Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Will have a look thanks ladies. I do have a pair but feel like they just spread the fat if that makes sense. Don't have spanx ones tho.

I read on the healthy extra section that Finn crisp original cracker bread was 6 for health this right?
Will have a look thanks ladies. I do have a pair but feel like they just spread the fat if that makes sense. Don't have spanx ones tho.

I read on the healthy extra section that Finn crisp original cracker bread was 6 for health this right?

I read that as well Deb, so might try & get some & try them as it will be a change from Ryvita
Yes I think so too. Like Ryvita but only sometimes. Fussy mare. What will you put on yours? Mmmm am hungry. No fruit or anything left til shopping tom. May eat my arm
debtin said:
Yes I think so too. Like Ryvita but only sometimes. Fussy mare. What will you put on yours? Mmmm am hungry. No fruit or anything left til shopping tom. May eat my arm

I use light phili mainly & top with ham & homemade sloe jelly

Sent from my GT-I9100 using MiniMins
Phily with ham and cherry tomatoes. Definately gettin some tom.
Sorry for the questions ladies but how many slices of ham or grams of cold meat from a pack? Not reformed or with added water on a green day?
Not sure about the cold meat from a pack, sorry.

I've come in from my run and I'm starving, just eaten a yogurt, 2 hifi lights, a kinder hippo, a plum and some melon and I still feel like eating. Know idea what though... might start on the pickled onions in a bit if I this feeling doesn't pass
Would u not be better making a meal to fill ur belly ??

Ugh I'm so annoyed Aunt Flo has just appeared. The week I finally get into the 8's. I hope she doesn't cause me to gain weight and bloat for weigh in
Would u not be better making a meal to fill ur belly ??

Ugh I'm so annoyed Aunt Flo has just appeared. The week I finally get into the 8's. I hope she doesn't cause me to gain weight and bloat for weigh in

Maybe but wouldn't know what to have, having a red day and already had tea :/

Hopefully your like me, whenever I have a visit my gain comes before rather then during or after, sort of wondering if I'll have one this weekend after my lb gain on Tuesday
I'm not familiar with green days so can't even help ya.

I'm not to sure how mine affects me. But I think last time it came I only gained weight before it showed. That was two months ago. Lol fingers crossed. I want a good loss this week. Cause I went out on and bought new dressy bottoms and top with the only money I had lol as a treat. But now hate to not even have a reason for that treat.

I'm sure u will have a loss. I seem to have ur head in it and with all ur exercising the weight is bound to start coming off. It took me 3 months for the weight to start coming off when I starting exercising
I'm not familiar with green days so can't even help ya.

I'm not to sure how mine affects me. But I think last time it came I only gained weight before it showed. That was two months ago. Lol fingers crossed. I want a good loss this week. Cause I went out on and bought new dressy bottoms and top with the only money I had lol as a treat. But now hate to not even have a reason for that treat.

I'm sure u will have a loss. I seem to have ur head in it and with all ur exercising the weight is bound to start coming off. It took me 3 months for the weight to start coming off when I starting exercising

That's good to know, as I started in September so its been about 2 months now and I felt like I should really be seeing losses by now, so good to know it took you longer as well. Although like I've said, trying not to worry too much as long as I stay in target.

I'm sure you'll be fine :) try not to worry about it and you do deserve a treat, you've done so well already if you have a gain because of Auntie flo that doesn't stop you deserving a treat.
Yea i didn't know what was going on. Was really disheartening. And then 5lbs just came off one week lol so stick at it. It will happen
Thanks :)

Gah our bodies are funny things aren't they, why can't they just do what we want them to.

I'm so tired tonight, glad we decided not to watch a film
Ano I was ready for bed at 9. Said I'd wait til 10 though . So tired
I'm still here up like an idiot even though I'm tired, going to go bed in a minute (at least I showered and got pj's on as soon as I was in from my run)

Can't decide on my plan tomorrow, well I know what meals I'm having but can't decide whether to make it red, success express or ee

breakfast will be fruit and yog, lunch stuffed pepper and cod, tea is going to be babybel burgers with veg if I stick with red, chips but loads of veg if I do success express or just chips and veg if I do EE... if I do red or SE I get an extra HEA and HEB which would be nice.... but SE scares me a little as I've never tried it before... hmm decisions (suppose I can decide tomorrow as at least lunch and breakfast are the same whichever plan I go for.
Morning ladies

Sorry not been posting this week :-( my life seems to be getting in the way all the time at the moment, had a really stressful week ( sorry not really wanting put it on a public forum ) but lets just say it's led to not being on plan 100%.
had my usual breakfasts and lunches but at home teas have been bad ( had chippy tea last night.. and chocolate oops). Anyway my week had also ended in me getting a cold so felling doubly crap :-( haven't been poorly for ages so its really annoying :-(. Haven't managed to do the shred either this week boo....:-(

I'm going to wi this morning cause I DO need to keep my weight under control, at least it's one thing I can control.

It was really good to read that you are all doing great and seeing a few 8's woohoo !!! Well done on being Miss Slinky Donna that's fantastic !!

Will post later after I've got up and wi
Sniffle sniffle....!!!!! X
Sunday: 10st 3lbs
Monday: 10st 1.5lbs
Tuesday: 10st 1.2lbs
Wednesday: 10st 1.6lbs
Thursday: 10st 1.2lbs
Friday: 10st 2.6lbs

Had a bad food day from about 3pm yesterday, oooops! Oh well, it's done now lol
Morning ladies

Sorry not been posting this week :-( my life seems to be getting in the way all the time at the moment, had a really stressful week ( sorry not really wanting put it on a public forum ) but lets just say it's led to not being on plan 100%.
had my usual breakfasts and lunches but at home teas have been bad ( had chippy tea last night.. and chocolate oops). Anyway my week had also ended in me getting a cold so felling doubly crap :-( haven't been poorly for ages so its really annoying :-(. Haven't managed to do the shred either this week boo....:-(

I'm going to wi this morning cause I DO need to keep my weight under control, at least it's one thing I can control.

It was really good to read that you are all doing great and seeing a few 8's woohoo !!! Well done on being Miss Slinky Donna that's fantastic !!

Will post later after I've got up and wi
Sniffle sniffle....!!!!! X

Sorry to hear things are a bit all over the place at the moment :( Well done for still weighing in though! I tried the Shred earlier on this week and hated it, lol

Good to see you again x
donna88 said:
I'm still here up like an idiot even though I'm tired, going to go bed in a minute (at least I showered and got pj's on as soon as I was in from my run)

Can't decide on my plan tomorrow, well I know what meals I'm having but can't decide whether to make it red, success express or ee

breakfast will be fruit and yog, lunch stuffed pepper and cod, tea is going to be babybel burgers with veg if I stick with red, chips but loads of veg if I do success express or just chips and veg if I do EE... if I do red or SE I get an extra HEA and HEB which would be nice.... but SE scares me a little as I've never tried it before... hmm decisions (suppose I can decide tomorrow as at least lunch and breakfast are the same whichever plan I go for.

I went straight to bed and instantly fell asleep. Great. I would just see how u feel today and whether or not u need the extra hex's

lynica said:
Morning ladies

Sorry not been posting this week :-( my life seems to be getting in the way all the time at the moment, had a really stressful week ( sorry not really wanting put it on a public forum ) but lets just say it's led to not being on plan 100%.
had my usual breakfasts and lunches but at home teas have been bad ( had chippy tea last night.. and chocolate oops). Anyway my week had also ended in me getting a cold so felling doubly crap :-( haven't been poorly for ages so its really annoying :-(. Haven't managed to do the shred either this week boo....:-(

I'm going to wi this morning cause I DO need to keep my weight under control, at least it's one thing I can control.

It was really good to read that you are all doing great and seeing a few 8's woohoo !!! Well done on being Miss Slinky Donna that's fantastic !!

Will post later after I've got up and wi
Sniffle sniffle....!!!!! X

Sorry uve had a bad week. Just get back on the wagon. And start fresh. Good luck!

downtownsuzie said:
Sunday: 10st 3lbs
Monday: 10st 1.5lbs
Tuesday: 10st 1.2lbs
Wednesday: 10st 1.6lbs
Thursday: 10st 1.2lbs
Friday: 10st 2.6lbs

Had a bad food day from about 3pm yesterday, oooops! Oh well, it's done now lol

We r only human. Hope u enjoyed it though lol
Morning ladies

Sorry not been posting this week :-( my life seems to be getting in the way all the time at the moment, had a really stressful week ( sorry not really wanting put it on a public forum ) but lets just say it's led to not being on plan 100%.
had my usual breakfasts and lunches but at home teas have been bad ( had chippy tea last night.. and chocolate oops). Anyway my week had also ended in me getting a cold so felling doubly crap :-( haven't been poorly for ages so its really annoying :-(. Haven't managed to do the shred either this week boo....:-(

I'm going to wi this morning cause I DO need to keep my weight under control, at least it's one thing I can control.

It was really good to read that you are all doing great and seeing a few 8's woohoo !!! Well done on being Miss Slinky Donna that's fantastic !!

Will post later after I've got up and wi
Sniffle sniffle....!!!!! X

Sorry to hear your having a stressful time, hope things sort themselves out soon *hugs* well done on getting to WI and for deciding to take control, it is hard when we're having a hard time so your taking a huge step. Don't worry too much about what you've eaten this week, we all know how hard it is to stay on track when we have things going on in our life.

Still unsure what plan I'm doing today,
Tue: 9.0
Wed: 9.0
Thurs:8.13(1/2) WHOOHOO!!!!!!

Ugh I dunno how I feel today. I'm aching everywhere. I think it's delayed muscle ache from the insanity from wed. Plus Aunt Flo as arrived making me feel like double crap. I'm meant to be at a circuits class for half 9. But dunno if I have the energy to get get me and the little one ready for 9 and out in cold. Really dunno what to do. Didn't workout yesterday either because I just didn't have a spare hour in the day so feeling a bit exhausted from yesterday. Someone please make up my mind for me plewseeeeeee!!!