Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

got my dress back - not sure if its me, the lightening or the dress but not happy chappy with it/me. Not even sure if when my hair/tan etc is done i will feel better


  • North Lanarkshire-20121121-00562.jpg
    North Lanarkshire-20121121-00562.jpg
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I think you look great, when is it for again? I'm sure you'll feel better when your ready make-up/tan/hair wise.

I really like it though :) sorry you don't feel the same, its horrible when your not happy with an outfit
I think you look great, when is it for again? I'm sure you'll feel better when your ready make-up/tan/hair wise.

I really like it though :) sorry you don't feel the same, its horrible when your not happy with an outfit

i am in a mood wiht myself and i am sure hte colour isnt as dull as this in real life - just thought in my head that i would look slimmer - not all pear shape. makes me jsut want to scream that i try all the time and i still hate the way i loook
debtin said:
got my dress back - not sure if its me, the lightening or the dress but not happy chappy with it/me. Not even sure if when my hair/tan etc is done i will feel better

Omg I love it!! U look amazing!! Xx
Hi I have always been 9.2 stone for as long as I remember. Recently due to health issues (brain tumour) and giving up smoking I have put on about a stone in weight and I really want to lose it to feel normal again. Id love to get to 9.1 or into the late 8's. I joined SW 2 weeks ago and in that time I put on 1 and 1/2 in the first week and lost 1 pound this week. I must be doing something wrong as I was expecting a bigger loss by now. This is how a typical day would go for me - Breakfast: I may have 2 eggs and 2 bacon or 2 slices of Brown bread, Lunch: Maybe a salad or syn free curry and boiled rice, Dinner: Fish/Chicken with veg, Snacks throughout the day would be fruit or beetroot. I would also have about 6 cups of tea a day with a small drop of skimmed milk in each. Am I doing this diet totally wrong ? I am doing Extra Easy and I also work out 5 days a week for an hour each time. I just dont know what I am doing wrong. Any help would be great, thanks
sandy` said:
Hi I have always been 9.2 stone for as long as I remember. Recently due to health issues (brain tumour) and giving up smoking I have put on about a stone in weight and I really want to lose it to feel normal again. Id love to get to 9.1 or into the late 8's. I joined SW 2 weeks ago and in that time I put on 1 and 1/2 in the first week and lost 1 pound this week. I must be doing something wrong as I was expecting a bigger loss by now. This is how a typical day would go for me - Breakfast: I may have 2 eggs and 2 bacon or 2 slices of Brown bread, Lunch: Maybe a salad or syn free curry and boiled rice, Dinner: Fish/Chicken with veg, Snacks throughout the day would be fruit or beetroot. I would also have about 6 cups of tea a day with a small drop of skimmed milk in each. Am I doing this diet totally wrong ? I am doing Extra Easy and I also work out 5 days a week for an hour each time. I just dont know what I am doing wrong. Any help would be great, thanks

So sorry you have had such a rubbish time lately...well done on the cigs too. Have you just started to excercise? Some folk say they put weight on the first few weeks of starting. I know with ee your meant to have 1/3 superfree with every meal, are You doing that? Do you drink water/plenty fluid?
I am not the best on here to give advice about ee but I know others suggest a varied diet, snack on superfree, drink more, count but use your syns and healthy extras
How tall are You?
Hope your keeping good now and good to have you here x
Hi I have always been 9.2 stone for as long as I remember. Recently due to health issues (brain tumour) and giving up smoking I have put on about a stone in weight and I really want to lose it to feel normal again. Id love to get to 9.1 or into the late 8's. I joined SW 2 weeks ago and in that time I put on 1 and 1/2 in the first week and lost 1 pound this week. I must be doing something wrong as I was expecting a bigger loss by now. This is how a typical day would go for me - Breakfast: I may have 2 eggs and 2 bacon or 2 slices of Brown bread, Lunch: Maybe a salad or syn free curry and boiled rice, Dinner: Fish/Chicken with veg, Snacks throughout the day would be fruit or beetroot. I would also have about 6 cups of tea a day with a small drop of skimmed milk in each. Am I doing this diet totally wrong ? I am doing Extra Easy and I also work out 5 days a week for an hour each time. I just dont know what I am doing wrong. Any help would be great, thanks

I'd suggest maybe trying drinking more water or sugar free squash, as tea is filled with caffeine which can cause water retention. Are you having your full HEA and HEB as well as your syns, you said about a drop of milk in each drink, but that wouldn't make up your full allowance and as silly as it sounds sometimes not eating them can also stop you loosing weight.
If your exercising you need your syns and you need plenty of water... I think Deb has given some fab advice :)
Thanks HP tho I have now taken photo off I hated it.
Can someone send me a shovel so that I can dig my way out my self pity hole...not doing so good..self pity, loathing and being miffed for thinking I looked better than I actually do. I need to get over myself, clear my head, forget about the crisps I ate in a rage and either accept my shape...which I never will...or keep going!!!
Thanks HP tho I have now taken photo off I hated it.
Can someone send me a shovel so that I can dig my way out my self pity hole...not doing so good..self pity, loathing and being miffed for thinking I looked better than I actually do. I need to get over myself, clear my head, forget about the crisps I ate in a rage and either accept my shape...which I never will...or keep going!!!

Well you look fab in that dress no matter what you say, but if your not happy with it then it doesn't matter how many of us say it your not going to think it.
Forget the crisps and just move on, do you have a plan for the next few days?
Hey thanks for your replies. I am just about 5 '3 in height. I am probably not always eating 1/3 sf with all my meals and I am defo not using my syn's up each day or even close. I am nearly afraid to use any. I thought it would benefit me but obviously on reading different advise on here that is not the case. I drink about 1 litre of water per day and before my operation I was working out daily and in better shape than ever but it all went belly up after the op as I was on steroids and they made me balloon out :( Any idea where I can have a read of other peoples food diaries ? Thanks so much for your help
You need a severe wrist slapping Deb!!
I'm not one to mince my words & would rather be honest with someone if they ask an look stunning in our dress! You have a gorgeous curvy shape which a lot of girls would kill for!
Unfortunately, your head needs to realise that. You are the shape that You are so make the best of it

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Sandy as the girls have said.....drink at least 2 litres of fluid, eat 5-15 syns, sf with all meals, have your hex,s, measure & don't estimate things like your milk & most of all just chill & trust the plan.
You could always try some red or green days

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Ok thanks for the advise. I am not really sure what green and red days are ? Also does anyone know if its true that the lighter you are the harder it is to lose weight ? I have been told this but im not sure if it is true ? Thanks
Ok thanks for the advise. I am not really sure what green and red days are ? Also does anyone know if its true that the lighter you are the harder it is to lose weight ? I have been told this but im not sure if it is true ? Thanks

There are lots of threads on here about Red & Green days or check in your book which is probably the best way to learn about them.
Yes, it can get more difficult the nearer you are to target to lose the weight. Thats why you sometimes have to cut down on your portion size as you dont require so many calories. But if you're exercising, you should be getting a deficit
Welcome to all of the new faces :)

Sorry Sandy, I'm probably not the best person to ask for advice - I struggle myself much of the time!

Had an interesting week... Taken the first steps with sorting things out with my ex (not sure he will see it that way lol); got my * week, although it will probably last 3 weeks - joy! Does explain the way I've felt over the last week though. Expecting a gain now :(

Best of all though... Can't remember whether I told you or not, but I had an interview on Monday and I got the job! Finally! Its only taken 2 years, but I can now finally get back on track with my career. Its only part time for now, but my days will go up in a few months so I'll still be at my current job 2 days a week.

My eating has been a bit sporadic, sometimes SW, sometimes just whatever, but I can't seem to give up the chocolate *sigh* at least there won't be a red box at my new job! Don't understand how I gave up smoking just like that, but food has such a hold on me - I feel like a junkie sometimes! Its all I can think about til I get my next Crunchie - loooooool! Still been going to the gym though. Even if my body fat isn't going, I am definitely so much fitter and it feels good :)

Hope you're all well x
Oh! Forgot to mention - my new job is right next to my gym! Have to walk past it to get home! NO EXCUSES! And no more rushing around like a loon after work to get there at a decent time!
Brilliant news Annie! Is it in childcare?
No excuses now then about getting your butt to the gym!
I'm sure you'll get your mojo back for SW when things have settled with the ex but at least you're still gyming it.......just think of Rome!

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