Beans Food Diary

Tonights dinner ended up slightly changed, only got a spoonful of the curry as my sis and her hubby and 3 kids weighed in at dinner time and ended up cooking for all of us:)

Not counting the syns in the curry as had tiny spoon of it and counted syns yesterday lol.

Brother has just rang and asked me to babysit his daughter who is 1. Argh! So much for my relaxing day lol xx
You know he's just text to say he's not gonna bother. Thank god lol. Had same dinner just smaller portion lol. Made fish fingers and chips for kids too:) and we all had the spicy chicken fried rice, salad and chips and a spoonful of the curry lol.

What u up to now? Any good dvds? X
You know he's just text to say he's not gonna bother. Thank god lol. Had same dinner just smaller portion lol. Made fish fingers and chips for kids too:) and we all had the spicy chicken fried rice, salad and chips and a spoonful of the curry lol.

What u up to now? Any good dvds? X

Bet you are glad lol!!
Sounds good chick!! I have django unchained and killing me softly!! Dunno if they gonna be much good but they look ok!! What you up to hun xxx
Awk i watched that Django last week. Didn't like it but seem to be the only one! Everyone else loves it!

Maybe gonna watch a film here if i can find one!

So glad i don't have to babysit lol xx
Mornin hun!! How are you today?? Well im with you on the django front!! Thought it was pretty much pants lol!!! Enjoyed the first half of it then remembered that tarantinos films are about 5million days long lol!! So i lost interest!! Did you end up having a relaxing night?? Did you watch a dvd?? Xx
Mornin hun!! How are you today?? Well im with you on the django front!! Thought it was pretty much pants lol!!! Enjoyed the first half of it then remembered that tarantinos films are about 5million days long lol!! So i lost interest!! Did you end up having a relaxing night?? Did you watch a dvd?? Xx

Morning, Im fine thank you! How r u?

Im just back from spin. Sun was shining on me the whole time and i was sweating like a crazy person. Totally shattered lol.

Ha ha, half way through it i got up and walked around upstairs cleaning and tidying lol. Moisturising etc lol. Was Soooo bored. Hubby loved it! The branding iron made me feel a bit queezy lol.

Yeah, was nice and relaxing after everyone went home! Woke up feeling so fresh today and ready for anything lol. Now Im back from spin Im shattered ha ha xx
Sunday 24th February 2013

Breakfast - banana

Snack -

Lunch - French toast with cinnamon and sweetner bacon mushroom and tomatoes and scrambled egg mug of tea and pint of dilute apple squash.

Snack - chopped banana and orange and chocolate mullerlight

Dinner - boiled rice fried with soy sauce, sweet chilli chicken and salad. Soooo good and syn free!

Snacks - milky bar (3.5) bowl jelly mousse and strawberries (1/2) and cream (1)

And another milky bar (3.5) and s&v velvet crunch (4)

healthy extras used on bread and milk

Total syns: 12.5

Exercise - 45 spin
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Morning, Im fine thank you! How r u?

Im just back from spin. Sun was shining on me the whole time and i was sweating like a crazy person. Totally shattered lol.

Ha ha, half way through it i got up and walked around upstairs cleaning and tidying lol. Moisturising etc lol. Was Soooo bored. Hubby loved it! The branding iron made me feel a bit queezy lol.

Yeah, was nice and relaxing after everyone went home! Woke up feeling so fresh today and ready for anything lol. Now Im back from spin Im shattered ha ha xx

Im good honey thankyou!!

Weel done on anotha exercise session!! I always hang my head in shame reading how well you do lol!! You may be the kick up the jackssy i need ha!!

Yeah wasnt impressed at all with django!! I shoulda turned it off when he walked out wearin that hideous blue suit with frills, WTF???? lol!!

What intersting things are you cooking today?? Xx
Lol @ the frills. Load of keek lol. Won't be watching it again. Ended up watching devils advocate. Flipping love keanu reeves. Yum Yum!! Lol

No idea what to make today for dinner. Thinking to maybe order a Chinese. Not had one since xmas (bar my birthday) but want to stay on plan. Usually get a kids chicken chow mein but fancy something different with boiled rice maybe. Any suggestions of low syn stuff? X
Lol @ the frills. Load of keek lol. Won't be watching it again. Ended up watching devils advocate. Flipping love keanu reeves. Yum Yum!! Lol

No idea what to make today for dinner. Thinking to maybe order a Chinese. Not had one since xmas (bar my birthday) but want to stay on plan. Usually get a kids chicken chow mein but fancy something different with boiled rice maybe. Any suggestions of low syn stuff? X

The black bean sauce dishes aren't too bad I think? I'm usually boring and have mushroom chow mein myself though! I think the only thing that's really awful is sweet n sour and crispy beef etc. x
Might just get a chow mein but thinking that using 7 syns on it is a waste lol. Maybe be better getting a curry for 8.5 jalfrezi! Much more tasty x
Love it too lol. Just also love naan bread, poppadoms and mango chutney etc as well ha ha.

Ended up having salad with chicken and rice instead. Didn't wanna waste syns on the Chinese when it might be rotten lol. And oh didn't want an Indian!


Lol. Ill bet yours is lovely too! Mine was so nice and only took 5 mins as all leftovers and frozen Iceland chicken pieces lol. So handy as they defrost in micro in 3mins!! Thrown in the pan with soy sauce and lazy chilli and sweetner and some water and blast up high for a few mins. Could eat that every day lol xx
Hi love!! Have been M.I.A today as my son is constantly hi-jacking mumy iphone to watch you tube videos as our laptop isnt working at the moment!! I am havin minimins withdrawels lol!!

Well done on sticking to plan hun!! Well ive decided (or rather the rest of the family have decided) to have a takeaway!! So my roast chicken is out the window (well not really, its in the oven for tomorrow lol!!) thinking on a rogan josh and boiled rice (6.5)

Is there anything else you have tried from the takeaway places you like?? Xx
Love it too lol. Just also love naan bread, poppadoms and mango chutney etc as well ha ha.

Ended up having salad with chicken and rice instead. Didn't wanna waste syns on the Chinese when it might be rotten lol. And oh didn't want an Indian!

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Oh and your salad looks terrific hun xx
Hi love!! Have been M.I.A today as my son is constantly hi-jacking mumy iphone to watch you tube videos as our laptop isnt working at the moment!! I am havin minimins withdrawels lol!!

Well done on sticking to plan hun!! Well ive decided (or rather the rest of the family have decided) to have a takeaway!! So my roast chicken is out the window (well not really, its in the oven for tomorrow lol!!) thinking on a rogan josh and boiled rice (6.5)

Is there anything else you have tried from the takeaway places you like?? Xx

Oh no lol. Nobody gets my phone. Its my baby ha ha. You should make him play scrabble like we did when we were young or monopoly lol. Im sure that would go down well:)

Awk rogan josh for 6.5 is brilliant. Must bear that in mind for next time! Im def getting a takeaway next wknd so that's what ill get.

I like chow mein but can make a nice one myself for low syns so doesn't feel like a treat. Rogan josh would feel bad lol.

And yay for u! Tomorrow nights dinner is cooked. Easy Mondays:) xx