Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Hey Annie

Good to see you back chick. Now you listen in lady, I wont no talk about being down about your weight/exercise etc, etc.....s*** happens & the last thing on your mind will be counting syns...your family life should always take priority to what goes in your mouth & if it means SW & jumping on the treadmill goes out the window for a few weeks, so be it. The main thing is, you know you feel so much happier in yourself when you have the focus of a healthy way of life & its recognising that & not going on that slippery slope of 'lard'!. So, yey to you for coming back.....were still here plodding on.

Im sorry to hear about the 'ex' thing & its still not resolved, as I know we've had lengthy chats on that subject matter......but at least its come to a head now & you can sort it out legally, its a shame its had to go that far, but at least he will be out of your life forever then, with no financial tie between the 2 of you.

So roll on Sunday, get planning your meals & you know once you start exercising again you will get that 'slimming' buzz again......and you know its the best feeling & you can take control again.......keep smiling Annie as it can only get better xx

Thanks honey :) I was blaming feeling tired on the clocks changing, but I really don't think that's the case! It's been over a week now and I'm still feeling it - haha! Me and OH have talked about going to the gym together tomorrow - I'll be honest, I'm petrified!

We have talked about it a lot and I can't wait to have him and his family out of my life for good! Found out today that he and his girlfriend missed a mortgage payment on the house that's still in my name - I was LIVID! He doesn't care, it's my credit score that gets bruised, not his! Anyway, here isn't the place for that. Not sure whether to start a daily diary as my blog sort of fell by the wayside a bit, but definitely hoping to post more :) x

Thanks for the welcome, Suzie :D

Eeek, it sounds like you've been having a majorly stressful time so it's really no wonder that SW has taken a back seat...sometimes life is just too complicated to worry about what the heck is on your plate.
Glad things seem to be picking themselves up a bit and that you want to start following the plan again :D

Completely know what you mean about feeling down and exercise being the last thing you want to do but when you get back to the gym you'll totally remember why you like it...I hate the idea of going, but really enjoy it when I get there. Makes you feel like you're making a real effort to get to where you want to.

Please, call me Annie :) Downtown Suzie is the name of a song by the Rolling Stones (who I love), but funnily enough heard that song for the first time on Sunday and thought it was rubbish! I've been using it as my email address and usernames since 2003!

I know once I get to the gym I will fall in love with it again - nothing beats that sense of accomplishment. But getting psyched up to that point is horrid, especially now that it's dark all the time! Not that I can use that as an excuse - it's been dark for months by the time that I'm able to get to the gym!

Awe missus sorry to hear all that. Hope your ok? I think it has been said a million times before but you need to be in the right head space to be able to focus on everything. Glad your mum is doing well
I think you now know your on The point of returning. Life has a **** way of throwing things in the air. You were doing amazing so you know you can do it..keep posting and we will be here if you need us. Huge hugs x

It definitely does! And I don't know what I'd do without you girls x Thanks for your kind words, I will be back with a vengence!

Must be the weather lol as I had the same problem today but with weights...I literally think lifting a tissue would have been an effort!
What speed do you guys (those of you who treadmill it) run at when trying to jog for a prolonged period? When I was doing couch to 5k today I was walking at 7km/h and then for the jogs I was putting it up to between 8.5 and 9.5km/h. Just interested to see what I should be working towards!

I was starting off at a brisk walk at Level 6 (I guess that's 6km/h?) and then stepping it up every minute and a half/2 minutes by a level and running at 9km/h for a bit. Only ever really run for up to 20 minutes at a time. I spend the rest of my time in the weights section :) Too much cardio can be counter productive - don't burn your muscle, build it! x

I cant believe Im just about to say this after all this time..............Im enjoying jumping on the scales daily!!!!!!! I always used to dread my WI day on a Friday as was always scared what I was going to see! Maybe thats where I've been going wrong all these years......dont be scared of the devil scales, as its quite empowering seeing what they say on a daily basis, even if it gives you absolutely know indication what WI day will say as your weight can fluctuate so dramatically!

I cannot BELIEVE that Kim'don't you dare step on those scales'63 is now a daily weigher! What happened while I was away?!?
Must be the weather lol as I had the same problem today but with weights...I literally think lifting a tissue would have been an effort!
What speed do you guys (those of you who treadmill it) run at when trying to jog for a prolonged period? When I was doing couch to 5k today I was walking at 7km/h and then for the jogs I was putting it up to between 8.5 and 9.5km/h. Just interested to see what I should be working towards!

Dont know too much about treadmills as I run outside, but I think with any running program, the key is to build up slowly & gradually increase the time you run & listen to your body. You'll be surprised how quickly you can improve & if you start to enjoy running you could always aim to do a road 5km, 10km, Half Marathon etc as that will spur you on. Thats how I used to train.....aim for a race! x
By May Jenna, you should be able to do a Half if you train :eek: x
My aim for next year is to do my first 100 miler cycling & run the Bournemouth Half (again)......bit hilly!

Annie.......its an experiment I decided to do this week & thats my excuse & Im sticking to it lol! x
On my to do list is a Marathon & I will do it one day! Do they run the Half along side the full marathon, as you could aim to do that!
Hope to do my 100 miler in under 7 hours, but time isn't so important, finishing will! I did a 60 miler last year & found it quite comfortable. Its always better to do it on an organised event as you have the support of your other cyclists/runners........come on girls lets get fit!
You could always post them on here for us all to see NJ2010, we would be interested to see them!

Have flagged this up to the Mods, as it seems a bit suspicious! I replied to him to see what he would say.......that reply has been deleted, so I wouldn't go onto his site girls

Edit......Mods have replied & it had been flagged up by lots of other on the MM site, so obviously a dodgy one, so dont go onto his site girls x
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I was thinking of doing a 5k next year :)

Experiment schmexperiment... The Kim I know would never scale hop!
Meant to say! Good luck to Donna and Charlene xo
Oooo Annie good to see you back ! Missed you Chica :) glad to see your trying to get back into the swing of things. Don't worry about the past few days you'll get your head back in it very soon I'm sure xxx

So I was sat at work thinking.... I might take a bikini shot on Friday morning for you all to see....

Reasons for this are as follows....

1. My aim had been to get to 9st by then but obviously went the by the by and so baring in mind recent circumstances I'm embracing the pregnancy body and (2.) want HONEST opinions about it.
3.Ill be over 11 weeks and so will be a bump update for you all.
Sounds good Nikki.
I reported them too, Kim...they'd posted on like 70 threads. Sorry, wasn't clear in my response, I meant the half marathon but I just assumed that most places do the half and full at the same time. Belfast does :) Would be fab to do it and a great way to raise cash for charity too! I feel so motivated at the minute, lets see how long this lasts.
If you set your mind & train Jenna there's no reason you wont be able to do it!

Look forward to the pics Nikki & see how Buba Nikki is doing x
Whoohoo! 2lb off so got my half a stone!!
Wow 7lbs in 3 weeks is mahoosive .....well done Charlene, keep it going. Is that you at 9.1 now? X

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Ano I didn't think I would loss so fast eating sooooo much compared to what I use to eat. And being small already and not having mug left to lose. I'm chuffed. Sw is deffo a way of life. I'm not even on a diet. Having a wee vodka and some malteasers now as a reward, within my syns of course.
Yes 9.1 :)
Jenna88 said:
Well done HP that's fab.

I'm actually freaking out about the possibility of a gain or STS this may tip me over the edge lol!

The nearer you get to target the harder it becomes so you have to mix things up a bit & fool the body. Looking at your diary you don't really eat a lot so your calorie intake may be a bit low, but who's to say you won't lose this week.....keep the faith! X

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Jenna I've realised that the days that I have bigger breakfast are the days I lose. Or weeks I lose. I use to have just natural yogurt and fruit. But I've switched it up with egg tomato n mushrooms and stuff. Like a fry. It keeping my fuller for longer and kicking my metabolism into gear.

I also drink slimatea. Every night and some morning. U get it in holland and Barrett for about £2.its like. Green tea It flushes u out.
Well done HP that is great (copying jenna with the HP haha) cant believe how much the scales are changing so much this week and you get a 2lb loss!! fabby dabby and enjoy your treat
Jenna I've realised that the days that I have bigger breakfast are the days I lose. Or weeks I lose. I use to have just natural yogurt and fruit. But I've switched it up with egg tomato n mushrooms and stuff. Like a fry. It keeping my fuller for longer and kicking my metabolism into gear.

I also drink slimatea. Every night and some morning. U get it in holland and Barrett for about £2.its like. Green tea It flushes u out.

oh i have heard of that but how much does it flush you out if you know what i mean? would hate to go to work and have an accident oopps/ What does it taste like? would it mess up your bodys natural ryhthmn? so many questions - do you always take it