Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

dont worry about it, you might be surprised. when is WI? juat get back on it today maybe dont use so many syns as you nornally would and hopefully you'll still see a loss. if not at least you know where its come from (sat night plus star week) and you know you can get a good loss next week.

whats done is done just try and remember it next week
Weigh in is on Tuesday.

Yea I was thinking that if I don't use any syns today maybe that will help.
Thanks. Hopefully ill have some sort of a loss :) x
Also, if its your first week, you might still be OK :) if you know star week is looming, you should be rewarded with a super big loss the following week - don't panic too much x

Donna, sorry to be a pain, how much extra lean mince can you have as a HEB on green? x
Thanks :) I've just made the half syn roulade for my after dinner desert. Omg it's amazing!!
Omg been at OHs parents for 6 hours and he still hasn't told them! My heart has been working overtime waiting for him to tell them! Just do it damn!!
Also, if its your first week, you might still be OK :) if you know star week is looming, you should be rewarded with a super big loss the following week - don't panic too much x

Donna, sorry to be a pain, how much extra lean mince can you have as a HEB on green? x

Not a pain at all, doesn't take two minutes to check and you reminded me I wanted to check some syns myself as well. its 95g raw weight

Omg been at OHs parents for 6 hours and he still hasn't told them! My heart has been working overtime waiting for him to tell them! Just do it damn!!

Aghhhh-why isn't he telling them? Is he nervous? My boyfriend only tends to hold back on saying things to his mum if he's worried how she'll react to it
donna88 said:
Not a pain at all, doesn't take two minutes to check and you reminded me I wanted to check some syns myself as well. its 95g raw weight

Aghhhh-why isn't he telling them? Is he nervous? My boyfriend only tends to hold back on saying things to his mum if he's worried how she'll react to it

I think that's why. I'm so mad for him not saying anything. I'm red hot, feeling really uncomfortable, tired and just want to get home. I feel so sick from him not mentioning anything. His mum has said so many things that were ideal opportunities for us to say something!

His mum sat there and an advert for Disney land came on tv and she said "ooo look we can take children under 12 free" she has no grandchildren or anything so why say it!!

She then was asking about why I'd been monitored so closely whilst ill.... He didn't say anything!

We then sat and watched dumbo and then his dad said "who'd have thought we would have been sat here watching dumbo"

Arrrrghhh just tell them!!!!
well done Annie - that is amazing!! gives me hope that if you keep at it then you will see results - woooohoooo
any joy yet Nikki? must be frustrating - once you know you are going to tell someone you just want to blurt it out!!

ladies need a word in my ear. Been doing good in the sense that i have been eating good, not having take away, havent been having junk etc etc BUT i feel myself getting to the stage where if its not "good" then i cant eat it. For example i have made homemade soup for lunch - normally when i have had soup come 2-3hrs later i am hungy again, get shaky etc and i am planning on gym after work so i bought an apple for this time but i wanted to have sandwich but we only have 50/50 bread as i wasnt planning on eating bread this week but in my head i should have nothing as opposed to having this bread - yes that is the sw way (in a way) but if i know am going to be hungy what do i do? i will be having cereal for breakfast - pinapple at morning break - soup for lunch - this should be ideal but if its not??
Instead of the bread should i just take some cold meat slices and some pickles? sorry for being anal but this always happens and am trying hard to get my head out this way of thinking - at the end of the day i am aiming to eat good and less and excercise but getting sidetracked eh?

apart from that still feeling good - looking forward to tomorrow at gym :D
Not a pain at all, doesn't take two minutes to check and you reminded me I wanted to check some syns myself as well. its 95g raw weight

Eeeek, it was 500g raw weight, divided into 4. Still close enough to be an HEB.. I haven't been measuring them this time around so that when my losses slow down I can then measure them properly and hopefully it will kickstart things again. Thanks for looking! I really do need to get a book of my own!

I think that's why. I'm so mad for him not saying anything. I'm red hot, feeling really uncomfortable, tired and just want to get home. I feel so sick from him not mentioning anything. His mum has said so many things that were ideal opportunities for us to say something!

His mum sat there and an advert for Disney land came on tv and she said "ooo look we can take children under 12 free" she has no grandchildren or anything so why say it!!

She then was asking about why I'd been monitored so closely whilst ill.... He didn't say anything!

We then sat and watched dumbo and then his dad said "who'd have thought we would have been sat here watching dumbo"

Arrrrghhh just tell them!!!!

Did he say anything in the end?

well done Annie - that is amazing!! gives me hope that if you keep at it then you will see results - woooohoooo

Thanks hun, I only had 6 days on plan this week, so looking forward to the results of a full week! I definitely think that weight training has made a difference as well xx
any joy yet Nikki? must be frustrating - once you know you are going to tell someone you just want to blurt it out!!

ladies need a word in my ear. Been doing good in the sense that i have been eating good, not having take away, havent been having junk etc etc BUT i feel myself getting to the stage where if its not "good" then i cant eat it. For example i have made homemade soup for lunch - normally when i have had soup come 2-3hrs later i am hungy again, get shaky etc and i am planning on gym after work so i bought an apple for this time but i wanted to have sandwich but we only have 50/50 bread as i wasnt planning on eating bread this week but in my head i should have nothing as opposed to having this bread - yes that is the sw way (in a way) but if i know am going to be hungy what do i do? i will be having cereal for breakfast - pinapple at morning break - soup for lunch - this should be ideal but if its not??
Instead of the bread should i just take some cold meat slices and some pickles? sorry for being anal but this always happens and am trying hard to get my head out this way of thinking - at the end of the day i am aiming to eat good and less and excercise but getting sidetracked eh?

apart from that still feeling good - looking forward to tomorrow at gym :D

In my view, a couple of slices of 50/50 for a homemade sandwich won't do any harm in the same way something shop bought might. It's not like you're nipping into McD for a cheeseburger. If it's the difference between that or not eating, I would say have a sandwich - making yourself ill won't do anyone any favours x
We got home at 7.30 and he decided to go all the way back as tell them!! It's a 20mile round trip!! His mum called me and said congratulations an said she knew already haha she could just tell!
Was that why they were making sneaky comments? Do you think they were trying to help him to tell them? Bless him...
I agree Deb, if you have nothing in that's free and your going to the gym (or even when your not) then 50/50 bread is a better option then a lot of others things. Although if I'm being honest, personally I'd go hungry, but I get too obsessed with it as I'm sure you've all noticed from time to time, so what I do probably isn't the best thing to follow. I hate it as I know what I'm doing is better then what I used to eat pre-slimming world, but as we've discussed before I really do need to relax with some things.

I thought it was odd that they were making certain comments Nikki, I wonder why he was so scared of telling them though. weird, but bless him at least he went back to tell them.
downtownsuzie said:
Was that why they were making sneaky comments? Do you think they were trying to help him to tell them? Bless him...

I think that was definitely what they were doing. It was 7 hours of pure torture!

So glad they all know though!
I think that was definitely what they were doing. It was 7 hours of pure torture!

So glad they all know though!

I bet its all a relief.

Can't decide on a meal plan for next week, fruit and yog for breakfast as I have loads to eat up, lunch I have no idea and thinking of a pasta bake or pasta something or other for tea. Plan is to go green but might do ee if it takes my fancy. I just can't decide on anything though, I'm terrible at the moment.
I'm having a green day today - I think I will be all week, to be honest!

Just realised that I can't go to the gym for the next two nights - mum over tonight and football/friends birthday tomorrow. Possibly a good thing as my body aches, but I hope it doesn't affect my loss!

Is it still 380g of chicken chow kein for 7 syns? I have a feeling we'll be getting chinese tonight (belated bday celebrations lol) at least I can factor it in this time!
Yeah that's what I count.

I'd love to have a green week but could never manage it, my mum always cooks for us on a Wednesday and very rarely does meat free things and my boyfriend always suggests meat things. I was thinking of a baked bean pasta bake for tea, but was also thinking of mushy pea curry for lunch, so that might be a bean overload. I could make more of that pumpkin soup for lunch or try roasting some of the pumpkin and having it with chickpea dhal... or I was going to try a new pasta recipe from the new mag but I would be putting a tin of chickpea's in there and we only have one tin but I saw something on the TV yesterday about lemon chicken and cous cous and they put chickpea's in that and I was thinking of trying that Thursday or Friday and don't know if we'll be going to home bargains before then to get more chickpea's.

Sorry for the little rant there, really boring I know but I'm thinking as I'm typing and trying to work out what to do. I only have one HEB left as I decided to have wheatabix for breakfast.

You should be fine without the gym as well, as long as you keep going after those two days. Not sure when I'm going to fit my crosstrainer in today as I'm meeting my sister for coffee (could really do without it to be honest as I've got to catch up on some ironing and housework as well as fitting in my workout)
Well sisters just text, nephew is poorly so that means I can go on the cross trainer after dropping little one off. Might even put the shred back on the DVD player if I feel up to it....
Thanks ladies. Ifeel better today and think I was just gettin myself in a twiddle. I was hungry last night which gave me sore head which led to the obsessing so I gave myself a shake and had a crunchie. To be honest I am going to do things that are not sw rules as such, like having wrong bread but until I think the scales aren't showing losses due to this I will continue. It keeps me going to be honest and at least I will know what change if I get stuck x
Gym tonight and looking forward to it. It's only cross trainer and tread mill I will be doing time wise but can't wait. My legs are sore today which must be from sat run ....have good day all