Baby Charlie has arrived so lets get on with shedding the rest of this wobble!!!

Gooooooooood Morning one and all :D

Been to the gymble so Im feeling all invigorated and :bliss: -I did 1hr 15:-
45mins bike (level 4+5) -22km
5 mins on the gawd awful elliptical trainer
2km on the rower -alternating under/over hand grip every 100m
5 mins on the stepper thing
stretched off
then I decided to take the scenic route home.... 50mins later I got home :eek: ..*didn't know it was THAT scenic* :sign0007: -still it was a lovely morning so it was rather nice.
Hubby has booked the badminton for 2pm-3pm so that will burn about another 400-ish cals hopefully :happy036:

OOOOH and the highlight of the gym today was being asked for diet n weight loss advice :rotflmao:, it was someone who hubby works with -the one whos dog we used to look after,
She has been inspired by my weight loss -although I can't see as she has any weight to lose -but as we all know its how WE feel in our bodies that matters. The most amazing thing is that she is the same height as me and weighs 11st -if I look like that at 11st Im gonna be a happy bunny :p ..... although she does lots of sport so has an athletic build which I would quite like -just now though I don't actually know what my build/frame will be... so I will just have to wait n see ;)

Wel here is my red carb curfew for the day... a bit mish mash as I don't want anything heavy before I play badminton and then can't eat carbs after so it looks like this:-
  • frittata -onions, peppers, feta (3)
  • small banana
  • frittata *as above* (3)
  • hm tomato sauce (tomato, peppers, onions, garlic) (0.5)
  • meat -to be decided when I see what I fancy in the supermarket
  • lettuce

  • 75g semi dried apricots (B)
  • 500ml semi (2xA)

So then I make that 2A+1B and 6.5syns for now...

Ela ine... the butterscotch one does smell divine doesn't it :drool:, I have a blueberry one, gingerbread and a chocolate one too :p
Hope your planning pays off my lovely -sending you positive thoughts for this week :vibes:

Hi Wicca - I think I sussed the podcast thankyou :D -well I managed to get something I could listen to on the PC -only then hubby plugged his Ipod in to charge and it all downloaded onto his player along with my Poison CDs :sign0007::479::rotflmao:
How are things going with you this week?

Right Im off to catch up and then it will be time to get my gym kit on again ;)
Have a lovely day everyone and keep up the great work!!
Oh I laughed so much at the thought of your hubby ending up with Jillian on his ipod! :D There is a way he can specify what he wants to sync up so it doesn't happen again (although it's a right pain in the tonsils getting it to remove stuff... it kind of assumes you just want everything) but maybe he'll enjoy her?

No wonder people are asking you for advice - you've done incredibly and you are still doing it (and making it look easy, too, kudos)... that said it's about 90% about getting your head right and 10% what we eat (eating the rights stuff isn't physically hard after all, just emotionally) which is a difficult thing to explain; I don't know about you, but I don't know why my head suddenly ended up in the right place to do this (SW being so right obviously helps, more so as we get on with it and ones body gives its feedback that, yes, actually, it likes this food, but it's not what kicked it off).

No wonder people are asking you for advice - you've done incredibly and you are still doing it (and making it look easy, too, kudos)... that said it's about 90% about getting your head right and 10% what we eat (eating the rights stuff isn't physically hard after all, just emotionally) which is a difficult thing to explain; I don't know about you, but I don't know why my head suddenly ended up in the right place to do this (SW being so right obviously helps, more so as we get on with it and ones body gives its feedback that, yes, actually, it likes this food, but it's not what kicked it off).

I couldn't agree with you more Wenchie...Capricorn is a shining example to us all. I know she has motivates lots of people on here...and now she's influencing others that aren't even on minis! Good for you Capricorn! :0clapper:
And yes, there's no doubt that the SW plan works. But you're so's all about being in the right frame of mind. It doesn't matter how brilliant a diet is...if you're not in the "zone" it's just not gonna work.
My C said something to me last night which stuck in my mind. She said that she thought it was "my time" as I've been pretty focussed despite numerous personal problems. Maybe we all need "our time" to come along...a time when everything comes together at the same time resulting in a successful dieting journey xx
Good Morning all

A manky overcast day here *bleugh* -still -Im staying in so it doesn't really matter. Hubby on the other hand has a golf comp, so he may well get home a little soggier than he left :giggle:

Anyway -today I should be getting my TaeBo dvd out and giving it a go-so I will see how I feel later.... we got our 1hr 30mins of badminton in yesterday -although at one point I did manage to hit myself on the back of the head full welly with the racket :confused: -still haven't figured out how yet -but it bl**dy hurt :character00264:, so yesterday I got 3.5hrs of exercise in :eek: -so not to bad at all on the exercise front this week -about 7.5hrs exercise :character00116:

My red carb curfew looks like this:-
  • frittata (0.5xA)
    [*]2 nectarines
  • 227g jacket (B)
    [*]100g cottage cheese
    [*]red/yellow/orange peppers
  • roast chicken
    *as above*
  • 20 almonds (10)
    [*]75g semi dried apricots
  • 375ml semi (1.5XA)
SO thats my 2A+Bs and 10syns sorted :D

Todays plan of action is to get my meal and exercise sorted for the week and apart from that Im not doing a lot of anything :D

Thankyou for the lovely comments ladies *aww shucks* :flowers:

Wenchie -I don't know what freaked hubby most -having jillian suddenly yapping in his ear, my Poison CDs kicking in OR all of his beloved Queen music getting wiped off :sign0007:
I have to agree -for some reason, this time my head is just in the right place *took long enough* :p, I have tried so many times to lose weight -but never lost this much or kept it off. This time everything just seems to have fallen into place :happy036:, it just seems so simple n straight forward. This is the first time that I have never doubted the fact that I will get to target and stay there:sign0151:
Hope you are having a good weekend,,,,
Hi dawn -I think your consultant it right, you have stayed on track despite everything that has been thrown at you - now THAT is what deserves respect and plenty of :clap: -its easy to stay on plan when things are running smoothly and quietly, but to do it when your emotions and time are being stretched so much is a real test of strength -one you have passed with flying colours. I really think that getting to target is the least you deserve, and I have no doubt that you will do it my lovely -if anyone deserves success its you.... so keep up the great work -
Have a lovely weekend...
Right Im off to catch up and then get on with some planning
Have a great day everyone -we ARE getting there:bliss:
Hi Capricorn, Hi all.. :wavey:

Just wanted to drop in and say that i've started reading your diary from the get go (currently at page 47!) so i'm still a way behind yet but I wanted to congratulate you on your success.

It was the first diary I stumbled across on this site and i haven't yet got around to reading anymore - apologies ladies and gents - i will read most of them at some point!:D

I can relate to your diary though as this last few weeks i've tweaked(in a good way) SW a bit to fit in with the way i want to eat and thats red days with "good" carbs and not so much processed foods.. with eating fruit and nuts/dried fruits for snacks.

I was finding that being allowed free range with carbs wasn't good for my digestion and that i'd eat pasta till it came out my ears.. now i've been limiting it to 35g as a HEB.

Unfortunately i've somewhat fallen from the SW perch this week and had a lot of food that i shouldnt have, so i'm expecting a gain on Tuesday. :(

So if you don't mind i shall be stealing some of your menu plans :D.. and hopefully sharing some of your successful weight loss over the next few months.

You've done fabulousy - keep it up!
Good morning all :wavey:

:woohoo: -well b*gger my ole boots - I am now officially a 12st something person ..ok its 12st 13.5lbs ,,,,, but the first number is still 12 :0icanfly:
SO then thats another 1.5lbs done n dusted and now time to start work on the next stone :character00115:

Yesterday I got out my old size 30 trousers :eek: -dear god, its only when I see them that I realise how far I have come and Im determined to never go back there again :nono:, I also got out a pair of jeans that have been in my cupboard since the year dot (when I found them I thought they were one of my nieces from when they stayed years ago) then I saw they were a size 16 -so they must have been mine at some time -now last time I tried them on a couple of months ago I couldn't get them past my calfs -well now they, a pair of 16 new jeans, a pair of new black jeans ALL FIT (and there is no stretch in them) :faint2: -they still cling across my "fatta podge" but they are a little loose on the waist AND on the legs :party0048: -I really do think it is the badminton that is helping shape up my legs as I must have lost loads from my legs and backside -just need to get the fatta podge to catch up and we are away :banana dancer:
So now the only trouser in my "waiting to fit wardrobe" are 2 pairs of 14s I got in the sales.... I need to go through all the other stuff in there that I got in the sales and see what I can move over to wear now . I can now start keeping an eye out for size 14s to get ready ;) *I have developed a clothes fetish :p*

ooooh and hubby has gone for his golf comp part 2 today -and he has had to take his suit with him for the presentation and well me thinks he needs a new suit -it WAS getting a bit tight and now he looks like a little lad wearing his dads suit :rotflmao:

my EE carb curfew for today looks like this:-
  • 2 bacon (4)
    [*]scrambled eggs (1)
    [*]baked beans
  • 227g jacket
    [*]100g cottage cheese
  • roast chicken
    *as above*
  • 75 g semi dried apricots (B)
    [*]10 almonds
  • 250ml semi (A)
SO that comes in at 1A+B and 10 syns ..smack on target :D

I have just about sorted out my exercise plan for this week -it should look like this:-
Sunday -
rest day = 10 syns
gym and walk back =15syns
Tuesday -
gym + at least 1.5hrs badminton =20syns
Wednesday -
gym and walk back =15syns
Thursday -
rest day = 10 syns
Friday -
gym and hopefully at least 1.5hr badminton=20 syns
Saturday -
hopefully 1.5hr badminton =10 syns
That's my plan so far -although the fri/sat badminton depends on the availability of the court -so keep your :cross: ...
I just need to finalise my food plan and then Im all set for the rest of the week :D

Hi Pommy and welcome to the mad house :silly:
I so know where you are coming from with the carbs -before I started on SW I was a carb junky -home made bread n potatoes being my weapon of choice :p -now if I have too many carbs I feel rough as a badgers bum :giggle:
Hopefully the scales will be kind to you on Tuesday :vibes:, I have found that the easiest way to deal with stuff that I can't resist is to not buy it -although It is easier for me as there is only me n hubby -and he doesn't eat much junk anyway so I have no need/excuse to buy it in the first place -and it really does help.
Feel free to swipe anything you might find useful on my diary and yell if something doesn't make sense -quite often my recipes are made up as I go along so writing out a method is a bit higgldy piggldy. Hope you keep popping in to chat,,, have a great day and keep at it ..we will get there :D

Right folks I had better get off and finish my plan.. have a super weekend everyone,,,
:greenapple::bananalove::party0038::banana dancer::wee::party0011::thankyouthankyou::angel09::talk017:
WOW 12 stone something! that is amazing, you must feel over the moon! Well done!
I know I keep saying it but its amazing how far you've come!!! have you taken pic before and after pics?

hope you have a good day x
Hi Capricorn!!! :wavey:

Wow!!!! You're in the 12s now!!!! You are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

I succumbed to the Pret a Manger lemon cheesecake dessert again this week, but as I only had one day off plan I did manage to lose a bit this week. That dessert is one of the very few 'naughty' things I still enjoy, maybe because it's not too sweet or sickly. I've lost 6 pounds since we came back from Tenerife at the beginning of May, so I'm fairly happy with that actually! I went to Zumba twice last week and also ballroom dancing on Tuesday, so all the exercise really helps. Like you I've lost loads off my legs and bum since I took up Zumba and ballroom - I just need to tone up my tum!

My Mum joined SW on Friday after 2 years of nagging from me! She is now totally confused after doing WW on and off for years!!! I'm now her SW consultant! :8855: I hope she gets on OK with it. I'm sure she will - who wouldn't?

Well, I'd better get on with my revision. I've got another exam on the 29th :sigh:, but never mind, it'll all be worth it in the end!

Have a good week and KTF Always!! Lots of love,

Trace xxx
Well done MrsM, great being in the next stone down wtg size 16 too, fantastic woo hoo. Can just picture MrM looking like a lad wearing his dads suit well done to him too .

Also put this on MSE by accident, sorry :ashamed0005::doh:
oooooh ello -I have lots of lovely visitors :flowers:
I popped back on to swap my meal plan :p I just wasn't hungry enough for a proper meal at 1pm (cooked brekkies do that)-so Im swapping back to red and here it is :giggle:

my red carb curfew for today looks like this:-
2 bacon (4)
scrambled eggs (1)
baked beans (B)

75g semi dried apricots
10 almonds (5)
roast chicken


500ml semi (2xA)
SO that comes in at 2A+2B and 10 syns ..smack on target

I have just had a lovely long shower and slapped on my lotions n potions so Im all *ahhhhhhhhh* now :p

Thanks for your lovely wishes again everyone -you really are a super bunch :D

Aaliyah -I do indeed have my "horror" photo ... but I haven't had a new one taken in ages now..because our PC went doo lally tap -so it had to be taken back to factory settings and now I can't find the disc for my camera :rolleyes: -Im still toying with having a new camera as an early birthday pressie -although by the time I have finished umming and ahhing I will probably be at target :p -but I will post a new pic as soon as I get one ...and who knows I may eventually post 1 with my head left on:sign0151:

Spanx -its so strange because when I hold up 16s -especially the jeans they just look like kiddies clothes :giggle: -I just can't Imagine a 14 -let alone a 12 or 10 :faint2: - I swear though if I end up being a size 10 I may well end up walking around with the labels left on for all to see:banana dancer:

Trace -oooh that lemon cheesecake got you again:giggle: -you do realise that I haven't had a pud since I started SW -but as soon as we move to the UK I will be going to Nottingham and heading into Pret a Manger for a slab of said cheesecake :eating: -well it would be rude not to wouldn't it ;) -I do adore citrus things :drool:
Well done on that loss Mrs :happy096: -Me n hubby have toyed with the idea of dancing when we get back to the UK -but I swear he has less rhythm than me -and that takes some doing :eek: ... I know is sad sad sad -but I have always loved the idea of line dancing :secret: ... Zumba is a definite no no... I have the wii version and I would rather stick pins in my eyes :(

You are doing with your mum like Im doing with mine -she had done WW for years on and off -but she decided to give SW a whirl after seeing how I was managing on it -so I ordered her the books and now every morning when I phone -she tells me what she is planning to eat and I tell her if its red. green or EE and what she can have extra -so far she has lost 17lbs in 17 weeks :party0011: baring in mind she is 71 and unable to get about much because of ill health -and she is loving it :D
Good luck with the revision my lovely...
Have a good afternoon and KTF ;)

Hiya Takeiteazy -don't worry Im about to head over to mse anyway -have been awol for a few days :copon: -
Hubby does look a nelly in his suit -but I guess its better than it being to tight. I tried to tell him he needs a new one -but he is right when he points out that he rarely wears one so he may as well wait until he needs one and then go and get one rather than buying 1 now and shrinking out of it again...
How are things with you?

Right I had better go and catch up.. have a lovely day all and hope your weather is better than our *its persistantly persisting it down here* :p
Wow congratulations on being under 13 stone! :0clapper::party0011:

I'm now imagining your OH as Tom Hanks from Big in the scene where he's walking up the street in his too big suit!:D
Well done on breaking into the twelves.
You are such an inspiration.

I am hoping to loose 1.5 pounds this week, which will break me into the twelves too.
Hi Capricorn.

Congrats on being in the 12's. That's amazing you've done so well. And well done Mr Capricorn too, even though I think you're doing the hardest part for him. :-D

I'm not doing great with food and exercise at the moment. Things have been a bit crazy with my niece and her 2 kids (5yrs and 18 months) moving into my 2 bed flat with me. It's been a bit mad, so diet and exercise have gone out of the window. Wan't to try and get back on track this week though. Going to try and do Jillian's 30 Day Shred a few nights a week, and get my food back on track. I really want to get rid of this weight. My family loves me whatever my size but I want to be able to play with the kids for more than 2 minutes without collapsing in a chair.
Hi ya!!

I just had to come on here and share with you - I just rang my Mum to see how she's got on with SW today. She's been getting on fine, apart from she's "been f*rting like hell!" :8855::8855::8855::giggle::giggle::giggle: I did warn her!!!

Sorry if that was TMI but I found it highly amusing!

Trace xxx

Evening all

Trace -I don't see why your mum thinks she should be the only one to escape the "side effects" of SW...:rotflmao:
I swear if I was an animal making the smell I do -I would have been put to sleep by now :sign0137:, you would have thought that after this long my system would have got used to it by now ...but NO -I smell like a cross between -wet veggies, rotting eggs and burning rubber :eek:.... poor ole hubby isn't much better -but Im still ahead on the "stink steaks" particularly since I started eating plenty of semi dried apricots :giggle:

Hi Wicca
Sounds like you have a lot on your plate *no pun intended* :p. Im sure you will get back on track in no time.. the shred really does work -and at about 40mins its not to time consuming.Hope things fall into place for you soon :vibes:

Sleepymum :cross: for your weigh in

Pommy -thats just about what hubby looked like :rotflmao: -luckily he didn't need to put it on in the end... although when he came back, I got him to put the jacket on and once fastened-even leaning back and sticking his stomach out as far as possible hit was still too big :clap:
His face was a picture -I really don't think he realises how much smaller he is...

Right I will get of and do some more reading... have a lovely evening all and here is to another good week for us all :vibes:
Yes -its me again :D
Thought I would pop back and post my meal plan for tomorrow before I tootle off to bed. Im planning on getting in the gymble before 8am so it will save me faffing about when I get back..
so then here we go
red carb curfew:-
  • 2 weetabix (B)
    [*]180ml semi (A) -will use balance for tea
    [*]8 almonds
  • 2 weetabix (B)
    [*]180ml semi
    (A) -*as above*
  • small banana
    [*]4 x 1/2 walnuts
  • 42g low fat feta (4.5)
    [*]boile degg
  • roast chicken
    *as above*
So I make that 2A+Bs and 12.5 syns -(its a 15syn day so Im not far off)
I think Im developing a bit of a thing for weetabix -must pick up another big box on my way back from the gym ;)
right -Im away to my bed -sleep well all!!!
Just thought I would pop over from the 'through your stones, to your zone' section. You really are doing amazingly well! Congratulations for each and every one of your achievements, big and small. x