Attack length


Just call me Anne x
Just after some advice, I went on to the Dukan website before starting to find out my true weight and advice.
The website advised 3 days of attack and cruise to target (which was 14lbs more than my target!)
Anyway I was wondering if I could do the attack phase for 7 days, or will it hinder me?
With me, I did attack for an extra day than I should have (purely because of when I planned to go shopping to get my veg in) and on the last 2 days of attack I didn't lose a single thing. I think it's because my body had "caught up" as it were, and I didn't need to do the extra day. I would stick to what he says to be honest, otherwise you'll just get disheartened and trust me you will crave those vegetables!

In terms of the true weight thing, I would see how you feel when you get to that weight. You might find that you're happy there.
If DD says to do Attack for three days, I would do three; you do not gain anything by doing extra days of Attack, apart from potential transit issues.
I would stick to the 3 days of attack, I was also advised 3 days but did 5 as I thought I might lose a couple of extra pounds but it didn't work that way. I lost 3lbs on attack, 1lb a day for 3 days then nothing for the final 2 days of attack. I did however lose a further 3lb in that first week
Thanks for starting this thread Mummypower as I was wondering the same thing.
I was going to do Attack for 7 days but the Dukan site advises 6 days so I am going to do just the 6 days. Boy I am looking forward to eating chicken with veg on Sunday. I will miss the roast potatoes and gravy, though.
Has anyone found a Cruise Phase alternative to gravy please?
Sorry for hijacking your thread.
Cruise gravy - mix a small piece of a low salt stock cube with some hot water and herbs... :D
3 days attack is fine for most people. Only heavily obese people need think of doing longer. His advice has been modified over the years...
An alternative gravy which takes a bit more time is to use a proper onion and stock recipe. Ok for PV days only, though, while Jo's one below is fine on PP too.
Chop an onion and dry fry gently ( or squirt with 2/3 shots of 1 cal spray). Add a few drops of water if it looks like burning, but let it brown a bit. Add clove of garlic chopped if you like. At this point you could add a bit of wine and really let it reduce before adding stock and herbs. When the onions are really well cooked and their flavour has gone into the gravy, strain off through a sieve. If you want it a little bit thicker then use a scant teaspoon of cornflour, but I think it can taste nicer thin. I dump the onion mix into a stock pot if I've got one on the go.
I'm at the end of my 4th day on Attack.
I've got 3 1/2 stone to lose so thought i'd do the Attack for 5 or even 6 days. Having read the threads though, you mainly all seem to advise against that.
The Dukan website thing said 5. Would it be better to do the 5th day tomorrow and then veg on Sunday?
I'm doing ok on the diet. Headache 2nd day but gone now. Trying not to eat too much dairy max 2 yoghurts per day plus bit cottage cheese or from frais. Enjoying the galettes.
Haven't weighed yet - thought I'd wait til sunday morning.
Mich x
Once your headache is gone you can be pretty sure that attack has done it's job (which is to prime your body to get its energy from its store of fat).
Thanks Atropos - I've never been so excited about vegetables!
Thanks Atropos - I've never been so excited about vegetables!

Same here Mich!
I start Cruise tomorrow like you, so my weigh in is tomorrow too.
Good luck! :)
Hi Red Heart - good morning all.
Just weighed.... after 5 days of attack I've lost 6lbs! Am chuffed to bits! Bring on the veg!!!:) x
Hi Red Heart - good morning all.
Just weighed.... after 5 days of attack I've lost 6lbs! Am chuffed to bits! Bring on the veg!!!:) x

Well done Mich! :clap:
I weighed in this morning too, and lost 6.4lbs but mine was 6 days of attack.
Enjoy your veggies! :D