always says, the scales are only a number and when your feeling as good as you are now, that number doesn't matter. of course it doesn't help right now when you want the scales to go down but you must be seeing some non scale victories? what about the jeans your aunt gave you? were they not snug before?
you sound in a good place and well done x
Not great, I maintained but as I wasn't 100% all week I can't moan even though I am a little disappointed. But like I said I earlier I am happy with myself at the moment, so fingers crossed for a loss next week, if not as long as I don't go out of target I'm not going to get upset.

Well done on sts Donna you are doing really well and if your happy then thats all that matters I do think we get a bit hung up on the numbers.
You inspire us all keep smiling :)
How's your knitting going ?? x
Another 100% day woohoo feeling good :) !!!
well if its any help i think you are doing great. i honestly think your exercise is paying off for you. as Kim always says, the scales are only a number and when your feeling as good as you are now, that number doesn't matter. of course it doesn't help right now when you want the scales to go down but you must be seeing some non scale victories? what about the jeans your aunt gave you? were they not snug before?
you sound in a good place and well done x

I haven't tried them on since Christmas actually.... think I'll get them out in a few days :)
It's right though, silly getting caught up on a number, we should try concentrating on how we feel.

Well done on the maintain donna x

Thank you

Well done on sts Donna you are doing really well and if your happy then thats all that matters I do think we get a bit hung up on the numbers.
You inspire us all keep smiling :)
How's your knitting going ?? x

Awww thanks hun, I'm feeling pretty good not going to get hung up on the maintain and at least it wasn't a gain :)
knitting is going really well. I had to start again as messed up the last one making the stitches too tight, but as we've been watching a film I've been doing some and managed two rows of knit stitch, I know it doesn't sound like much but I'm proud :) Might try two rows of pearl next, or maybe do one more row of knit and then pearl (I know its silly I'm not even making anything lol) but once I've done that and cast of I might try and make a scarf or something (don't know how far the wool I have will stretch, but I def feel comfortable enough to go and buy some of my own now. I'm very slow at the moment, but its actually easier then I imagined, fiddly yes but I'm enjoying it.

Another 100% day woohoo feeling good :) !!!

well done, 100% days rock, its amazing how much better we feel on them
Just made sw quiche for my lunch.... Will report later on how it tastes not sure about cottage cheese cooked ;/)
Anyway look what a few days 100% does for you I'm up at 7 preparing a good lunch feels good :)

What's everyone else having for lunch ?
I love sw quiche. Hope you enjoy. I have some left over beetroot soup for today, I'm not impressed with it to be honest but waste not want not.
i am being lazy today and having low fat noodles. running out of ideas so need sit down do some serious planning. not been to loo in a good while so not feeling so good...still on plan so that is a good thing x
Well after being really pleased with how my first fast day went (I found it really easy) I had my 2nd one yesterday and it was so tough! The first one I was out the house most of the day whereas yesterday I was only working the morning so was home from 1pm and doing very little so lots of time to think about food :p never deprived myself of food before I always eat when I am hungry, or because its lunchtime or dinner time even if I am not that hungry!!

Typical yesterday we had snow and rain all day, today I need to wait in for a delivery of a new sofa bed and its gorgeous out :-( x
Well done on the STS Donna, as its always an achievement when you're so near to your target.

Great Ronnie on another 100% day.

How much fluid are you drinking Deb? Try & drink a bit more if you can. I was exactly the same when I followed the plan at the beginning, but it sorted itself out after a few weeks. Sounds backwards, but its because your body has an increase in fiber. If you are really struggling take some Senna or Slimatea
Well after being really pleased with how my first fast day went (I found it really easy) I had my 2nd one yesterday and it was so tough! The first one I was out the house most of the day whereas yesterday I was only working the morning so was home from 1pm and doing very little so lots of time to think about food :p never deprived myself of food before I always eat when I am hungry, or because its lunchtime or dinner time even if I am not that hungry!!

Typical yesterday we had snow and rain all day, today I need to wait in for a delivery of a new sofa bed and its gorgeous out :-( x

Sods law happens to me all the time!
You probably struggled food wise yesterday if you'd had a big meal out the day before, coz your body was still craving the food. Cant wait to see your first WI!
Well done on the STS Donna, as its always an achievement when you're so near to your target.

Great Ronnie on another 100% day.

How much fluid are you drinking Deb? Try & drink a bit more if you can. I was exactly the same when I followed the plan at the beginning, but it sorted itself out after a few weeks. Sounds backwards, but its because your body has an increase in fiber. If you are really struggling take some Senna or Slimatea

quite a lot but this happens a lot before star week? planning on slim a tea working.
feeling panicky guys...going to friends later who got in touch saying had made cup cakes. was i rude saying i wouldnt eat one? not sure if they were made for me or not but i said i would take for little one she said she has one for little one and OH argh..i dont want it. wish i had just waited til got there then said would keep for later...ugh
Just be honest with her & then take a couple for your family. Dont be pressured into having one to be nice, as you need to have that control & say no if you dont want one. You have done so well, it would be a shame to ruin it just for a cup cake!
I was in the same sort of predicament at my friends last week as she had bought a load of chinese food from M & S & I told her I didn't want any as had a roast dinner waiting for me at home before I went on a night shift. It was 3.30pm when she served it up, so couldn't eat chinese & then a roast!
Life is full of temptations, but its how you deal with them. You will be so proud of yourself if 'you just say no'!
Just be honest with her & then take a couple for your family. Dont be pressured into having one to be nice, as you need to have that control & say no if you dont want one. You have done so well, it would be a shame to ruin it just for a cup cake!
I was in the same sort of predicament at my friends last week as she had bought a load of chinese food from M & S & I told her I didn't want any as had a roast dinner waiting for me at home before I went on a night shift. It was 3.30pm when she served it up, so couldn't eat chinese & then a roast!
Life is full of temptations, but its how you deal with them. You will be so proud of yourself if 'you just say no'!

i know..i told her i had my food planned out but sounded bit offish. think i will say it looks good and that i will keep for after dinner. though i won't cos i have chewy delight planned using my healthy extra lol think its because she made them am feeling rude but i have been very careful with my syns due to fact i used a lot early on in week.
may have off plan night for valentine but its just dine for 2 from m&s..not sure of options yet but x
i know..i told her i had my food planned out but sounded bit offish. think i will say it looks good and that i will keep for after dinner. though i won't cos i have chewy delight planned using my healthy extra lol think its because she made them am feeling rude but i have been very careful with my syns due to fact i used a lot early on in week.
may have off plan night for valentine but its just dine for 2 from m&s..not sure of options yet but x

Just stay strong! The cupcake's not worth it & if she's a good friend she should understand.
Rather than going off plan, why not cook a lovely 3 course meal for you is romantic :p. I can give you some suggestions if you would like x
Just stay strong! The cupcake's not worth it & if she's a good friend she should understand.
Rather than going off plan, why not cook a lovely 3 course meal for you is romantic :p. I can give you some suggestions if you would like x

suggestions would be good. bear in mind i hate cooking and the little one kicking about while i concentrate doesn't help lol...the meal is for the 3 of us but i know your right so yes please.
looking to start exercising next week too. was going to do 4 weeks sw without exercise then introduce it to see difference but will see x