At what BMI would you class someone as 'slim'?

In response to earlier lol last yr I was CC all the way with a low carb period at the end. I had a personal trainer and worked out really intensively :) lost 5 stone got down to 12 st 3 at my lightest then had a family tragedy and went off the rails from nov to now :(

I gained two st an a bit which I'm now shifting. However my weightloss last year was very fast (maybe four months tops?) and for me with my life it was never going to be sustainable. I have three children one with Asperger syndrome. I was getting too obsessed and trimming my cals down too far to keep the speed of it up! Got to a point where I sobbed about losing 'only' 3 lbs which is ludicrous!!

So now I'm following a loose kind of 1200 to 1400 intake and aiming to never have a net of less than 1200. Working out sensibly 3 times a week! If things plateau out then I'll rethink from there!

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