Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

I could be wrong, but I think Jo feels she's being picked on a little by the consultant, a couple of things have been said (from what I gathered anyway) and again could be wrong but I think Jo meant they were having a night where they all discussed the plan between themselves, if that's the case its not fair that she was singled out and told to shut up, which is unfair if she was singled out and also could have been put a lot nicer.

If I am wrong and it was a normal night then I do agree with you that you should be there to listen to your consultant, but also at the same time if she seems to have taken a dislike to Jo for no reason that's unfair, also shut up isn't a very nice way to ask someone to be quiet.

It's hard to say though as obviously we don't know what exactly happened.

That's exactly it. Last night it was party night and were having food and presenting couple of the year for our group. Everyone was chatting between each other eg. What recipes they had made for us all to taste n how many syns it was etc. we had also been asked to make our nominations for the couple in group.
If it was a normal night then I agree that we go there to listen & support each other but this was not a normal night n I think if we are not allowed to socialise and discuss the food people have brought in then what's the point in having the party night anyway.
To turn round n tell me to be quiet when lots of members were talking doesn't seem fair n I didn't appreciate the manner that it was said either. I certainly don't like the comment "are you capable of losing 2lb" I don't think capable was the right choice of words
That's exactly it. Last night it was party night and were having food and presenting couple of the year for our group. Everyone was chatting between each other eg. What recipes they had made for us all to taste n how many syns it was etc. we had also been asked to make our nominations for the couple in group.
If it was a normal night then I agree that we go there to listen & support each other but this was not a normal night n I think if we are not allowed to socialise and discuss the food people have brought in then what's the point in having the party night anyway.
To turn round n tell me to be quiet when lots of members were talking doesn't seem fair n I didn't appreciate the manner that it was said either. I certainly don't like the comment "are you capable of losing 2lb" I don't think capable was the right choice of words

Jo doesn't sound like a nice consultant to me I thought they were there to support not make you feel uncomfortable. glad I don't go to group and get all the support I need on here.
Lets hope she's in a better mood next week, maybe just have a quiet word and let her know she made you feel uncomfortable some times people don't realise how they come over to others, although you'd have thought she'd have been assessed before being allowed to be a consultant.
Good luck keep smiling :) xx
Another 100% day !!! Well I think that's a full 6 days nearly all week but Friday was my unplanned girls get together so I'm not that upset as it was a great night. Fingers crossed for a loss tomorrow morning although I've forgot what I weighed last time thinking it was 10.0 x
A lot of the members are all saying they are going to go to other groups locally cos there not getting anything from her. There saying that they get more from long term members but were not allowed to speak
Another 100% day !!! Well I think that's a full 6 days nearly all week but Friday was my unplanned girls get together so I'm not that upset as it was a great night. Fingers crossed for a loss tomorrow morning although I've forgot what I weighed last time thinking it was 10.0 x

Well done and good luck for weigh in :)
Another 100% day !!! Well I think that's a full 6 days nearly all week but Friday was my unplanned girls get together so I'm not that upset as it was a great night. Fingers crossed for a loss tomorrow morning although I've forgot what I weighed last time thinking it was 10.0 x

well done :) good luck tomorrow

Had a great run today, we did 4.86 miles in 48 minutes and that included going up and down a little hill twice, lots of people skipped that bit as it was dark, but as we were together we thought we would as its good for training, also apparently the half marathon I'm thinking of entering is quite hilly at the end so I need the practice in lol.

Right ladies, we were talking about getting a Chinese tomorrow night for Chinese new year... I don't mind getting a take-away as Chinese is easy to syn and loads of nice low syn options, (although I'd be tempted with kung po which is gorgeous but I think its 15 syns... which is allowed but I only think its never been confirmed, if I got something lower synned I could still have some chocolate or crisps later ;) ) but we have that Chinese 5 spice in, so I said I'd look for a nice Chinese recipe and we could make it at home, but I have no idea what to make. We don't have any noodles so would have to be rice and we don't have anything in like blackbean sauce ect. would prefer to not have to go to another shop (but I suppose we could do as it would still be cheaper then take-away) any idea's?
Yeh in finishing at 32 weeks because I have all my holidays for this year to use! It's flown by!

Due date is 2nd June. 16 weeks to go!

wow thats a long time off. could you not use holidays and start maternity leave later to ensure you had more money for longer plus off longer at the other end? unless you get good maternity that would be good. yes some photo would be nice x
Deb, 2.5 syns is only 50 calories, so I wouldn't worry about it !
Yes, I challenge you to the 3rd 100% week!
Good food choices by the way & ignore the scales tomorrow if they show a gain/sts as it will only be water retention with *week & next week will be a good loss x

those 2.5 became 9...not exactly sticking to plan. hopefully i wont be disheartened. its 4am and for second night in row little one woke me and now i cant sleep. granted come alarm time i will be in a deep sleep eeeek. tempted to weigh in but came to conclusion that would be obsessive ha ha
Another 100% day !!! Well I think that's a full 6 days nearly all week but Friday was my unplanned girls get together so I'm not that upset as it was a great night. Fingers crossed for a loss tomorrow morning although I've forgot what I weighed last time thinking it was 10.0 x

yay ronnie your doing great. good luck x
well done :) good luck tomorrow

Had a great run today, we did 4.86 miles in 48 minutes and that included going up and down a little hill twice, lots of people skipped that bit as it was dark, but as we were together we thought we would as its good for training, also apparently the half marathon I'm thinking of entering is quite hilly at the end so I need the practice in lol.

Right ladies, we were talking about getting a Chinese tomorrow night for Chinese new year... I don't mind getting a take-away as Chinese is easy to syn and loads of nice low syn options, (although I'd be tempted with kung po which is gorgeous but I think its 15 syns... which is allowed but I only think its never been confirmed, if I got something lower synned I could still have some chocolate or crisps later ;) ) but we have that Chinese 5 spice in, so I said I'd look for a nice Chinese recipe and we could make it at home, but I have no idea what to make. We don't have any noodles so would have to be rice and we don't have anything in like blackbean sauce ect. would prefer to not have to go to another shop (but I suppose we could do as it would still be cheaper then take-away) any idea's?

well done...sounds like you are doing great. sorry no ideas except chicken stir fry but that isn't Chinese take away like is it? interesting to see if anyone else has ideas x
What about using the 5 spice n making a chicken dish with little sauce. U could make something similar to chilli chicken. More like Thai but would mean no shopping.
There's some Chinese recipes on the website for Chinese? I know I got a recipe book with Chinese food in it with a sw mag last oct. do u have that?
warning: toilet talk!!...morning all. woke up knowing needed "to go" but wasn't happening. showed loss of later and trip toilet (sorry) and am taking the second reading of half pound off. i am taking this as it takes me to 8st 5.75lb...if i see the 5 am happy x
warning: toilet talk!!...morning all. woke up knowing needed "to go" but wasn't happening. showed loss of later and trip toilet (sorry) and am taking the second reading of half pound off. i am taking this as it takes me to 8st 5.75lb...if i see the 5 am happy x

Well done Deb !!! Take the second one :) always weigh after a toilet trip lol x
Wi 9.12 !!!! So loss of 2lb yippee !!!

Right I'm back to where I started after Christmas so no more 10's this year need to stay in the 9's and get the 12 down to a 3.....
Is the challenge on again Kim, Deb???
Wi 9.12 !!!! So loss of 2lb yippee !!!

Right I'm back to where I started after Christmas so no more 10's this year need to stay in the 9's and get the 12 down to a 3.....
Is the challenge on again Kim, Deb???

yay well done Ronnie - great loss!!! yes the challenge is still on - week 3 for me and cant believe i am still motivated :p
Thanks for the idea's ladies, but I found some recipes last night and he wasn't bothered, think he just fancies take-away. I'm thinking of going for Singapore Chow Mein as I haven't tried that before but its suppose to be nice and chow meins are quite low syns.

Just worried I'm not upping my running enough, but then again don't want to increase it too much, tomorrow I'm on the treadmill at my mums going to see how far I can run, aiming for 6 or 7 miles.... fingers crossed.

Hope everyone has a great day.
Thanks for the idea's ladies, but I found some recipes last night and he wasn't bothered, think he just fancies take-away. I'm thinking of going for Singapore Chow Mein as I haven't tried that before but its suppose to be nice and chow meins are quite low syns.

Just worried I'm not upping my running enough, but then again don't want to increase it too much, tomorrow I'm on the treadmill at my mums going to see how far I can run, aiming for 6 or 7 miles.... fingers crossed.

Hope everyone has a great day.

best to weigh the chow mein first. am sure it is something like 380g for 7 syns?
Yay, well done on the losses ladies & yes another 100% week again for you chicks please lol!

Some weeks I know Im not going to have a good WI even tho I've been 100% on plan & guess what I was right.....can you believe a 3lb gain hahahahaha!!!
I have to laugh at it, as I've been at this a long time & just have to ignore it or I'd go potty!
I could super analyse it & wander if its........ did I have too many syns I had 104, sat around too much this week as felt lazy, too many carbs as had mainly Green/EE days, didn't eat enough & calories too low, bunged up coz been on codeine, or its my b***** hormones & water retention lol! Probably a combo of all!
My friend has also cancelled her party for tomorrow as she isn't well, so all in all not a good start to the day as was really looking forward to it.
Never mind, life's too short to be stressing, so Im going to measure myself in a bit to see if the tape measure will be kind to me!
Just measured & I've lost another 7cm since I last measured 2 months ago & amazingly I've lost 73cm since Jan '12!!!!!
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