back on it!!!!!!!!!!

i will check in. do read ur diaries but got nothing to say back as im not following...

tbh trina i dno whats wrong with me hun, im not my happy self!!! but theres no reason why either!

hopefully it will blow over
i will check in. do read ur diaries but got nothing to say back as im not following...

tbh trina i dno whats wrong with me hun, im not my happy self!!! but theres no reason why either!

hopefully it will blow over

U no wot shez ive been feeling like that the last couple of days and i was telling the girls this mornin and they cheered me up no end. We all have crappy weeks hun but we gota pick ourself up coz if we dont help ourself nobody else can. Your such a star shez and u no we r here 4 u weneva.x p.s y dnt u have anything to say back we hardly talk bout food u should no that.x:)
We need you Shez, you're part of the (Will)PowerPuffers! X
Whilst you're head isn't in it, you're not going to get anywhere with losing weight.
You definitely need to be mentally ready for it and it sounds like you're not quite there yet.
Maybe over the school holidays you'll be more ready.

Can you give filling and healthy a go?
You can eat anything from the list and as much of it as you like.
Maybe that will satisfy your need to binge as you won't be tracking anything unless it's not on the list.

But don't force yourself, just please don't give up
thanks ppl
ive not totally left i do have a check on everyone!!!
today iv had tuna pasta salad 10
beans on toast 6
hula hoops 4
pork pie 5
so not doing too bad considerin im not on it!!!!
thanks ppl
ive not totally left i do have a check on everyone!!!
today iv had tuna pasta salad 10
beans on toast 6
hula hoops 4
pork pie 5
so not doing too bad considerin im not on it!!!!

Well Done Shez :) Fab Menu and within your PP :) Glad to see you on here :) Have a fab Friday. X
Minimins isn't the same without you Shez (It's much cleaner lol) x
Come on u no u want to.x

Maybe she's come back but under a pseudonym?!? There's been lots of new members lately! X