Asda Diet cola - caffeine free??


Full Member
Hi everyone,

I've now learned from this marvelous site that as well as coke zero, we can also have asda diet cola and cherry cola.

I've read somewhere that the caffeine-free versions should be avoided as they tend to have citric acid added (something to do with flavouring??).

However, I was in Asda today and they sell a caffeine free diet cola and it doesn't seem to list citric acid on the label. Unless is is sometimes referred to as something else.

Does anyone know if this is OK??
Watch out Allie I don't know if it is allowed but I bought their Cola Zero this morning and then notice it has carbs and cals in it... not alot but some where as Coke has none
Asda Diet Coke is fine to drink :)
Thanks guys x
I normally hate cherry coke as hate cherry-flavour things. However, I bought a bottle of Asda cherry diet cola today and couldn't leave it alone. Not sure that I'll sleep tonight, lolxxx