Step 1 Sole Source Back again - this time I'm trying Cambridge

Weigh in tomorrow, really nervous as its only been 5 days and I don't feel like I've lost anything. Feeling really bloated today as it TOTM - oh well fingers crossed. Gonna hit the gym in the morning! X
Hey Gilly, had 2lbs off on Friday, but after a weekend of fun I have a feeling I will have put some back on . How's your bank holiday been? X
It's been a really tough couple of days heading towards weigh in this afternoon. Mainly because I've been an emotional nutter, my feelings all over the place. I think it's because I'm gutted that I drank last weekend and I'm dreading getting on the scales later today and seeing a gain. I really hope not. Since Monday I've been all over the diet, back on ss and have started back at spinning class. Tonight its yoga. God damn those bank holidays!

I've flipped out twice at my other half and both of the last two nights we've gone to bed not speaking. What a nutter. I'm putting so much pressure on myself!

Anyway, I can't avoid the weigh in, so fingers and toes crossed. X
So I've lost another 2lbs taking me to 15lbs in 4 weeks which is fab. I did celebrate a bit at the weekend, but have been straight back on it this week and I'm feeling good. I'm back into spinning classes, doing 4 this past week.

Fingers crossed for weigh in Friday x
Hi northernnat,

Do you manage to spin on SS? I did spin before starting this diet but haven't since starting because I was worried it would be too much on too few calories. Would love to get back into it tho.

Marie x
Hey Marie yeah after 4 weeks I started back at spin. I have a shake before I go, and then a bar for lunch. Although on the weekends I've started to have a hard boiled egg when I eat back too. I'm just about to go to weigh in week 5 and I've done 4 spin classes since my last weigh in. Good luck! X
Thanks for replying. So many mixed messages re exercising its hard what to know what to do for the best. I should probably just go back to spin and listen to my body. I like the 45 min classes, they fly by and the musics usually good. I'm on SS but I could SS+ on "spin days". I've been trying to walk with the odd swim but bored, bored, bored. I did do a body pump class last week and felt fine but got a row from my consultant. She said if I want to exercise I'd need to do step one. Dont fancy it cause I want to stay in ketosis to help with the hunger.
Anyway I'm rambling - how was the weigh in?x
No worries. Yeah I'm avoiding body pump atm. Sticking to cardio only, although do have a free PT session tonight. I've slipped a bit so far this week as I've just done 3 days of spin in a row. A friend took me out for lunch today and I had a Rissotto so I know I won't loose this week.

Last week I dropped another 2lbs so 17 now over 6 weeks. I'm really happy with that.

How are you getting on? All I will say with the gym is see how you feel, listen to your body and song beat yourself up if you don't have the energy. Let me know how you get on xx

I'm into my 4th week and lost 19 so far. Mostly on SS with the odd SS plus day. I've a lot of weight to loose tho (started 18-6).

I've not managed any exercise this week because of my shifts but planning on squeezing in a few next week. Il see how I go. Maybe do some spin and body balance. I don't mind a slightly slower weight loss due to exercise. Would rather be healthy and hopefully start to tone.

Your doing great with your weight loss and at least the risotto was a controlled cheat. My worry is if I break il eat my weight in yummy food in the space of an hour :) xx

Ps what's a free pt session?
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Hey Marie - PT means personal trainer. Well done you! You're doing amazingly well. I've got my consultant coming here today as I don't have a car this morning. Dreading my weigh in - such a bad week, client entertainment and meetings over brunch! Never mind. How was your week?

I'm off on holiday next Friday so I'm gonna do SS Mon - Thurs and then forget about it for 4 days whilst I'm in Italy. Then straight back on it when I get back. SS again for a solid week at least with no cheating.

I met up with the PT and she won't train me whilst I'm on SS, she hates the diet. So I start with her on the 27th and from that point on I'm going up to SS+

Yesterday I went shopping whilst in London and got myself into a size 14 jean from Monsoon, however they were tight and I hate muffin top so I bought the 16 so they sit nice and low on my waist. I feel good, as I know before starting this I would have struggled with a 16 in Monsoon. They can come up a bit small. Anyway bridesmaid dress shopping today, let the fun begin! X
Hi Nat!

I'm day 6 SS after falling off the wagon on day 38 of my previous attempt!

Been slowly introducing gym and classes this week. You sound very fit which us what I'm aspiring towards so ill keep in touch if that's ok? I was fit (thus time last year, I was doing Tatton Park triathlon, now I can't swim for toffee!

Hope bridesmaid dress shopping goes well :) who is it for/when? X

Restarted CD 31 Aug
5ft 1" 13st 2 BMI 37.2
Hey Marie - PT means personal trainer. Well done you! You're doing amazingly well. I've got my consultant coming here today as I don't have a car this morning. Dreading my weigh in - such a bad week, client entertainment and meetings over brunch! Never mind. How was your week?

I'm off on holiday next Friday so I'm gonna do SS Mon - Thurs and then forget about it for 4 days whilst I'm in Italy. Then straight back on it when I get back. SS again for a solid week at least with no cheating.

I met up with the PT and she won't train me whilst I'm on SS, she hates the diet. So I start with her on the 27th and from that point on I'm going up to SS+

Yesterday I went shopping whilst in London and got myself into a size 14 jean from Monsoon, however they were tight and I hate muffin top so I bought the 16 so they sit nice and low on my waist. I feel good, as I know before starting this I would have struggled with a 16 in Monsoon. They can come up a bit small. Anyway bridesmaid dress shopping today, let the fun begin! X

Hi northernnat,

Aaah personal trainer. Go you. I tried a year or so ago with a personal trainer and hated it. Was sooo tough. Started dreading the sessions and eventually stopped altogether. I'm a hide at the back of the class kinda girl :).

Well done getting into size 14 jeans. I can only dream of size 14....

I'm thinking of switching to slim and save. Mostly for convenience. I really only see my consultant to weigh in and get more packs and the choice is so limited. I've ordered some packs from s and s to try them.

Oh Italy. I'm sooo jealous. I've been to Venice and Rome, years ago but I would love to go to Florence. Enjoy. Be hard to be good food wise in Italy. All those yummy carbs.

Hope your weigh in went ok. We're all going to have bumps in our journey. We're only human after all and it's such an anti social plan at times.

Again, have a lovely holiday xx