Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

lol. yeah. that, lou. Im just incredibly terrified of the whole thing. i took a few lessons with a proper instructor when i was like..17 or so. and i hated it. i felt panicked the whole time. and one point (LOL) we were (I was..rather) driving down a busy road in vegas and just randomly I freaked out and FORGOT what I was meant to be doing. hahaha. DONT JUDGE ME. It was all just overwhelmed me. How am I meant to be watching in all my mirrors AND in front of me AND keeping the car between the lines ALL AT THE SAME TIME? Seriously? *sigh*. Its just...erg. So. Im totally not excited about it. The idea of the freedom it gives is exciting. But the excitement completely stops there for me. lol
I think learning to drive is one of the hardest things I've ever done, partly because it's completely different to anything else - and paradoxically it's only once you stop 'thinking' about it that you can actually do it! Passed 1st time at 17 (get me lol) but then didn't drive apart from a couple of hire cars until I was pregnant with my second daughter (I was 37). I couldn't face another non-driving maternity leave, so took refresher lessons locally. So glad I did.

The game-changer for me though was my huge commute. I decided to drive it for a few months - A3, M25 and M3 - 120 mile round trip every day on some of the UK's worst traffic black spots.

Practice made all the difference and now I'm fine.

You will be fine! You have a spangly new life starting up! You can do anything if you put your mind to it!


Thanks for the lovely enouragement all!

So. Yesterday culminated in a celebratory disgusting (but tasty) carb-overload. I wont elaborate further so as not to put off those of you who are actually following this all. ;P

Im sorta back on today. I have a stonkin headache (thanks, totm..and probably carb yuckiness as well) and am going out with friend M around 11ish. No idea what the plan is but will almost certain involve at least a coffee and more likely, lunch. So Ive had nothing yet today aside from water and coffee and a babybel (to take some ibuprofen with!!) and im just goiing to wing it if we do go to lunch. Cant be bothered today with trying to make sure its somewhere that serves chips (for my incredibly picky girl) and ALSO salad...and also is still somewhere that M wants to go...but isnt ridiculously expensive. Yeah. I just cant be worried about it. So Im going to do the best I can do when we get to where ever we end up going and take it from there. If i end up having to have a couple of eggs for dinner to avoid further carbs...then so be it. :D

So...I think we might be leaving on the 28th Sept. Direct flights on thomas cook from mancs.

Also, no one wants me fur-boy :(

So I guess I should get the washing into the dryer and then start getting us ready for the day. :)
Zoe is a bit too young to understand. But we have told Tabby. I dont think she fully understands the finality of it. That we arent coming back. But yeah. We've talked to them.

I might possibly have a foster for Lyra though a local rescue. Despite me having tried this same rescue myself no fewer than 3 times over the last few months....and getting nowhere, a friend of mine has a friend who runs a canine rescue up here and she posted about lyra in their fb group. so one of the admins of that group contacted me and asked for the details and she got in touch with this other pet rescue that I mentioned before...and it seems to be a possiblity that they might have a foster that can take him until they get him properly rehomed. so...its bittersweet but as nothign has really happened yet I am not counting my chickens before theyve hatched. we'll see.

got tons going on right now. yikes.

oh and the job people got in touch and said that they really liked my interview and that i have definitely made it to the face-to-face interview bit... but as Im still here in the UK to just contact them when I get back to vegas to set up my interview then. so i have 2 interviews to set up when i get home. wooo!

right. back to trying to work out what to pack....

Forgot to weigh until after my coffee this morning. Really sad cuz I have no idea where I am, weightwise. Ive been so all over the place lately.

Sister is being a bit of a pain. Originally she offered us a spare room (the garage has been converted) in her home but said to give her a couple of months notice, if at all poss, as to when we will be arriving because she has a bunch of crap in that needs sorting and clearing out. Fair enough. Then a couple of months ago she said she was thinking of moving into a bigger house she would just move and get a house with enough rooms for us all. So i suggested we get a "family" home and all share (plus she already has a single female roommate) and she said no because she wants to remain "independent" and wants to make sure she can afford the rent on her own. Im her sister and would never ditch her and leave her stuck but ok, fair enough. So she's been saying that she will start saving "every penny" starting when she gets back from her friends wedding (in another state) in a couple of weekends. So thats basically coming up to august. We arrive sept 28th. and Im very confused as to the actual logistics of how this is meant to work?! shes going to save up and then move...but surely she has to give at least a month's notice. so she would have to do that..when? I just dont see how time is going to allow for what she says she wants to do. also...ive offered to help out with moving costs but she wont give me a number....yet, by the tone of her message (I had messaged her, nicely telling her that if she wants us to find somewhere else to stay...because i couldnt see how it was all going to come together in time and i didnt want US to be the source of more stress for her...) I can tell that she seems to expect that we are going to help, financially (fair enough...i said we could help) ...but doesnt feel inclined to actually talk numbers with me and dates. I would like to know how much and by what date. and how its all going to work. and i think she doesnt know...really. Just keeps saying "i said we will make it work." well. yeah. but if im forking out loads of $$...i need more definite plans....but she got a bit shirty with me and said that i need to pick a plan and stick to it. im just a little miffed at that..but...whatever. i get what she's saying...sure. ok. but if she doesnt tell me what the option of staying with her actually entails (and if its even going to happen, in time!) then..icant really make an informed decision, can i?

so im going to ring around to bunches of apartments today and see if anyone will rent to us. if not...then i might ring an extended stay place (although the tend to be grotty) and check their availibility and what happens if we rent a month and then need to stay a further month...can we just stay in that same the price the same..etc.

once i know what our options are in that respect..i will know a bit better how best to reply to sister. although tbh...if shes gonna be shirty and moody about things...and not forthcoming...i not entirely sure i want to live with her anyway. but we may not have a choice. So yeah. Busy day in Beelishyland today.

Really. I just want to go to bed and come in a few weeks.
Difficult without knowing all the facts BUT everyone moves at different paces - your pace is absolutely terrifying to me, I am such a plodder. I admire the way you get things done but I need to take a bit more time. Your sister may be the same. It is also different talking about things in the abstract but she may need a bit of time to adjust to it becoming real. I'm sure she loves the thought of having you all around but it's also a huge adjustment from single life.

The other thing I have noticed from having sick parents recently is that as siblings we all go off in different directions with different values and ways of living and suddenly we have to come together and make joint decisions. No one really gives us the tools to do this and before we know it we are back to childhood type squabbling. When people behave badly it's usually just based on fear and nothing like a big move to ramp that up.

I'd be inclined to give her that couple of weeks and investigate stuff for yourself in the meantime. That way you know what your fallback position is. I think it may make more sense to have your own place anyway and have the benefit of your sister close by.

Not easy but just breathe and keep planning but know you can't necessarily have that certainty today or this week or even this month.
You are so like me Bee, once I make a decision I want everything in place immediately and get annoyed when people aren't on board! But to someone who is more 'go with the flow' we must be terrifying!!

Great advice from clin as always, keep to your arrangements with your sister but also have contingency in place so you could support yourselves out if you needed to.

I hate having to rely on other people and i'm sure you do too which is why it is frustrating when your sister doesn't have the same outlook as you

Ive been better than 100% today (couldnt finish my quorn for dinner. stuffed!) and had AWESOME news on the apartment rental front. i called 2 different letting companies (who each have various different apartment buildings around the city) and both said they would work with us. !! WOO HOO. So will have somewhere to live. Somewhere of our own! woop. Im going to not reply to my sister for a few the hopes she calms down a bit.

my problem with just sending her some money is that i sent her $200 about 5 years ago because she was going to get a passport to come see me (i was going to buy her ticket too) and she used the money to buy a new phone.

so. she's rather .....unpredicatable. to put it nicely. my wanting a plan to go by may put her off..but her level of with-holding and not being transparent about her plans and the logistics...makes me worried to even involve us at all. because of this. so yeah. and also...there are 11 weeks (and 2 days) before we arrive. not long at all. so i dont have time for her to plod along and potter about and do things in her own time. i need to at least know what shes planning (more to be reassured that she actually does plan to do SOMETHING....other than mis-spend the money again. or sit on it until we no longer need to stay with her and THEN go and get her house).

Anyway. Im going to just leave it for a while. Let her calm down a bit and hopefully get into a better mood. Before i talk to her further.
great news on the 110% day and the apartments! :D it will be much better to be independent if you can :) It's stressful staying with other people, you can't do your own thing, have arguments, be 'natural' if that makes sense, even if it is family

224.2 today. So despite the couple of days of ridiculousness and celebration of visa issuance earlier in the really good day yesterday has redeemed me. lol. So at least, at this point Im not UP for the week. Im hoping to get at least to 223 for tomorrow so I show a loss for the week. Going to be uber super dooper good again today. Hubby and kids having donuts currently and I had a babybel and dont give a poo about no stinkin, carb riddled donuts! so HMPHF! lol. I really have no desire to have the last one. Which...I ALWAYS have to eat "the last one" if its just sitting there. Just to "get rid" of it. And then so I can "just throw the packaging away". Because, its all about me being tidy and not about me being a greedy slob. ;)

But today...Im honestly not bothered about it. The girls can share it later or hubby can have it for his supper tonight with his tablets before bed.

Anyway. YES Lou. I think that it will be better for us all....really. Living with someone puts a strain on the relationship sometimes. I think thats true of ALL relationships. But with family...I think that beause there is more emotional junk makes it worse. Anyway. i explained to her that i didnt want to put her out and that she wasnt even looking for a house before we were going to stay..and i just feel liuke she is being forced to accelerate her plan to "eventually get into a bigger place" and that she is, instead of looking for HER perfect house, looking for the best of what's available that will suit her needs BUT ALSO accomodate us staying. And thats not good. It would eventually possibly lead to resentment. Like after we leave...."I couldve had the other house that i liked better but now Im stuck in this house which is ok...but not really the one i wanted...just because it had an extra bedroom.." or whatever. She seems like she's doing the "ok..thats fine!" to cover up that shes annoyed/angry/hurt. But I could be reading too much into it. I dunno. I hope she isnt upset with me. This is where communication is so important. meh

Anyway. Im excited about everything (again...for now! haha). (except DRIVING! will never be excited about that) (she says..) so woo hoo. Hubs taking a week off starting 28th of this month. We will try to get the flat as sorted as possible. I CANT WAIT. lol
Leave that naughty doughnut, yukky!!!!

Well done on the loss for the good day :) I have lost 3lbs overnight but am still FIVE POUNDS up from this time last week, ouch!!!

Yeah its hard living with others, and as you say it wouldn't be forever and them she might be left stuck somewhere she wouldn't have chosen otherwise.

Take her on face value that its alright with her for now so you don't get caught up in a whole 'I think she is thinking that...' Thing. My OH is the worst for that, winds himself about what he thinks people are thinking without finding out what is really going on!! The number of arguments he has had without a word being spoken!! I swear it'll be the death of him!

i'm so exited for you, bit jealous!! But I'll live through you for now :) :)
Haha. Yes. I will just move forward as though everything with sister is fine. :) if she's harbouring any issues...theyre hers alone unless she actually opens up to tell me about it..or discuss it. So...whatevs. lol

Im feeling pretty much like a rockstar today. lol. I managed to sell our old Ikea Poang style (cant remember the name and Ikea have discountinued it) chair for a tenner. It WAS white at one time and the cover comes off (unless youre a dafty like me and lose the allen key thing to take the bolts off...oops). So ive scrubbed it up as best as I could and sold it AS IS...for 10 quid. It was just gonna go to charity or the council collection anyway. So yay! haha. I love "free" money!

Im really wanting to sell our big expedit unit from Ikea too but its massive and so hard to move..i would have to take it to bits. And hubby will probably freak a little that Im selling off all our stuff. haha. He does get rather attached to "things". I used to too but now I find that I lean far more toward minimalist ideas. The stuff I hoard is stuff (often silly) with sentimental or memory type value. Like..train tickets. And every single card, letter, note etc that hubby and i have ever exchanged. haha. Anyway. Im very tempted to just sell it anyway. Or list it for sale. Feels a bit like a naughty kid. Like..When i was 9ish and I knew I shoudnt trim my own hair but i do it anyway and hope my mom doesnt notice. lol. like that. eeek! haha

Hmm. What to do....*cackles sheepishly*
lunch time and omg...i reckon the new four cheese pasta - once doctored up a little, is a BRILLIANT pack from SnS. Seriously....Ive added a tablespoon of knorr chicken boullion powder, a palmful of peas (i know..NAUGHTY! not on the "veggies allowed" list! haha), 2 mushrooms and a palmful of quorn chkn pieces...maybe about 8 bits. And its bloomin fab!! already had a few bites as there was more. lol. so good! tastes like one of those pasta & sauce packets....
