Barb's Up and Down Diary

Morning all!

Feeling much better today, had a lovely meal out last night and a really good sleep.

DD today and ready for it! Drinking lots of water today and plan to try to have a not too wild UD tomorrow as I know Saturday will be really over the top!

Feel back in the swing, don't know whats going on but just feel back in the Juddding zone.

Hope all my Judddies feel good and have a great day.
Hi Barb

Glad you're feeling better.

I also feel really "in the zone" today. Maybe there's something in the water?

Have a great day!

Could be - I have my enthusiasm right back, it's fab! Glad to hear you feel the same Anja, it is such hard going if your mindset won't play the game!

Just been to waitrose, bought some low cal lollies. Very pleased, 11.45am and all i've had so far is water!!!!

Got a cal counted meal out the freezer for tonight. A waitrose mini meal of smoked haddock pie. 255 cals - just right. Sometimes it is nice to take the cal counting out and be confident that it is right!

Looking forward to a really good day of juddding!
Forgot to get mine out the freezer, but the 300g Quorn cottage pie is the best frozen meal for avoiding cal counting at only 177 cals.

Lucky my keyboard is still working, have just tipped half a litre of water over the hub, keyboard, mouse etc. Work are going to ban me from having drinks at all if I carry on doing this... I do it too often as it is!

Definitely feel healthy today & my mindset is spot on.
glad you're feeling better & back on track Barb.
its all so much easier when you feel good !
A good DD, at 414 cals at the mo and will probably have some ice cream in a minute. Weird today, I just feel like I am back on track, Tuesday I felt rubbish! Much prefer today!

UD tomorrow and Saturday, going to try not to go too mad. Wacth this space!
Ended yesterday on 576 cals, quite amazing really as it was a very stressful day taking my Dad to hospital to organize a knee replacement.
Today is an UD and I want to take it fairly easy, say 1600cals ish, as I know tomorrow will be very calorific. My daughter has now lost 7lbs juddding so she is very pleased.

All in all, I think Juddding is great, you don't get instant results but they seem steady and reasonable for the amount of effort that has gone in.

Catch up later.
Good day so far, been really busy and now realise I haven't eaten anything since lunch at 1pm! Thats good for me as I am a right little nibbler!

Probably won't be on here tomorrow as have wedding to go to- yippee, I love weddings!

So will try not to go too mad and catch up with my Judddies on Sunday - hangover permitting!!!!
Good day so far, been really busy and now realise I haven't eaten anything since lunch at 1pm! Thats good for me as I am a right little nibbler!
Aren't we all :D That's one of the great things about Juddd though. You get to work on breaking those habits on the DD, and work on the self control around food on the UDs. Perfect :)

Have a great time at the wedding.
Aren't we all :D That's one of the great things about Juddd though. You get to work on breaking those habits on the DD, and work on the self control around food on the UDs. Perfect :)

I hadn't thought of it like that KD, but you are absolutely right. My self control definitely needs some work.

Have a great day Barb.
Had a brilliant time - lovely wedding, weather a bit dodgy but we got away without getting wet, so that was good! Shudder to think how many cals consumed, mostly of the liquid variety!!!!!
Anyway, DD today -perfect with a hangover! Need to do well today as am .5lb up on the week and want to see at least a .5lb gone tomorrow. Going to leave eating as late as possible and drink lots of water.
However even if I stay the same I will not be too upset as we have been out for dinner twice this week, had a takeaway once and then had the wedding yesterday. Put like that if I lose an ounce it will be miraculous. See, thats why I love this plan - it makes me control myself and allows me to be uncontrolled! For instance, if today was an ordinary pre-Juddd day I would be caving in to the hangover munchies. Probably by now, I would have had tea and 3-4 biscuits, then some toast about now and later on a carb loaded lunch and dinner with chocolate thrown in for good measure! BUT - I am not going to do that, I have changed my life and I am not going to slip back into the ways that made me fatter and fatter.
I bet i do end the week .5lb down at least and that just shows that this is a plan you can live with - and I mean really live!

Have a great day my Judddies!
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Good to hear that the wedding went off well, my friends got married on the only totally wet day last summer, marquee on the lawn etc, a nightmare.

I'm so glad you are still feeling upbeat, I'm finding the fluctuations in weight a little confusing but other than that I'm happy with it, and absolutely bouncing. Have a great DD.
Having an excellent DD today; 166cals so far and had agreed with myself to have up to 820 if I need them - don't think I will!
Internet playing up though so if I am a bit absent tonight that is why!

Thanks for the good wishes Clairejen.

Really looking forward to week 4's weigh in tomorrow. Fingers crossed for a loss or even to stay the same!
Hi Barb

Sounds like you're having a good DD & very controlled. Glad the wedding went off well despite the weather.

I bet you will be at least half a lb lower this week.

Thanks Anja, hope so. I have been a right little goodie today, finishing on 449 cals! I had a lovely omlette for dinner; mushroom, shallot(did you know that shallots are 6cals for 25g, compared with 10cals for 25g of onion!) and tomato, with one egg and 2 eggwhites, mixed herbs and a dash of lea&perrins. Really tasty and quite a plateful.

I am definately getting more imaginative with the low cal stuff!
Well done Barb. 449 is great. Do you find that giving yourself permission to eat more calories, you found it easier to stick with less?
well done Barb, you really are well in the swing of it all. Me ? i'm all over the place at the mo
Hi Barb

Glad you've had such a great day and great week for that. You are the top JUDDDer for sure and being rewarded for it. I agree that a loss or even staying the same would be a real achievement tomorrow. Imagine the gain for a week like this pre JUDDDD.

I was wondering if you could start a thread with low calories tips for DownDays ie you Mini Milks and your Omelettes. If you have the time I'm sure many including myself would find it really useful. Ofcourse we would all add to it too.

Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Dizzy x