Back on track


Full Member
Well Im back on track , weighed this morning and after my little blip on wednesday Im now back to the weight I was Tuesday , so Im Happy.
So looks as if I might lose some weight after all. Was due a food day on Tuesday but bypassing that this week and staying focused till end of March when I have a hen weekend to go to .
I know I couldnt do a food week , Id be tempted to sneak a few extras in , so for now Im staying 100%
Hope everyone else is having a good week;)
I'm glad to hear that you are back on track! I'm not having a food break either, I don't think I would be able to go back to TS afterwards!! I'm not looking forward to the weigh in next week as i'm still the same weight as Monday :-(
Well done for the quick recovery platinumbabe :D
And you still have time nixib - get plenty of water down you lol.
I agree about the food break, prefer to wait till I've got to target. I've used the option a couple of times for occasions where eating was unavoidable and just had meat and veg. and was fine :)
yeah nixib , i was the same in week 2 no shift for 4 days then all of a sudden 4lbs dropped off , all very odd , but drinking the water does help me shift the weight.
My idea is to get to goal by sticking to it 100% and every 4 weeks or so when I have special occasions like hen weekend, weddings, birthday parties Im gonna have a day off . Not totally gonna go mad though , going to stick to meat and veg . Have no puddings or deserts and just have a few glasses of wine . That way I thing it will be easier to recover and get back on plan. Keep on going nixib and Im sure you will still have a loss this week. Love to you all xxx