anyone work shifts, or nights


Full Member
Anyone work night shifts?

What are your coping mechanisms for trying to lose weight whilst working shifts?

Is there a secret formula that you do in order to keep away from the biscuits?
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I work two night shifts a week (9pm-7am). I think I just use will power not to head for the vending machines at break and lunch times. It also helps that I do not take any money in with me therefore cannot buy anything. I take low cal snacks with me such as snack a jacks and sugar free jelly. For lunch I have porridge. Lunch is at 3am so I kinda count it as my breakfast as I don't tend to eat when I get home I just go to bed.
I think it just takes forward planning. It is so much more difficult to stick to a diet (I think) when working nights as in the middle of the night my body craves two things: firstly sleep and if it can't have that it wants food!!!
Yes, I do day (7am-7pm) and night (7pm-7am) shifts (on an 8 wk rolling rota).
The most I do in a row is 4 nights (Fri-Mon.....this coming weekend if I'm not still poorly).

Biscuits aren't a problem but we are out and about all night - 24hr supermarkets, fast food places etc tactics....

- I rarely have any money on me
- I take fruit (usually a banana) to have around 10pm ish
- I normally take a mug shot to have during break time (anywhere from 11.30pm - 2am)
- I take other 'healthy' things (usually more fruit) in case I get peckish
- I have a supply of Hi-Fi bars in my locker so if I get a craving for something sweet I can have one of those rather than a chocolate bar from the vending machine
- Also have a tub of hot choc powder ready to combat chocolate cravings!

The problem I have is the day times when I'm sleeping.....I normally have breakfast (cereal) when I get home, then head to bed. When I wake up (anytime between 12pm - 4pm) I'm hungry, so have to make sure there is something easy to make in the house!