Baby Charlie has arrived so lets get on with shedding the rest of this wobble!!!

Mmmm, those meatballs look yummy. Will try that next week :) x
Thankyou Nikki -they were lovely, the natural yogurt keeps them really moist n juicy...hope you enjoy them. Hope you have a great day too :D

Well folks Im reporting in with a loss of 3lb :woohoo:-on * week too :party0049:..... So I got my 2st badge AND my 10% this morning I WILL be sticking to another red week this week :D

So today my meal plan is:-
  • 250ml semi skimmed (A) X 2
  • lemon juice in warm water
  • 28g porridge oats(B)
  • 1 banana sliced
  • 50g mixed berries
  • melon
  • pineapple
  • roast beef
  • home made yorkshire pud (1/2 an 8" one) (4.5)
  • 198g steamed potatoes (B)
  • cauliflower
  • broccoli
  • carrots
  • 2tsp bisto best -chicken (1)
  • 71g peas (3)
  • melon
  • pineapple
  • sugar free jelly with mixed berries (0.5)
Total -9 syns
With it being Sunday -hubby is playing golf so it makes my meal plan look like I have a meal missing, I will have my brekkie in a moment and then our roast dinner will be about 4pm -so I don't have room for a full meal inbetween.. so i will have fruit to bridge the gap ;)
Im going to get my meal plan finished off today I think I have most stuff in that I need and if not it will only be a couple of bits I need -hopefully :p
Here is hoping for another good week :cross:.... hope everyone has a lovely day...:D
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Brilliant! Well done Capricorn :talk017:
Evening everyone....

Sorry Nikki -I meant I go my 2st badge thingy and my 10% :8855:

Well dinner was gorgeous.... especially the yorkshire pudding nomnomnom... I added 3 points woth of peas so I need to add that to my plan in a moment ....I did have a bit too much though :p.... just couldn't leave veggies on my just can't be done :8855:

I also made some puddings -of SF jelly with mixed berries in -left it to set and then put a layer of SF jelly mixed with fromage frais in on top..they are lovely and refreshing especially with a dollop of natural yogurt..and 0.5 syns each :D

right I had better get off and get some wii done... have a great evening everyone ;)
Hi Capricorn! Congrats on your fab weight loss and achieving your 2 stone award! That's brilliant!!! :) I've lost another pound this week - I'm happy with that as I'm getting close(ish) to target now. It's taken me nearly a year to lose almost 2 stone but I had a BIG birthday, holiday in Tenerife during which I lived on vodka and chocolate (well it felt like it at the time!), Christmas and a broken arm!!!

So, I'm looking forward to lots of Bon Joviness in the next 2 weeks, with a bit of GreenDay thrown in, not to mention a terrifying "assessment centre" (not just an interview), so I don't think I'll be on here very much. Keep up the good work and KTF - Always!!! :) xxxxx

p.s. It's my son's birthday on 23rd December too!
Morning Trace... well done on the loss:happy036:I can't imagine being close to my goal weight :faint2: :p -I have a heck of a way to go to get close -but hey ho, I will get there eventually :D .... Im hoping that starting early in the year I can get to grips with the weight loss -before birthdays and christmas are thrust upon me :8855:...
I don't know where my head was when I said my birthday was the 23rd :confused: -I had to go and alter it when I birthday is the 22nd :silly: -I must be the only person to get their own birth date wrong :eek:

Im sure you will do fine in your assessment ....and all that Bon jovi AND Greenday -well you are just spoiling yourself now aren't you :D
Good luck in London and "see" you when you get back -asuming you don't sneak off it the boot of the BonJovi tour bus of course :8855:-take care.....

Well folks Im up n about.... so my meal plan for today is set to be:-
  • 250ml semi skimmed (A)
  • lemon juice in warm water
  • honeydew melon
  • galia melon
  • pineapple
  • 2 ryvita seedy (B)
  • 1 laughing cow light (1.5)
  • ham
  • big salad
  • gherkins
  • beetroot
  • SF jelly with berries (0.5)
  • natural yogurt
  • SW 1/4lb-er burger (0.5) stuffed with
  • 42g low fat cheddar (A)
  • 227g jacket potato (B)
  • salad
  • gherkin
  • beetroot
  • 50g kraut salat (1.5)
  • SF jelly with berries (0.5)
  • natural yogurt
SO thats only 4.5 syns so I might see if I can use a couple more some how....

Im doing another week of red meals as I really enjoyed it last week -and of course the important bit...I got a decent loss out of it :p
Right I need to go and download my photos -I got hubby to take a picture last month and he has done one this morning (I haven't looked at the evidence yet :eek:)... Im not brave enough to load them on here yet -although I will do at some point ..... don't worry folks I will give warning before I do it so you can brace yourselves :8855:
right -have a lovely day all -and keep at it....
Morning Capricorn, you have all your food planned out as usual, you are good. Not sure what I'm having for luch today, but cooking a free chilli on EE plan, so rice too :).

Ended up walking 2.7km yest, not that far really, but still better then nothing. Walked into the park and didn't get that far before my leg started hurting, so not only was I walking in a sling, but with a limp too, what a great look, the Sunday runners must have thought, lol.

Gotta walk to the library today, which is about 1.5miles there and back, to get some more re-cycling bags, so again better then nothing.

Hope you have great day xx
Nikki -Hope you made it to the library and back safe and sound... there is one thing, you aren't letting anything get in your way are you :clap:..busted arms, painful legs and still out n about :D

Well I have finished this evening having used 5 syns and done 1hr 50mins on the wii

Dinner was particularly good -I love concocting recipes as I go :pthe burgers were scrummy if I say so myself -only 1/2 syn each if using cheese as your healthy A..we had 1 and a 1/2 each :Dand I have one left for my lunch tomorrow...

They were:-
  • 400g lean minced steak
  • 1/2 red pepper finely chopped
  • 2 fat spring onions chopped
  • 1 courgette -grated
  • 1 small egg (you might not need it all)
  • seasoning -lots of it
  • 2tbs sweet chilli sauce
  1. Squish it all together and chill
  • then I divided into 8 -put one piece in the press (I have one of those lakeland ones I had never used:eek:) -but they will be easy to do by hand.
  • put 21g low fat cheddar =1/2 healthy A in the middle
  • crack black pepper over
  • top with the other piece and press down and seal
then I whacked them in the fridge until I wanted them...
then sealed each side in a dry non-stick frying pan and then popped on an upside down holey pizza tray in a medium oven until cooked through.

They were really meaty and juicy -deffinitely another thing to go on the "must do again list" -especially as I don't like burgers as a rule ;) and to be honest I think they could have stood more veggies in them as even though you could see the peppers -you couldn't see the other stuff
Here they are -as you can see I had salad and my healthyB 227g jacket potato

oh and this was lunch -I have develope an obsession with the seedy ryvita type biccies

righty-ho I'm off to my bed...sleep well everyone
Morning all

So then my meal plan for today is:-
  • 250ml semi skimmed (A) X2
  • lemon juice in warm water
  • 3 rashers bacon
  • mushrooms
  • fresh tomatoes
  • melon
  • sweet chilli burger(0.5) left from yesterday ;)
  • salad
  • gherkins
  • beetroot
  • SF jelly with berries (0.5)
  • orange
  • SW coq au vin (1.5) -frozen last week ;)
  • 198g steamed potatoes (B)
  • 71g peas (B)
  • cauliflower
  • broccoli
  • melon
  • pineapple
Now that only uses 2.5syns -so I will see if I can squish something else in ....
Its a nice easy day today (gotta love that freezer :p) -we are going shopping as soon as hubby gets home from work -so I will just have to switch the steamer on with the potatoes in as we go out, and then flick the remoska on when we get back to warm the coq au vin up, and throw the veggies in the steamer :D

I need to get some time in on the wii later... make a shopping list -mainly fruit n veg -AGAIN :p and Im planning on making a start on fettling the spare bedroom once hubby has got home, we have had brekkie and then he has gone back to work. That fettling should use some cals ;)
Have a great day everyone...
Hi Spanx -sorry I didn't see your post earlier.... not sure how I missed that-I must have been away with the fairies or still in shock from getting up so early again :D
Yep I have done it with white fish before -just the same-wrapped in foil. I thought about doing it with chicken, I reckon if you slashed the chicken breast so more flavour got in it would be lovely *note to self to try that* :8855:.... I think it works so well with salmon as the fish is creamy, then you get heat from ginger, sweet from the sugar and salty from the fish sauce...its gorgeous,,,,,hope you like it...

Thanks Capricorn - I'm definitely going to try this one!

This thread is really inspirational. The recipes (and photos!), daily meal plans, your successful exercise challenge and the upbeat attitude that comes across in your posts is enough to keep anyone on the straight and narrow! Thank you and keep it up! x
Awwwww thanks Spanx :eek:..... Im hoping it lasts ;)

Well folks I managed to stick to plan -even if temptation was thrown at me.... I swatted it of with a banana :8855:-
The plan for today was to wait for hubby to get in from work and go shopping whilst the potatoes steamed themselves -then the veggies and coq au vin would be put on whilst I put away the shopping ;).....
the reality was :-
hubby getting home from work at 3pm and asked "do you fancy a walk?" (which means around the golf course) and well, I heard myself declaring "give me 2 mins to get dressed" :eek: -not that I sit here in the nuddy nude..but you know what I mean :p.... so we hit the golf course for 3:45pm .... came off again at 6pm.... off to the supermarket (which thank god was almost empty :D) -on the way hubby asking if I wanted to get a "take out" so I can chill when I get in ME-"No, don't want one thankyou":thankyouthankyou:-shopping done....stop off at the recycling point... back home, whack some potatoes on and the coq au vin whilst I packed the shopping away )involving lots of cursing as I tried to get everything in the fridge AGAIN... just Imagine Jenga and you get the idea :8855:
AND finally my backside hit the sofa, plate in hand at 8pm:drool:..... it was gorgeous and much better than a takeaway :D
Oh and where in that lot did the banana figure? well I ate that in the car on the way to the supermarket -it was that or chew the dashboard:8855:
Anyway -the shorter version of that blather is that I have clocked up :-
2hrs 15mins walking
50 mins on the wii -Including a couple of games of tennis against hubby after dinner :D
and I have used 5.5 syns and eaten really well... I would upload my pic but the PC was playing silly b*ggers so i will do it tomorrow... for now Im off to the land of Nod ...
ooooh nearly forgot -when I went to get dressed to go out I put on a size 18 skirt I haven't worn in Yonks and it FIT -and without cutting my circulation off :party0049:
Have a great night everyone....and here is to tomorrow being a slower one ;)
Well done - you have a will-power of iron!!
I'm not sure I could have resisted the lure of a take away :)
But when you found you could fit into that skirt I bet it made it all worthwhile! I can't wait for milestones like that :) :)
Awwwww thanks Spanx :eek:..... Im hoping it lasts ;)

Well folks I managed to stick to plan -even if temptation was thrown at me.... I swatted it of with a banana :8855:-

Fantastic - I'm going to use that image to fight off Marvin!
Morning morning morning everyone :D-I got up in fine fettle again this morning -Im loving getting up wide awake and ready to start the day...... no more do I get up with a "food hangover" :bliss:

Prawnchopsuey..... Strangely enough I didn't even have to think twice about saying NO to a takeaway :faint2:,,,, Hubby loves "gyros" -it a kind of kebab -but much nicer than the donner ones back home..... even when I was being a little "oinker" I couldn't finish a full one (not for the lack of trying :p) ..... you get the meat, salad, tzatziki, and fries that have paprika sprinkled over them ..... they are nice but way to big. We have never had many takeaways -I would rather make my own meals....and I don't get that god awful thirst that take aways give me ;)
Im sure your milestone is on its way... I have finally figured that every day I get through is one day closer to target and every ounce I wobble off helps:p
Eternal -the meatballs were yummy :D. Bless hubby -he knows me well...... he knows that if he says to me "do you want a XYZ?" Im more than likely to say "No thankyou" -now if he ever uttered "should you have that/do you want that?" I will eat twice as many :giggle:-its a stubborn child like trait that I have always had :eek:and hubby is aware of it now-so he knows how to treat me :D
Im not sure where my determination to exercise has come from....heck it would normally be the last thing I would consider doing (I don't know who has kidnapped the old me? -But I hope they don't bring her back) :D
Thats it Spanx.... beat "starvin Marvin" off with a banana :p... Im hiding from Marvin-he isn't allowed back here :nono:

well -a little later than usual -but here is my meal plan for today :-
  • 250ml semi skimmed -(Ax2)
  • 28g porridge oats (B)
  • 1 bananna
  • 50g mixed berries
  • Ham
  • lettuce
  • carrot
  • cucumber
  • tomato
  • celery
  • peppers
  • gherkin
  • Honeydew/water/cantaloupe melon
  • pineapple
  • salad
  • 1tbs low fat mayo (0.5)
  • 198g steamed potatoes (B)
  • hot brisket -leftover from sunday, sliced and frozen;)
  • cereal bar (3.5)
  • melon/pineapple
So that will be 4syns used up....
well here are the pics of yesterday lunch/dinner
leftover cheese stuffed sweet chilli burger (very nice cold :eek:)

re-heated coq au vin (from the freezer)-god it was good

oohh brekkie this morning -I could eat this every day it is sooooo yummy

and I have just had my lunch -all that greenery takes some munching through :p-I love it as it takes me ages to eat it...

Im sure hubby thinks Im a fruit loop -keep taking piccies of my meals :8855:-but Im hoping that it will help if I start to struggle or when the weigh loss slows down as I will be able to look back and check my portions aren't growing or that Im not getting my ratio of veggies etc wrong....
Hubby is at the golf course at the moment and went of feeling very smiley as he put some shorts on that apparently haven't fitted for yonks.... and there is room to spare :happy036:.... he sounded like one of us ladies "ooohhing and ahhhing" -and I quote "last time I tried these on the button hole and button were about 3" apart" ..... he is loving what he is eating, still gets to have beer/wine using his syns -and to be honest he isn't exactly presise with his "syning" but its still working :D
Right after all that yakking -Im off to get some wii tennis done ;)
Have a lovely day everyone...
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i like looking at your food capricorn. it makes me want to eat my monitor :)
i like looking at your food capricorn. it makes me want to eat my monitor :)
Thanks "how many syns do we think there would be in a monitor? :p" -Im too much of a foodie to give up my yummy platefulls :D , I have just swapped what I cook -and How much;)

Well dinner went down well -although I did have to leave a bit as I was fit to bust :eek:

and I need to alter my syns as Im not needing my 8syn yogurt .... but I had 1tbs low cal mayo with dinner (although I left most of it) and I had a cereal bar this afternoon -so thats a total of 4syns used and not 8!
On the exercise fron today I have done 1hr 42mins on the wii really builds up quickly without you realising it... who knows at this rate by the time Im a "skinny minnie" I may even start enjoying "proper exercise" :8855:
Hubby is in a golf competition tomorrow so we aren't sure what time he will be back -so Im taking the other half of the meatballs in spicy sauce I made last week out of the freezer.... hubby will have his on pasta and I will have a jacket and veggies with mine .... I love having extra portion in the freezer for these sorts of days...

Well I had better stop waffling and go and catch up on what is happening...
Have a lovely evening all
and so another day begins....... gooooood morning everyone :D

I have been up since 6am -woken by the birds sat outside singing their little beaks off-still better than traffic and car alarms ehh!!

so then I have just been on SW online and filled in my diary -and now I do it again looks like this:-
  • 250ml semi skimmed (A)
  • lemon juice in warm water
  • 1 banana
  • 2 bacon
  • 1 egg-scrambled
  • mushrooms
  • fresh tomatoes -heated through
  • melon
  • lettuce
  • cucumber
  • tomatoes
  • celery
  • peppers
  • red onion
  • carrot
  • beetroot
  • gherkin
  • 50g Kraut salat (1.5)
  • 2 seedy ryvitas (B)
  • 1 laughing cow light (1.5)
  • 1/2 tin tuna in water
  • melon
  • pineapple
  • 227g jacket potato
  • meatballs in spicy sauce -frozen from the other day ;)
  • carrots
  • green beans
  • 42g low fat cheddar (A)
  • SF jelly with mixed berries (0.5)
  • melon/pineapple
Well there is enough there isn't there :8855:and 3.5syns used....Im going to be doing hubbies meatballs on pasta again....Im looking forward to a jacket mmmmmmm

I don't have a lot planned for today :D we are planning a jaunt to the NAAFI tomorrow -may pick up some more nice meat (if I can make space in the freezer), Im happy as long as I have plenty of free foods in the house ;)
Well I reckon I will get of and make my brekkie nomnomnom
Have a lovely day all -and keep at it :D
Morning Capricorn :) Lovely day here in Essex hope its good where you are?

I walked 5 miles yest and even now my feet are aching, lol.. But body magic and all that..

I did the Green day yest and Red today, so got SW quiche and salad for lunch and sw KFC chicken for dinner with veg.. still have 4.5 syns to use and don't know what to put them on.. as carried them over from yest.. plus another HEA as well. Might make an iced coffee latte :).

Making your meatballs tomorrow, which we'll all have with speghetti. Do like your recipes :). Have a good day x