arm flab


Silver Member
I have lost 27lbs so far (about a 3rd of the way there) but please can you tell me should i start trying to tone up now?
I hate all my wobbly bits. Should i implemement exercise into my day now to tone up these bits?
ANy ideas would be great
I too am noticing wobbly and untoned areas, I can't EVER imagine my tummy being toned to be honest. But my arms are quite flabby, I've always had slim arms until you get past my elbows, then they expand like an elastic band!!

I'm going to start the gym after Glastonbury/Pay day and one of my targets is to work on the arms. I'll let you know how I get on if you like to see if its worth you doing the same.

My aunty suggested I use tins of baked beans (nice huh, as we can't eat them!) just to lift up and down until they ache, stop take a break, then carry on.

Sorry I can't help more! x
P.s. 27lbs, my lucky number! :) Thats such a great loss you should be very proud of yourself x
Hiya Peachy!

Well done so far!
I've just bought a book called "Smart girls do Dumb-bells" to start toning up and get rid of my bingo wings! I've got a long way to go yet, but I figured that the more muscle I have, the more calories I burn so I can only gain. I've only read the first few pages so far, but it seems really really good - I'll update you when I've got a bit further into it and actually started with the exercises!!

I figure that, as long as you don't do so much that you keel over exhausted then its OK to exercise. I've also started to swim too and I'm planning on going 3 times a week. Those bingo wings' days are numbered!!!
