Beans Food Diary

Awk thank you, feel less guilty now lol. I never do it but i made loads of carrot and turnip mash last night and left in fridge and was off when i got home! Boke lol.

Dinner was lovely tho! Must do better tomorrow with some salad or something x
Hey! Nothing wrong with a carb feast! I have them all the time so no worries! What was for lunch? Looks awesome xx

Lol thanks!! I def need more Superfree tho. Ah well, ill get something good in tomorrow!

Lunch was a pie, chicken and bacon with onions, carrots, mushrooms, peas and a winter sachet of sauce, forget the name but its 6 syns and then u top with sliced potatoes. Really nice and had half a plate of cabbage and some beans too! The pie was split for 6 adults and 2 children so a smallish portion! X
Thursday 14th February 2013 (bokey Valentines day) yuck yuck yuck

Breakfast - 1 alpen light & 3 x ryvita thin and crispy things?! plus 2 x laughing cow extra light

Snack: none :cry:

Lunch - chicken & rice pot (sw from my butchers and syn free), with a drop of minced beef and fajita spices (1) left over from last nights dinner and some beetroot

Snack - some fruit if i can get it from the shop

Dinner - Slow cooker chicken with leftover egg fried rice and some frozen veg and pepper sauce (1/2)

Snacks - bad stuff after spin!...and a milky bar before lol (3.5) ended up having alpen light double chocolate with chopped banana and a ww vanilla yogurt. Yum!!

healthy extras used on alpen light, ryvita, milk and cheese (mixing it all up today and its sooooo not allowed ha ha ha ha)

Total syns: 8

Exercise - 45 spin

Having rice twice today - need to plan a wee bit better than that! Also had it yesterday for dinner but 2/3 of those was brown so hopefully that will be fine. If i eat too much white rice i end up constipated / bloated and dont lose weight!
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Hi Ya,

Your meals look good,.

I too have carbs fests and wondered if this is slowly weight lost down - any thoughts?

You seemd to have lost quite a bit and kept it off...

I am struggling abit - was doing it on my own for a whilke now joined online as no groups at the time I can get to.

Keep up the good work!

Hi Kat!

Thank you, it tasted good lol. Just should have had the 1/3 superfree. Im still learning even after about 2 years at this lol. I found i lost a lot quickly and its stayed off no problem but i just cant seem to get the next big loss!

I know what will work for me though, if i cut down on carbs and eat more vegetables and fruit at meal times i will definitely lose more weight. For me to lose a significant amount of weight i would need to eat 1/3 free and 2/3 superfree at all meal times. I will be starting to do this more often if i can.

I also do slimming world on my own from home:) I just use this forum and my old books and my previous knowledge!

Im not sure if your stats are right? They say you have lost 5lb from June 2010? And you do red and green days? I would possibly try the extra easy route if thats the case. It may really help you.

Do you have a food diary i can look at?

Thanks for saying im doing well! Its nice to hear it lol xx

My stats are incorrect - when I get time I will update them.

I have been EE but find it hard to believe I can eat carbs and protein as free food but think what I will do is fill my plate up first with the superfree veggies then put the other stuff on.

I weigh more thn my stats and havent lost anything so this time it is it. I need to lose it - got so much too look forward to that I want to wear a nice outfit for a Wedding (not sure when it will be, but want to lose it so I am nice and slim for that occasion), Girly holiday (the rest are all slim its just me that finds it hard to walk for miles etc), Hols with Hubby Cruise def need to be slim for that.

Trouble is with me and probably like all of us I want the weight of now not a months time!.

Still I am hoping fingers crossed this time...

Good luck have a good day


Awk good luck kat! U can def for it!

Just stick to the plan and let it come off steady and it Will stay off!

Stick to ee for a while and see how u go. I lost 6lb ky first week on ee lol xx
Friday 15th February 2013

Breakfast - magic pancakes made with ww toffee yogurt and a chopped banana


Snack: banana and tea before spin

Lunch - carrot and lentil soup and smash scone

Snack -

Dinner - subway salad & sweet onion sauce(2)

Snacks - popcorn (10)

healthy extras used on porridge and cheese

Total syns: 10

Exercise - 45 spin
Free spring rolls they sound lush! Is the recipe on here?

Your doing so well - I still need to kick my bottom into gear.

Good luck for rest of the day Hon.


Thank u kat!!

Ill virtually give u that kick lol

Yes recipe on minimins but roughly here it is (ps, i haven't tried them yet so can't comment)

Boil lasagna sheets until soft, leave to cool slightly and cut in half.

Dry fry/fry light vegetables of your choice (Im going to do chicken and rice with Veg instead) stirfry Veg in soy sauce or worcester, whichever u prefer.

Once cooked put spoonful of mixture into half lasagna sheet and roll up. Put a cocktail stick in to hold in place on fry lighted oven tray.

Cook in oven for 20-25 @ 180/190 degrees.

Hope that makes sense, Im rubbish at recipes lol.

Home from cinema now and just going to bed as took AF half way through film. Grrr!! Just took a cup of tea to bed xx
Saturday 16th February 2013

Breakfast - banana, grapes, plum and strawberries with a muller light & tea


Lunch - 2 x sainsburys cumberland sausages (1), bacon, fried egg, mushrooms, tomatoes and beans

Snack - apple and flump (1.5)

Dinner - honey chilli chicken(1.5), chips and spring rolls...all sw to follow! Oh and salad on the side!

Snacks - milky bar (3.5) bag s&v walkers baked (5)

healthy extras used on alpen light and milk

Total syns: 12.5

Exercise - 45 spin
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Lovely lunch which i demolished after my spin class!

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Ur lunch looks great,! Great job going spinning. Just wish I had a sat class to go to.. Lots of classes on early in the morning but not a spin class.

Still I went shopping and did some walking.

