Are you aiming to be a certain dress size or weight?

Hiya, I'm aiming for a 12 (14 at bottom as have always had bigger hips) but have set my PAT for 11 stone 7 but would love to be 10 stone something. I'm quite big framed and when I was 11 stone 7 a few years ago I looked just right weight wise so will just need to see.....
I would love to be a 12/14 - not sure what weight that would be as I haven't been that size since I was about 12 years old !!! Can't wait !!
I am aiming for a weight target - 9 and a half stone. Clothes vary so wildly from shop to shop that I find it hard to use clothes size as a target. I'm currently a 12, but with a couple of 10s in my wardrobe. I never, ever thought I'd say I was a 10...but I'm just above 10 stone at the moment, so by the time I get to target, I might be a 10/12, which would be fabulous. I always said to myself that if I could be a comfy 12 that I'd be fine with that, and I thought that I'd be that at 9 and a half. But if I'm in small 12s/10s at that weight then...fabulous!
ive bought a size 14 dress for august for a wedding so fingers crossed got down to that in time, not far to go; so may even need take it in if i'm lucky :)
before i gave up smoking and had my first of 3 girls i was a size 10 and 9 and a half stone. i know i will NEVER get to that size again as ive gotten older my body has grown and my shape has changed. the reason i posted this pic is because i was chatting to a couple of girls over the weekend and it came up one of the girls said she has been a size 6 and not be happy at that size either as she still thought she was fat. i too when i was that size in the pic thought my legs were fat. i guess what i really wanted to say is no matter what size you are you should love yourself, accept you body for all of its faults because no one is perfect. well done to everyone whose decided to change the way they look and become more healthy and good luck with your targets. xx


i'm not sure on target weight or size like judy i made the mistake of setting a size before of 14 got there and i thought i was done i wasn't.
i'm 13.9 now and 14-16 mostly 16 thought i usually hit 14's at 13stone i'm 5.4 so no idea think i maybe need to be aiming for a size 10 which seems incrediable low but will see after i've past my pain in the next 2 stone more which i struggle with every time know i need to lose about 4 stone so guess weight wize i'm aiming for 9.5-10
I'd love to be a size 8-10, and I've got a weight goal of 9st (can't remember the last time I was there!)
It's size for me, I just want to get back into my skinny jeans then I will be happy :)
im currently a size 20 ish! 22 in some 18 in others but i would love to be a 14 in primark! cos then if it still is too tight i can go 1 size bigger and still be in non plus size clothes.

Altho 10st will be my eventual goal i think i would look tyoo gaunt but we shall see!