Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

kim63 said:
We could have had a chat as I was up as well......working! Have a little lie down this afternoon & kick your boys out for a bit of peace!
Glad you're still on track as you're doing really well Debs & seem really motivated & focused. It certainly spurs us on losing a few pounds doesn't it?! X

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Awe the oh is working and I swear am chasing my tail today. Started a million things but not gettin anywhere and now rushing to get out.
Yes Kim I do like being focused tho am not happy as I had two bags skips and I know it was only cos of wine. It really doesn't agree with me not good
Awe the oh is working and I swear am chasing my tail today. Started a million things but not gettin anywhere and now rushing to get out.
Yes Kim I do like being focused tho am not happy as I had two bags skips and I know it was only cos of wine. It really doesn't agree with me not good

Skips are only 4 syns per packet, so it could have been worse! Thats why Im so glad Im giving the Devils Juice a miss for a few months, as its not necessarily the booze that is bad, its the munchies with it & the next day thats my downfall lol!
I've been alcohol free for 25 days now (not that Im counting lol!) & feel so much 'cleaner' for it.

Im being a devil tonight as Im having homemade gaucamole = 7 syns with my Fajitas & a Mars Bar = 13 syns = 20 Syns!!! I never have my full 105 for the week, so Im having a little treat with XFactor & a snuggle in front of the open fire ;).

My rings are a lot loser today & feeling quite slim *week is out the way, so fingers crossed for a decent WI next week. DH keeps saying Im 'tiny' & 'you dont need to lose any more', but he knows Im happy following SW, so that makes him happy lol! I do wander about my goal of 8 stone tho, that it might be too low, but I'll stick with it for the mo & see how I get on. Its all right for you younger chicks, but as you get that bit older, I dont think it looks too attractive as you can start to look scrawny! I'll know myself & Im sure DH will put his penith in lol!
kim63 said:
Skips are only 4 syns per packet, so it could have been worse! Thats why Im so glad Im giving the Devils Juice a miss for a few months, as its not necessarily the booze that is bad, its the munchies with it & the next day thats my downfall lol!
I've been alcohol free for 25 days now (not that Im counting lol!) & feel so much 'cleaner' for it.

Im being a devil tonight as Im having homemade gaucamole = 7 syns with my Fajitas & a Mars Bar = 13 syns = 20 Syns!!! I never have my full 105 for the week, so Im having a little treat with XFactor & a snuggle in front of the open fire ;).

My rings are a lot loser today & feeling quite slim *week is out the way, so fingers crossed for a decent WI next week. DH keeps saying Im 'tiny' & 'you dont need to lose any more', but he knows Im happy following SW, so that makes him happy lol! I do wander about my goal of 8 stone tho, that it might be too low, but I'll stick with it for the mo & see how I get on. Its all right for you younger chicks, but as you get that bit older, I dont think it looks too attractive as you can start to look scrawny! I'll know myself & Im sure DH will put his penith in lol!

Sounds good Kim, am too tired for the telly tonight like a burst couch. Your spot on with the devil juice and munchies. Today I could easily have eaten my body weight in junk but instead I had huge bowl home made soup and tonight I had massive plate pasta. Prob too much but hey ho. I didn't make your receipe tonight as wee one was waiting on his dinner and didn't want risk my first attempt and him bein hungry. We had pasta with just bacon, tomatoes and spring onion and phily mixed in. Third weekend without take away...oh is having smelly kebab. Am sorting my items for baby sale then I have a date with my bed.

I think you should see how you feel at 8st 7lb and try to maintain for while. Then if you still feel you need more off you could try but you will be lovely as you are x
Sounds good Kim, am too tired for the telly tonight like a burst couch. Your spot on with the devil juice and munchies. Today I could easily have eaten my body weight in junk but instead I had huge bowl home made soup and tonight I had massive plate pasta. Prob too much but hey ho. I didn't make your receipe tonight as wee one was waiting on his dinner and didn't want risk my first attempt and him bein hungry. We had pasta with just bacon, tomatoes and spring onion and phily mixed in. Third weekend without take away...oh is having smelly kebab. Am sorting my items for baby sale then I have a date with my bed.

I think you should see how you feel at 8st 7lb and try to maintain for while. Then if you still feel you need more off you could try but you will be lovely as you are x

Yep, I think you're right Deb, I will get to 8.7 & see how I feel as it will be hard enough to get there lol! Nothing is set in stone, I'll just take each pound as it comes!
Hope you enjoy your baby event x
I did enjoy my fajitas last night & I found some wholemeal tortillas at 40g each so had 3 of them to equal 2HexB's (60g wholemeal bread per HexB). Now, I dont know if they would be a HexB, but they were wholemeal! My reasoning behind it & it would probably be a bit of a 'tweak' is, if each HexB is approx 6 syns = 120 cals, the wraps were 109 calories each. So, calorie wise they were about the same, but it might just be the fiber content that might not equal a HexB! But, in the scheme of things, does it really matter as I had the same amount of calories as I would have had if I'd had 2 lots of bread on a Hexb! Goodness, I hope that makes sense lol!!!
Another thought then.......if each HE = approx 6 syns = 120 cals, 4 (hex's) x 6 syns = 480 calories = 24 syns + 15 daily syns = 39, if you didn't eat any Hex's for a day & had your 15 syns, you could eat 39 syns or 780 calories worth of chocolate!!!!!!!!! There's a thought for you all!!!!!!
If anyone else is reading this, it is not the SW way as your Hex's are there for calcium & fiber, so should not be done, its just the ramblings of a sleep deprived nurse lol!!! But in theory is true!!!
I did enjoy my fajitas last night & I found some wholemeal tortillas at 40g each so had 3 of them to equal 2HexB's (60g wholemeal bread per HexB). Now, I dont know if they would be a HexB, but they were wholemeal! My reasoning behind it & it would probably be a bit of a 'tweak' is, if each HexB is approx 6 syns = 120 cals, the wraps were 109 calories each. So, calorie wise they were about the same, but it might just be the fiber content that might not equal a HexB! But, in the scheme of things, does it really matter as I had the same amount of calories as I would have had if I'd had 2 lots of bread on a Hexb! Goodness, I hope that makes sense lol!!!
Another thought then.......if each HE = approx 6 syns = 120 cals, 4 (hex's) x 6 syns = 480 calories = 24 syns + 15 daily syns = 39, if you didn't eat any Hex's for a day & had your 15 syns, you could eat 39 syns or 780 calories worth of chocolate!!!!!!!!! There's a thought for you all!!!!!!
If anyone else is reading this, it is not the SW way as your Hex's are there for calcium & fiber, so should not be done, its just the ramblings of a sleep deprived nurse lol!!! But in theory is true!!!

I see what you mean I completely agree with you. It's not like you do it all the time and even if there's not LOADS of fibre theres some so its not like you've gone oh well the HEX are worth 6 syns so I'll have that in chocolate instead!

I went way off plan yesterday, shop bought houmous, loads of cake, loads of rocky road and loads of mulled wine! Ahh well, fingers crossed I can maintain again on Tuesday. If not its not the end of the world :)
I see what you mean I completely agree with you. It's not like you do it all the time and even if there's not LOADS of fibre theres some so its not like you've gone oh well the HEX are worth 6 syns so I'll have that in chocolate instead!

I went way off plan yesterday, shop bought houmous, loads of cake, loads of rocky road and loads of mulled wine! Ahh well, fingers crossed I can maintain again on Tuesday. If not its not the end of the world :)

No its not the end of the world & probably did you the world of good & its great to see you chillin' for a day with food!

Ref the fiber content of the wholemeal tortillas.......there is 6.4g fiber per 100g in the tortillas & 5.7g fiber per 100g in my wholemeal bread!
Well you should def be okay with the wholemeal wraps then, might look out for some myself actually. We normally do frajita mix with rice or chips and don't have any wraps, but it would be nice to have wraps as well.

Yeah I feel pretty good, might even still have my syn tomorrow and today... will see if I want them because at the moment I'm stuffed had to force myself to have an apple and yogurt for breakfast just so I ate something. Going out leafleting with my consultant in a bit so a bit of extra exercise today as well
Boooo :( I stepped on my scales this morning and I'm only showing a quarter of a lb loss :(
I didn't even drink at weekend and worked out every day (4 days) with my trainer :( I was expected at least a lb
Boooo :( I stepped on my scales this morning and I'm only showing a quarter of a lb loss :(
I didn't even drink at weekend and worked out every day (4 days) with my trainer :( I was expected at least a lb

Thats why you should never weigh yourself mid week! You will never get a true weight, as your were weight fluctuates daily & thats why its recommended you only weigh once a week....telling off over :whoopass:!!!

If you regularly exercise, you will tone & shrink with sometimes the scales not moving, but what is more important...being slimmer & getting into smaller clothes or seeing a lower number on the scales? I know what I would go for! Stop fretting & wait til WI day!!! xx
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Hi lovelys,

I've not been able to weigh in today. Last night we went to see Muse - they were absolutely amazing!!! As we got back so late, we ended up staying at OH's parents and I didn't want to weigh on their scales. It gives me a week to pull it back together though. Will continue with the gym this month, but not sure if it will make much difference as my diet won't be as strict as SW.

A bit of a confession to make - our budgets just aren't going to allow for SW this month. We have around £20.00 a week for shopping, including household items not just food. Once November is out of the way, things get so much easier for us moneywise. We'll be able to save £1000 between December and February as we're both getting second jobs as Christmas temps. Then, after February..... we are planning our wedding! We've already made some decisions, but we can't afford to get me a ring until March which is when we will go completely official, it's only immediate family and close friends that know at the moment. So, as Nikki is a closet Mummy, I am a closet bride - hehe! xoxo
PS: Mum is home now and doing well xx
Yay so happy for you Annie!!!

Weddings and babies coming up!!!

Glad your mums ok hunni :)
Congrats on the up coming wedding Annie!
Just try & make sensible choices & Im sure you will be able to stay on track even with a budget.
By the way Annie, if you're on a budget, Morissons are selling joints of pork shoulder half price. We got a joint yesterday for £3.50, removed all the fat & made a SW sweet & sour....its enough for 4 meals! Cut into chunks, stir fried on the hob & then put it in the oven for about an hour...very tender

Keep seeing an advert on the TV for Mini Magnums, Limoncello & Baileys flavour, so we've just popped out to Tesco & bought a packet & best of all they're only 160 calories.......8 syns each. DH has had the Limoncello one & he says its gorgeous! x
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Congrats on the up coming wedding Annie!
Just try & make sensible choices & Im sure you will be able to stay on track even with a budget.
By the way Annie, if you're on a budget, Morissons are selling joints of pork shoulder half price. We got a joint yesterday for £3.50, removed all the fat & made a SW sweet & sour....its enough for 4 meals! Cut into chunks, stir fried on the hob & then put it in the oven for about an hour...very tender

Keep seeing an advert on the TV for Mini Magnums, Limoncello & Baileys flavour, so we've just popped out to Tesco & bought a packet & best of all they're only 160 calories.......8 syns each. DH has had the Limoncello one & he says its gorgeous! x

ooo they sound yummy

Hi lovelys,

I've not been able to weigh in today. Last night we went to see Muse - they were absolutely amazing!!! As we got back so late, we ended up staying at OH's parents and I didn't want to weigh on their scales. It gives me a week to pull it back together though. Will continue with the gym this month, but not sure if it will make much difference as my diet won't be as strict as SW.

A bit of a confession to make - our budgets just aren't going to allow for SW this month. We have around £20.00 a week for shopping, including household items not just food. Once November is out of the way, things get so much easier for us moneywise. We'll be able to save £1000 between December and February as we're both getting second jobs as Christmas temps. Then, after February..... we are planning our wedding! We've already made some decisions, but we can't afford to get me a ring until March which is when we will go completely official, it's only immediate family and close friends that know at the moment. So, as Nikki is a closet Mummy, I am a closet bride - hehe! xoxo

Congratulations, bet you can't wait to go official in March. I know how you feel about money, our life will be so much easier if I get this LSA job. Hope they hurry up and advertise so I can get it all sent in and get started as soon as they'll have me (if they want me of course)

It is an exciting time for this thread with babies and weddings :)

I've just signed up to do a Santa's on the run thing, 4.4 miles dressed as Santa at Elvaston castle in Derby. I should be able to do it as my course finished a week or so before then so I should be running 30 minutes plus none stop by then and so far I've been running around 3 miles plus so the 4.4 miles should be do-able, it'll just be hot in the santa outfit. Set up a just giving page, so hopefully will make a bit of money, its for Rainbows childrens hospice.
Brilliant news annie. Bet your super excited!!

Good for you Donna the Santa run sounds great tho I would be wearing a light weight outfit lol

See Kim this is the tweaking I find myself doing tho last night I sort of wish I hadn't. Rather than have two slices bread I kept the cals for a ripple....bad or what!!!
Am not feeling bad about it as such, just that am going to up the ante on the treadmill tonight cos of it. God I have missed the gym. Going the three days am at work this week. So tired past few days that I need a buzz. Happy Monday ladies x
kim63 said:
Congrats on the up coming wedding Annie!
Just try & make sensible choices & Im sure you will be able to stay on track even with a budget.
By the way Annie, if you're on a budget, Morissons are selling joints of pork shoulder half price. We got a joint yesterday for £3.50, removed all the fat & made a SW sweet & sour....its enough for 4 meals! Cut into chunks, stir fried on the hob & then put it in the oven for about an hour...very tender

Keep seeing an advert on the TV for Mini Magnums, Limoncello & Baileys flavour, so we've just popped out to Tesco & bought a packet & best of all they're only 160 calories.......8 syns each. DH has had the Limoncello one & he says its gorgeous! x

Mmmm them magnums sound yummy!! I love a white choc one!

However.... Today is the first day I've awoke feeling like I'm gonna puke before I've left the bed. Yuck. X
they provide the suit so will have to make sure i wear lightweight clothes underneath. at least it will be a cold day being in December, dont know how people do the london marathon in costumes. ive got my first sponser :) they only ask you try to raise £20 but ive put £100 as a target, dont think ill make it but ill try my best. any i make ill be happy with though