Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Not looking too great for my interview, a lady I know from slimming world also applied for the job and has an interview, not a big deal I know but she's already doing it part time. :( So I'd be very surprised if she doesn't get it, which to be honest I'll be happy for her if she does, but I really need the money and would have loved that particular job as well. Obviously still going to go to the interview and do my best, you never know they might want someone to then do the hours she does now, or at least if I've given a good interview hopefully they'll remember my name and face when something else comes up.

I have no idea how to prepare for an interview either and slightly worried that it'll be an all day thing with them wanting me at half 8. Which really makes me feel like I should be preparing
Oh and feeling really bloated today on WI day... so not a happy Donna at the moment.

Going to get on the crosstrainer straight after dropping little one off and then I'm walking down to asda and then possibly into town if I feel like it, so hopefully that will make me feel better. (Might leave town for tomorrow though depending on how I'm feeling)
Whoohoo I weighed this morning on my scales (me scales weigh the same as sw)
And I'm 5lb down :)
I just hope that it doesn't change too much before tonight at my meeting :(
donna88 said:
Not looking too great for my interview, a lady I know from slimming world also applied for the job and has an interview, not a big deal I know but she's already doing it part time. :( So I'd be very surprised if she doesn't get it, which to be honest I'll be happy for her if she does, but I really need the money and would have loved that particular job as well. Obviously still going to go to the interview and do my best, you never know they might want someone to then do the hours she does now, or at least if I've given a good interview hopefully they'll remember my name and face when something else comes up.

I have no idea how to prepare for an interview either and slightly worried that it'll be an all day thing with them wanting me at half 8. Which really makes me feel like I should be preparing

Is the job your going for full time? Is this other lady wanting to go full time? That's a shame you found out about this before interview but you shouldn't let it get to you. You never know the schools plans or any other vacancies. Still keep tryin x
honeypop said:
Whoohoo I weighed this morning on my scales (me scales weigh the same as sw)
And I'm 5lb down :)
I just hope that it doesn't change too much before tonight at my meeting :(

Excellent. That is amazing. I much prefer to weigh first thing as it gives a good reading x
Thank u. I'm so happy because I felt so full and non restricted during the week.
I'm thinking that I'm going to change my weigh in day to Wednesday morning at 10am after tonight? Do u think I can do that ok? It's a different consultant and venue
Yeah you can go to any class that suits you. Your best to stick to same day and time once you have changed but It's not drastic if you need change again. You must feel great, well done
Is the job your going for full time? Is this other lady wanting to go full time? That's a shame you found out about this before interview but you shouldn't let it get to you. You never know the schools plans or any other vacancies. Still keep tryin x

Yeah I'm not going to let it get to me, but she's part time and the position is full time.
Even if I don't get the job the interview will be good experience

Whoohoo I weighed this morning on my scales (me scales weigh the same as sw)
And I'm 5lb down :)
I just hope that it doesn't change too much before tonight at my meeting :(

Well done that's fab, even if it does change sounds like your def in for a good loss :)
Whoohoo I weighed this morning on my scales (me scales weigh the same as sw)
And I'm 5lb down :)
I just hope that it doesn't change too much before tonight at my meeting :(

You may see a change in your loss if your official WI is tonight, but dont be disheartened as it looks as tho you will still be on for a good loss in your first week x
I'm having such a bad day girls. Mum is having a hysterectomy today, but she's extrememly high risk as she had a kidney transplant 21 years ago. Even the slightest knock can have extreme consequences. I cried three times on the way to work and keep bursting into tears. She's now about to go to theatre.

I absolutely cannot control my eating today - comfort eating is all I know. I feel so out of control of the situation (mum) and I don't know what to do. She asked me to go with her and I had to say no as I couldn't afford the day off work and I feel so guilty. What if the worst happens and I'm not there?
I'm having such a bad day girls. Mum is having a hysterectomy today, but she's extrememly high risk as she had a kidney transplant 21 years ago. Even the slightest knock can have extreme consequences. I cried three times on the way to work and keep bursting into tears. She's now about to go to theatre.

I absolutely cannot control my eating today - comfort eating is all I know. I feel so out of control of the situation (mum) and I don't know what to do. She asked me to go with her and I had to say no as I couldn't afford the day odd work and I feel so guilty. What if the worst happens and I'm not there?

Oh I'm so sorry to hear :(

Try not to worry as worrying isn't going to do her any good. Can you keep ringing the hospital for updates on how she's doing?

Thinking of you both and sending you all my best wishes. I'm sure she'll be fine. Don't feel guilty about not taking the day off work, if you can't afford it then there's not really anything you could have done. What time do you finish? Just make sure your there when you've finished.
sorry to hear that annie - is it too far away for you to leave work and go now? what time is she due out?
She's in theatre now and for a "normal" patient the procedure takes about an hour. They're going through her caesarian scar (sorry if too much information), but they have to take extra care because of her kidneys. Thing is, because of where I work, its a 2 hour trip to the hospital she's at. If I go after work, the visiting times will be over. I can go tomorrow after my interview, but I feel terrible - as her daughter I should be there for her
I'd ring the hospital and see if you can go see her anyway, explain that you can't make visiting times and that you want to see her and she'll want to see you, you could also say you need to drop something off for her. Hopefully they'll let you slip through. I would say just turn up and hope they'll let you in but obviously if your travelling two hours you want to know you'll get to see her.
Annie, I know its easy for us to sit here & say don't worry, but you will, as you love your Mum. To put your mind at ease, they wouldn't have done the surgery if they felt she was at risk, but they will be aware of her condition, so will take all the necessary precautions. A hysterectomy is a fairly 'common' surgery & she will be up & about before you know it. If you ring & speak to her named Nurse & explain your situation, Im sure they will let you in to see her.
Its always worse for the person on the otherside, but your Mum will be in safe hands & once she's recovered from her anaesthetic, Im sure you will be able to speak to her on her mobile. Give the ward a ring & find out what time she's due back from theatre & try not to fret. Im sure your Mum also understands why you couldn't go with her, so try not to feel guilty. xx
Annie, sorry I hear your not there with your mum. Hope you get to see her very soon. It can't be nice for you, especially being so far away :-(

Big hugs Hun, let us know how she is later xxx

Just been on the phone to midwife, me chasing them again!!! So my appointment is the 8th November, ill be bang on 11 weeks! They won't do me a scan until after holiday because they have to do the downs test after I'm 11+2. Gutted.

Anyway, just wanted to know your opinions. Do you think it's worth me booking a scan for the Thursday night and paying £59 for it just to put my mind at ease whilst we are away? I know ideally I don't want to be spending money on one but I want the reassurance xx
Annie, sorry I hear your not there with your mum. Hope you get to see her very soon. It can't be nice for you, especially being so far away :-(

Big hugs Hun, let us know how she is later xxx

Just been on the phone to midwife, me chasing them again!!! So my appointment is the 8th November, ill be bang on 11 weeks! They won't do me a scan until after holiday because they have to do the downs test after I'm 11+2. Gutted.

Anyway, just wanted to know your opinions. Do you think it's worth me booking a scan for the Thursday night and paying £59 for it just to put my mind at ease whilst we are away? I know ideally I don't want to be spending money on one but I want the reassurance xx

You have to do whats best for you Nikki. If you are progressing along nicely with no worries with the pregnancy, you should have nothing to be concerned about & wait til you are due the scan. How come they are giving you a Nuchal they do this with everyone now, as I thought it was just for older mums? x
Revelation......I have just roasted a tin of chick peas in a tsp of olive oil, seasoning & paprika........gorgeous & very moorish! Next time, as there will be a next time when Im on a Green day, I'll sprinkle of some chili /cayenne powder.
I am wandering tho, as Im sure I read it on it a 'tweak'? I cant see why it would be as I could very easily eat a whole tin in a meal! Plus, they're bloomin' good for you! x
I think they do it for everyne now Kim...I didn't opt for any blood testing so can't be sure.

I think you should do it. I know I had ants in my pants waiting for my scan but mine wasn't til I was 14weeks. It is hard when your pregnant but have no actual physical proof if that makes sense?
kim63 said:
You have to do whats best for you Nikki. If you are progressing along nicely with no worries with the pregnancy, you should have nothing to be concerned about & wait til you are due the scan. How come they are giving you a Nuchal they do this with everyone now, as I thought it was just for older mums? x

Yeh they do it for everyone now. If your outside of 11+2 and 13+6 they can't do it. That's what's worrying me because ill be 13+4 when thy want to do the scan!

I think I'll be patient and wait until after holiday! Easier said than done though zx