Asda Cooked Chicken


I ♥ SW!
I got one of these for quickness tonight at work and I met my consultant when in asda. She said that they are free aslong as I remove all fat and skin. Is this right?
don't know about injected, but if it's from one of those big rotating oven things, they are sprayed with oil as they rotate, so probably not syn free..
Starlight said:
Please DONT lets start with the injected fat story again

Supermarkets do NOT INJECT fat or anything else into them and its shocking SW Consultants are still passing this nonsense on

Could u imagine a Asda deli man or women with a shringe injecting random chickens??? Haha. Where do people get this rubbish from xxxxx
my mum works in a major supermarket and she makes the rotisserie chickens and they are most definetly NOT injected with anything. Its just a plain roasted chicken put onto the hooks and cooked.