Baby Charlie has arrived so lets get on with shedding the rest of this wobble!!!

I Capricorn, hope you're feeling better now lovely? I was thinking of you the other day with all this horrible cucumber / beansprout ecoli reports that are all over the news. I never really take too much notice of best before dates and never wash fruit and veg, but something like that makes you think twice.
Well done on the resistence and the renewed motivation - I've said it before but you truely are an inspiration!
Take care xxx
I have SO missed reading your diary! Been AWOL for a while :eek: but I'm back and raring to go! Congratulations on the 10st off shiny, that is amazing!!! In a couple of weeks, you'll have lost my starting weight... which is funny, if you think about having to carry a 5ft2 girl around on your back :D How's hubby doing with his weight loss? Well, not that he realises he's doing it ;)

Lots of love,
Ali xxx

Can I add my congratulations to the huge pile you have received for getting your 10st shiney? You have done amazingly. I started to follow your journey back on MSE last year and was really impressed with your organisation and planning. I love lists and planning which clearly has helped you to achieve what you have so far.

I managed to get to my initial target via a group in Jan this year but then had to move back in to the Mess (RAF) which I'm sure you aware, are not very slimming firendly in terms of food and alcohol. I put on whilst I was there but am now deployed again and am managing to get the scales down again. I have set myself a new target wihich I hope to achieve by Sep/Oct. Access to military gyms is great isn't it?

Unfortunately whilst I can just about read MSE still, I can't post as for some reason the site is sooooo slow on this system and so I will have to get my SW fix on Minimins. Keep up the good work!
Good evening everyone :4633:

Cor Im a sleepy head today -have been super lazy, but enjoyed it :p

Im feeling better thank you everyone :thankyou:, still just feeling a little sensitive in the ole tum, but at least I don't feel icky :clap:

Dinner was scrummy and I wound up having 3syns - butter in my cabbage and a bit of feta in the cauli cheese -although there is still 1/3 of it left for my lunch tomorrow :gimi:

I have agreed to give the gym a miss tomorrow -hubby is worried about my leg and me pushing myself to hard (not that I do), he has bribed me with "if you skip the gym I will see if we can get the badminton court for Friday afternoon" :p

Thanks Surreygal.... you aren't far off your 10st shiney are you :woohoo:... who'd have thunk it ehh when we started on the "queen size to princess" thread :faint2:

Ela ine -there is my normal cheese sauce recipe on my recipe thread (list on page 62;)) but now I use quark -it was the first time hubby has tried it and he loved it.. when it bakes its almost like a souffle type texture,,,today for 2 I did :-
  • 250g quark
  • 2 eggs
  • 1tsp english mustard powder
  • salt n pepper
  • 56g extra mature cheddar (2xA)
just beat it all together until smooth, pour over your cooked veggies and bake... A tip I have found it that if you steam your veggies in advance and let them cool you shouldn't get any liquid coming out when you bake it -if you cover hot veg and bake they "leak" ;)
Today was just cauli, but I do a mix of cauli, broc, carrots n onions all steamed :drool:, I now use it to top lasagne, fish n all sorts -hope you like it :D
Hi Cherry -Im normally like you -I have the constitution of a donkey :p, well I used to -now it doesn't take much for my tummy to complain :8855:, and Im a b*gger for ignoring sell by/use by dates -as long as its not chicken. seafood or mushrooms -I do the sniff test and then cook it :D. We have still been eating salad stuff , cor Im not sure what we do without it :confused:.
Thanks -Im so pleased I resisted the urge to eat junk -I would have been so annoyed with myself If I had done it after over 1 year of not touching that stuff :eek:
Hope you are having a good week...
Nice to see you back 10st10 :D, its crazy to think that I let myself get so big :eek: -but when I think of it like that -a whole person strapped to my back :eek:
Hubby is doing well -he even knows now that he is doing it and asked me to NOT make him pizza again and to stop making bread :faint2:.
Its funny because yesterday when they were doing PT -they had to line up and get weighed n measured (it looked like they were at school :p) -anyway -he was now in the "borderline" area he has lost quite a bit -not considering the lbs he has gone from a 42" waist to a 36" waist and he is heading towards 34". He now weighs less than when he got back from spending 6 months in the gulf :D
How are things with you?
I think I might get some fettling done tomorrow *burning some cals without going to the gym* -shhhhh :p
Right -Im off to catch up... sleep well all...
Hi there Hodgey and thanks :D

Sorry I missed you I must have been typing -slowly as usual :p

Oooh yes I understand the issue with the mess :eek: -my hubby was in the mess for years before we met-although then it wasn't "pay as you dine" and he reckoned the food was much better then -although it didn't stop his love affair with gyros n beer :sign0007:

I love the army gym as its a functional thing -not all mirrors n chrome ;)..
Hope you are deployed somewhere not to bad :cross:, Im glad hubby doesn't have to deal with that any more -although I reckon he has done his share..luckily never Afghanistan ..
Good luck with your new target -Im sure you will do it....
at least in the forces you get paid whilst trying to get fit;)
Morning all

SO then as you can see -Im not at the gym :sigh:... I really feel *bleugh* when I don't go :eek:... hopefully we will be able to blay badminton tomorrow :cross:

Well my 2 Jillian Michaels books, taebo dvds and noise reduction earphones have failed to turn up :cry: -so I have had to contact Amazon and they are sending the order again. Its the first time I have had problems with Amazon -one of the few companies who don't get their knicker in a Knot with BFPO addresses usually. Now watch both orders turn up :rolleyes:.... Its my books Im wanting most :grumble:..anyway I will just have to be patient *not my strong point*

Oooh we are having a ride out tonight to see if the car boot is being held this Sunday (assuming the posters are up)-if so we will have ANOTHER attempt to get rid of the stuff I boxed up and the jewellery I made... in fact I will sit today and make some bracelets:D

So then -my red carb curfew for today is :-
  • 2 Weetabix (B)
    [*]250ml semi (A)
  • left over cauli cheese (A)
    [*]227g jacket (
  • pineapple
  • haddock fillet
So I make that 2A+Bs , I will figure what to do with my syns later....
Ok hubby has just got back from PT and declared that he is knocking off at lunch time for a tootle around the golf course -so my meal plan might alter :p although it will be some extra wobble burnt :happy036:
Right I had better get off and wash my hair..
Have a great day everyone!!
TEN STONES GONE! That's absolutely fantastic - as is your resisting the pastry wobble, too. The whole battle's with one's head (eating good things isn't physically difficult after all) and you won that one :)

How're your innards feeling now? I had a similar issue with one of the meals I ate over the weekend (fajitas, without the tortillas but they had a visible amount of oil in them and it didn't agree) definitely makes it easier to stick to when you know that the bad stuff will make your body uncomfortable!

I must try your cheese sauce, it sounds lovely and I need to mix things up a little bit from the all chicken salad all the time kick I'm on right now. Big shop tonight so I'll get in some interesting veggies and meat :D
Good afternoon all -better late than never :D

Hi Wenchie, nice to see you back again -you are a busy bee with work aren't you :eek:. Its amazing how once you cut out junk etc that your system decides it doesn't like it isn't it!! -I swear mine could only be parma ham :confused: -I could have understood if I had gone face down in a huge pork pie or something :giggle:
Hope you are having a good week Lovely..

Well folks -we got a short walk around the golf course -only 8 holes as it was all snarled up with folks who looked more like they were playing hockey than golf :eek:
Hopefully hubby is going to escape from work early today -if so we have the badminton court booked from 2:00-3:30 :happy036: -I do declare that I am addicted :p

So then my red carb curfew for today looks like this:-
  • red grapefruit
    [*]2 weetabix (B)
    [*]250ml semi
  • 4 ryvita (B)
    [*]cottage cheese
  • pineapple
    [*]10 semi dried apricots
  • turkey breast steaks
  • 250ml semi (A)
oooh hubby has just come in :D and with an Amazon package..weeeeee hope its my Jillian books :cross: ..wil get off and see and report back when we get back from badminton :p
Have a great day everyone...
Ello :D - I'm hopefully slightly less busy now for a while; it was fun but getting exhausting and I've come down with post-event lurgy (it sounds like I've got off very lightly indeed so I'm not complaining!!).

I wonder if it was the salt and the fat in combination in the parma ham? They're both things that might set you off if you're not used to them?

Am waiting with baited breath to hear about the parcels!!

Good evening all

:bliss: We got to play badminton ..and we are hoping to get in for another 1.5hrs-ish tomorrow morning if possible :cross:... Im addicted :D. OOOHHH and hubby showed me how to use the snazzy fixed weight machines, so I may well play with them next time Im in the gymble :character00115:

On top of that, my parcel WAS my 2 Jillian Michaels books, my Billy Blanks DVDS and my noise reduction earphones (that DON'T work with my basic Ipod ):rant2:.... The B*gger is that its the 1st order that has arrived and they have sent me out a 2nd one the other day ...not my fault mind as I had waited about 6 weeks :sigh:. Chances are that they will tell me to keep the package as it will cost them about as much to get it back as its worth :giggle:.
Anyway I have started reading one of my books -its great as it re-affirms a lot of what I know feel/believe *wish I had found this book years ago* ;) -Im on page 40, so I wil be reporting back with my updates.... the 2nd book is aimed at shifting the last 10-20lbs -so I won't be"needing" that one for a while yet but Im going to read it non the less...
Im going to give my TaeBo dvds an outing on Sunday when hubby is at golf ;)... should be a giggle

Wenchie -You are probably right about the fat n salt as I have very little of either now. Just shows how quick your body adapts to NO CR*P :giggle:
I hope you are in for a bit of a more restful few days now.. I don't know how you lose weight with all the to-ing and fro-ing you do :eek:

Right -Im off to read some more -have a great evening all
Evening lovely,
Hope you're feeling better today and have relaxed with those books?
Crazy week in work here so I'm glad that its Friday at last - although, a crazy weekend planned too but thats different!!
(Good luck for the boot sale this time round!!!)
Take care, xxx
Hi Capricorn,

Which Jillian books have you bought? Was looking at them on Amazon, but couldn't decide which ones to get. LOL. Let us know which you have and what you think of them, please.
Good afternoon all :wavey:

Well then -off we tootled to play badminton this morning ....and the duty PT instructor didn't turn up to open the gym :rant2: -cue one rather naffed off me :giggle: -anyway so we toddled off to lidl to get more water milk and a few more bits, stopped off at the gymble again - STILL NOT OPEN :flamingmad:... so as I had my gym kit on I came home and put on 1 of my new Billy Blanks TaeBo dvds :character00115: ..
Now I watched it yesterday and decided I could "give it a go" on Sunday and just do the bits I could.... and well I don't know who was most shocked -me or Hubby when I did the whole thing :faint2:, the only place I struggled wasn't actually with the moves -but putting a couple of the sequences together -I WILL get it next time.. so I did the moves -just not always in the right order :rotflmao:. Anyway - it was 40mins and wow did it work up a sweat :clap: and I am sooooooo pleased with myself that I did as much as I did :p
Hopefully tomorrow the scales will be kind to me again... I have done:-
2 gym sessions -and pushed myself a little
2x1.5hr badminton
40 min TaeBo dvd...
SO I have certainly given it enough welly me thinks -although it doesn't feel like I have done THAT much -but I think thats because I see the badminton as fun -even though its hard work...

Anyhoo -todays red carb curfew looks like this:-
  • 2 weetabix (B)
    [*]250ml semi (A)
  • turkey breast steak
    [*]28g low fat feta (3)
    [*]red/yellow/orange pepper
  • fresh pineapple
    [*]71g semi dried apricot
  • 1/4tsp oil (0.5)-to stir fry:-
    [*]pork escalope
    [*]mange tout
    [*]home made marinade
  • 250ml semi (A)
SO I make that 2A+Bs and 5.5 syns covered :D Im sooooooooo looking forward to my snacky... 2 of my fave things..

Well I have made a sizeable dent in 1 of my new books -and I really like it....

Wicca I have these 3 books
Master Your Metabolism: The 3 Diet Secrets to Naturally Balancing Your Hormones for a Hot and Healthy Body!: Jillian Michaels: Books
I have had this one a while and LOVE it, she is behind a lot of the way I eat now -the 4 meals at 4hourly intervals etc....

Winning by Losing: Jillian Michaels: Books
This is the one I have started reading yesterday -again I love it and think it is great for anyone who hasn't got their head in the right place for losing weigh if you know what I mean.. she explains about bad relationships with food and striving to achieve a body that is never going to happen, and emphasises accepting your body type etc and being the best YOU can be...

this one is a 30 day hardcore plan to shift those last 10-20lbs (obviously -this one will be read but not in use for a while yet :p)
Making the Cut: The 30-day Diet and Fitness Plan for the Strongest, Sexiest You: Jillian Michaels: Books

I have this one in my basket to order next (well I may as well have the set ;))
Unlimited: How to Build an Exceptional Life: Jillian Michaels: Books

Some of the info is repeated in the books -like where there is a quiz to see if you are a fast or slow oxidizer...then she tells you what foods to eat/avoid, but I still think they are worth having... If I had to pick only 1 I would go for the metabolism one though .... unless you are wanting one thats more about getting your head straight then it would be the "winning by losing" one :p

Woohoo Cherry -hope you have a fun busy weekend planned ;).
The carboot isn't on :confused: -tis a good job everything is boxed up n stacked and not in the way or I might this rate I will simply bring it back home when we move and car boot there instead :p
How are things with you anyway? ooh I will go and catch up on your diary later....

I have nothing much else planned for today -Im going to meal plan for the week -hubby is away golfing Wed/Thu so I will work around that..
Anyway I will get off and get some more reading done.. have a great afternoon everyone...and keep up the great work ;)
Ooh, I got making the cut last week. I've only read a few bits, but it's definately interesting. I think I should also get winning by losing & I'd like to read unlimited. I just love jillian, i love her podcasts, she comes across as a tough trainer, but also a really caring person. I'd love to spend a week on the biggest loser ranch with jillian and bob:)
Good Morning all

3lbs off for me this week :bliss: -so Im just 1.5lbs away from dropping into the next stone bracket :faint2:
SO today has got off to a :woohoo: start ......

Hubby has just left for his golf, so Im going to get on and do my meal plan and Im going to start planning my exercise too....

SO then my red carb curfew for today looks like this:-
  • apple
    [*]2 weetabix (B)
    [*]250ml semi
  • cottage cheese
    [*]4 Krisprolls (8)
  • pineapple
    [*]71g semi dried apricots
  • roast chicken
  • 250ml semi (A)
So I make that 2A+Bs and 8 syns -leaving 7 syns in case I decide to add anything to my meals -although I can't see me needing to, but ya never know :p

MiniMog, I am about to order Jillians "unlimited" -so far I have loved her books, and her DVDs. Like you I love her no nonsense approach, reading her books though what comes across is that she only expects you to give your all and do the best that YOU can -she doesn't expect us all to be super fit -just the best person that we can.. and I LOVE that ...

Right I will get off and do some catching up and then get on with my planning ;)
Have a great day everyone..
Woo-hoo, another fab WI - well done honey!!

Lovely day here yesterday, spent the morning with my closest friend planning a party for her hubby next week and managed to sneak a BBQ inbetween the showers in the afternoon. Was meant to be taking my mum carbooting this morning but its sideways raining out there so we've postponed and now I'm on here instead of doing the research for work that my brain tells me I should be doing! Once I've finished my cuppa I really will do a few hours work and then move onto more important issues - making fancy dress costumes!! With a lovely lamb dinner inbetween - perfect rainy Sunday!
Hope you have a good one xxx
Morning Capricorn!!!! Another 3 lbs!!!! Well done! At this rate you'll be catching me up and overtaking me before I know where I am!!!!!

My 2 days in London did serious damage *sigh*. I guess it would help if I wasn't seduced by Pret a Manger lemon cheesecake, not to mention vodka and cokes after training! Oh well, I'll keep at it!!

Have a great week and KTF!!

Lots of love, Trace xxx
Hi Capricorn,

Well done on another 3lbs. You're my new're in good company with Gillian. You really do inspire me.

Think when I get paid I am going to order The winning by losing. I need to learn to have a better relationship with food I think. If I have enough money I'll get the metabolism one too. Was tempted by the Metabolism cookbook too.

Have been watching The Biggest Loser, I downloaded it, and am loving how motivating Gillian is and how much she really seems to care about the people she's training. Also downloaded her podcast, which is great......although listening on the bus is interesting because she keeps making me laugh out loud.