Anyone recommend any good apps for dieting?


Full Member
I'm wondering if there's an app out there to help me track my water consumption, or if there are any specifically for the Cambridge Diet? I like to distract myself by tracking..!!

Thanks ladies & gents :)
I have an iPhone and I've got one called water logged.. I rely on it now! :) x

- sent from my iPhone. "No one said it would be easy, they just said it'd be worth it.."
I use one for tracking my weight and bmi! It's called target weight! You put in ur height weight etc and everytime u loose u adjust it and it's adjusts bmi etc and puts on a graph!! I love pushing the loss button :)))

Total loss so far- 35lbs
Fab - will download them both.. I'm guessing you both know there's a Minimins app?

Thanks girls
