Oh let us have a picture would love to see what they look like.

Take care
Hooray for Friday!

So I have banned my boyfriend from eating anything unhealthy round my flat this weekend as I always cave!!!! He is very supportive but he too has to eat I guess so Ive told him if he wants to eat junk he can do it anywhere but my flat! I am determined to have a good weekend with no alcohol and sticking to the 2 shakes 1 meal plan and I have plenty of fruit to have as snacks! I also plan to hit the ppol and go for a run so fingers crossed come weigh day I should have a positive result! Its a sorry state of affairs when you have to ban junk food in the house but hey I will be the first to admit I cave easily!
You go Sattsy:party0011:, Fingers crossed for a good loss next week.

Good on you for banning the junk I know exactly what its like, My fiance is the size of a pencil and all we seem to have is junk food. I can't stand it and gave in last night by eating a whole pack of big revels :argh: I felt really shitty about giving in.

Logged on today and read your post, it's made me determined for at least a 2ib loss next week. Thank you. xx
Hi Everyone, I weighed in yesterday and lost 3ibs so am really pleased. Another 3 and I'll have lost a stone. I've got to keep that in mind when everyone around me is asking if I want some sweets, or a chinese take away!
Well done Serem! That is a great loss. Unfortunately I have had a dreaded chinese take away! I had to rush over to my Grans because she was taken ill. Went straight there with no SF stuff and by the time I got back to her house after being at the hospital all day there was nothing in to eat and no 24hour supermarkets. Kicking myself now because I ended up having 3 days off SF. Not going to get worked up about it though. I'm home now and straight back to it tomorrow :)

Well done everyone for having lots of motivation and I hope you all get those well deserved losses this week.

BL x
Sorry to hear about your Gran BL - I hope she's ok.
Like you said though, no point in getting stressed about having a few days off SF. It's good to change things every now and then anyway so your body doesn't get too used to things. Maybe it'll work out well for you in the long run. You've been doing really well too!
Good luck on getting back on SF tomorrow.
Thanks Serem. I thought I'd be really upset at the thought of gaining but its one blip on one week. Things often happen outside our control and you just have to deal with it and get on. Everyone doing so well has really kept me going so thanks to all my fellow dieting buddies :D
That is by far the best attitude to have BL. You have done so well and one small blip (that was out of your control) should not have an effect on keeping strong and positive!
I am sorry to hear about your Gran BL. Hope she is on the mend now? Don't worry about the three days off. In situations like that I think the diet can be forgotten anyway.

Take care and hope your Gran gets better soon.

2lbs off this week. That makes it 13lbs in three weeks, almost a stone!!! Doing the happy dance over here in the bookcase.

BL: I'm so sorry to here about your granny. Don't worry about the diet, you need fuel in times of stress and you'll soon shift any gain. Keep in touch love I'm thinking of you.
Hey BL, Sorry to hear that your gran is unwell. You have done soooo well on SF just look back over your losses. 3 days off SF in the grand scale of things wont make any difference. You are one of the most motivated people on here, Any gain will come off in a flash.

Good luck xx

Hey louise how'd it go on friday?
Hi everyone,
Thanks for all the nice messages. Shes slightly better now. She has cancer and was suddenly taken ill, rushed in and put in a high dependency ward but she appears to be a bit better hence why I am now home but I will probably be back over at hers this week (with my prized laptop and SF stuff). Hopefully the internet will be working and I won't be AWOL from here.

Bookworm well done. I'm doing a little dance for you!:bliss:
Sorry BW forgot to say congrats on your fab loss, Have you started to notice in any of your clothes yet? Hopefully you will loss that all important 1ib next week, I'll be rooting for ya xx
Well done on your loss BW - you must be so pleased!
I really hope your gran improves BL - keeping everything crossed for you.
Morning everyones

Congratulations on your loss this week BW.

Hope your gran improves BL.

I weighed in this morning and have lost another 2lbs. That's 30lb now. :party0049:

Take care everyone

Good morning dieting buddies!
Thank you all for your kind words and best wishes.

FF all I can say is :talk017:
You are definately out of that rut and have made your April Challenge! WooHoo!

Somehow and I have no idea how, I have managed to lose 3lbs this week. All I can put it down to is stress and rushing around like a headless chicken for half the week. I'm gobsmacked!

Good luck everyone this week!
HI BL hope your Gran is feeling much better now!

Congrats everyone on there losses! :party0038:

My weigh in isnt until Wednesday so until then am keeping up with the excercise and avoiding the scales as I found when scale hopping I was getting disapppointed when on a saturday it said Id lost only to get to weigh day on Wednesday and see a gain