Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

twice today i have had that over ate feeling. really don't want to put on weight before the challenge ends..when does new one start? duh just realised it will start after my holiday x
Once everyone back from jolly hols, we can start a xmas one then x

Hey ladies sorry just been busy or feeling ill (just stupid horribly heavy TOTM bleh!) so not been good at catching up on here!

Have mostly been on track this week I think. Some galaxy counters and salted caramel ice cream may have featured but nothing to excess ;-)

Looks like the wee premature baby will be getting home soon maybe this weekend or start of next week. He was meant to be in until his due date at end of this month but is doing well :)

And my other nephew started school today wow can't believe he's that old already :-O Scottish school summer holidays start much earlier so they started back today.

Hope everyone is well xx
Really pleased to hear the premmie baby doing well, unbelievable really how well he's done. I've worked with babies and its amazing hiw resilient they are.
Im liking the sound of salted caramel icecream.....who makes that?
I had a blowout with a Billionaires Cheesecake on Sunday, so I'm doing some damage limitation now as well lol! x
Omg my OH has been to Cadbury world today to do some installations..... He has come back with a humongous box of all sorts cadburys, retail price probably around £35-£40 and he got it for £7!!! Going to need serious will power!!
Well what a disaster this week has been. I knew it was gonna be a bad week but I wasn't expecting 3lb on.......that's a lot for me. It's put me into shock of what the hell is gonna happen in Vegas for the next 2 weeks.

Not a great start of my holiday though, star week arrived today & I fly to Vegas Sunday so gonna be all bloated in my bikini
Oh dear Nikki, not good! The only thing you can do is either distribute the lot to all your family, or bag it up into low syn portions! Stay strong lol!

Some of your gain could be from *week Jo, dont worry about it, just go and have a good time on your holiday and start afresh when you get back
Yeah that's what I'm gonna do Kim. It was weird that before I got to group I said I bet I've put 3 on n was spot on lol
Just a quick update on how we're all doing......not long before its finished and we'll be onto the next one!

Started Monday June 10th

Jo (Wednesday ) - Start weight 9st 10lbs Goal weight 9st in 5 weeks
Wk 1: -0.5lb Wk 2: -0.5lb, Wk3: +2lbs, Wk 4: -1lb, Wk 5: -1lb, Wk 6: -2lbs, Wk 7: -0.5lbs, Wk 8: +1lb, Wk 9: -1.5lbs, Wk 10: +3lbs
Total weight loss: - 1lb
Weight: 9st 9lbs

Ronnie (Monthly) - Start weight 10st 3lbs Goal weight 9st 10lbs in 6 weeks
July: -2.25lbs, August:

Vicky (Saturday) - Start weight 10st 6lbs Goal weight 9st 11lbs in 8 weeks
Wk 1: +2.75lbs, Wk 2: -3.5lbs, Wk 3: -1lb, Wk 4: -1lb, Wk 5: -3lbs, Wk 6: No WI, Wk 7:-0.5lbs, Wk 8: sts
Total weight loss: - 6.25lbs
Weight: - 9st 13.75lbs

Laura (Friday) - Start weight 9st 4lbs Goal weight 9st in ? weeks
Wk1: -0.25lbs, Wk 2: -0.75lbs, Wk 3: +4lbs, Wk 4: -3.5lbs, Wk 5: sts, Wk 6: -0.5lbs, Wk 7: sts, Wk 8: -0.5lbs, Wk 9: sts, Wk 10:

Donna (Tuesday)- Start weight 9st 5lbs Goal weight 8st 12lbs in 9 weeks
Wk 1: +0.5lbs, Wk 2: +1lb, Wk 3: +0.5 (9st 7lbs), Wk 4: STS, Wk 5: No WI, Wk 6: +0.5lbs, Wk 7: No WI, Wk 8: +1.5lbs Wk 9 : No WI
Total weight loss: +2lbs
Weight: 9st 9lbs

Kim (Friday)- Start weight 8st 10lbs Goal weight 8st 6lbs in 11 weeks
Wk 1-4: +3.5lbs, Wk 5: -2.25lbs, Wk 6: +0.5lbs, Wk 7: -1.25lbs, Wk 8: -0.5lb, Wk 9: - 0.75lbs, Wk 10:

Deb (Friday) - Start weight 8st 10.25lbs Goal weight 8-8st 3lbs in 12 weeks
Wk 1: -2.5lbs Wk 2: -1.5lbs, Wk 3: -0.25lbs, Wk 4: -1.75lbs, Wk 5*: +2lbs, Wk 6: -2.75lbs, Wk 7: -0.25lbs, Wk 8: sts, Wk 9: -1.75lbs,
Wk 10:

Nikki (Wednesday) - Start weight 11st 12.5lbs Goal weight 10st in 13 weeks
Wk1: +1.25lbs, Wk 2: -1.25lbs, Wk 3: 0.5lbs, Wk 4: No WI, Wk 5: ?, Wk 6: ?, Wk 7:12st, Wk 8: -4.5lbs, Wk 9: -1lb, Wk 10: sts

Annie (Saturday) - Start weight 11st 2.5lbs Goal weight 9st in 16 weeks
Wk 1: -0.25lbs,Wk 2: -0.75lbs, Wk 3: ?, Wk 4: ?, Wk 5: ?, Wk 6: ?, Wk 7: ?, Wk 8: ?, Wk 9 :?, Wk 10:
When I look at the 1lb loss it just makes me realise how much dilly dallying I do with my weight when I got a fair bit off but put it back on

After the holiday in gonna give myself a severe talking to
i really really want to hit 10lb loss on week 10...that would be soo good. After the weekend and week i have had i doubt it but will try to not get hung up on it even though i know am going to be sad tomorrow eeeekkk chin up chin up chin up - it is what it is and all that but to lose 10lb in 10 weeks would be excellent for me.
Just been a complete sh*t week. Star week on saturday, hangover for the whole week (feels like it anyway) plus feeling sick, headache, cold sores, ONE run in a week - such a bad week. I am going to weigh in tomorrow then i have 3 more til holiday - i want to be under 8 stone for going away. Just so i have a bit of lee way
fingers crossed a miracle happens ladies haha
i really really want to hit 10lb loss on week 10...that would be soo good. After the weekend and week i have had i doubt it but will try to not get hung up on it even though i know am going to be sad tomorrow eeeekkk chin up chin up chin up - it is what it is and all that but to lose 10lb in 10 weeks would be excellent for me.
Just been a complete sh*t week. Star week on saturday, hangover for the whole week (feels like it anyway) plus feeling sick, headache, cold sores, ONE run in a week - such a bad week. I am going to weigh in tomorrow then i have 3 more til holiday - i want to be under 8 stone for going away. Just so i have a bit of lee way
fingers crossed a miracle happens ladies haha

Now then Deb......stop being so hard on yourself! From the symptoms you're describing you sound a bit run down to me, so I hope every is ok with you. I know it would be fabulous to see 10lb off in 10 weeks, but you've already beaten your target, so stop beating yourself up. You've had a crap week, just put it behind you and concentrate on getting below 8 stone for your holiday. The way you've been going there's no reason you cant achieve it :)
Now then Deb......stop being so hard on yourself! From the symptoms you're describing you sound a bit run down to me, so I hope every is ok with you. I know it would be fabulous to see 10lb off in 10 weeks, but you've already beaten your target, so stop beating yourself up. You've had a crap week, just put it behind you and concentrate on getting below 8 stone for your holiday. The way you've been going there's no reason you cant achieve it :)

I 2nd've done brilliant so get off your back and cut yourself some slack lol

When does the next challenge start Kim?
I get back from holiday 16th September so I'd lime to start my Xmas challenge from the 17th :) x
thank you ladies. your very wise and kind and i know your right. i don't know what's going on but i am now under target!!!
7st 13.75lb today. very happy yet no idea how it happened. i was 8st 1.25 last week. its been a rough week and maybe a fluke but am taking it and running with it. 10 weeks ago i was 8st 10.25 x
Kim what was WI result today? X
thank you ladies. your very wise and kind and i know your right. i don't know what's going on but i am now under target!!!
7st 13.75lb today. very happy yet no idea how it happened. i was 8st 1.25 last week. its been a rough week and maybe a fluke but am taking it and running with it. 10 weeks ago i was 8st 10.25 x

This is amazing hun!! Well done.

I'm stuck at 11st 8.5lb and can't seem to shift any more!
thank you ladies. your very wise and kind and i know your right. i don't know what's going on but i am now under target!!!
7st 13.75lb today. very happy yet no idea how it happened. i was 8st 1.25 last week. its been a rough week and maybe a fluke but am taking it and running with it. 10 weeks ago i was 8st 10.25 x

Whoop whoop whoop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D Yay, you're the first target on the Challenge and you've reached your own final last! Well done Deb, you should be really proud of yourself and whatever you did this week, do it again cos I know you want to be below 8 stone. With pleasure I will update the Challenge in big capital letters lol! X