Been burgled,can't sleep

So sorry to hear your awful news - my mum and dad we're burgled when i was in my late teens and my mum never felt the same about the house and i would sleep with the radio on and in the day time lock everything and have load music blearing. Don't worry about your diet - just get things sorted that you can physically do i'm sure your team leader and group will give you lots of support and love. Look after yourself and i send hugs with fairy dust to keep you safe
Another thing you could do is perhaps leave your hall light on at night. And don't worry about what you have eaten hun, eat what you like today xxx
What a truely horrible thing to happen to you chick. You should be contacted by Victim Support (I used to be one of them) and they will let you talk about your experiences which can help. Also ask your local Community beat officer or Police community support officer about getting your house security checked over. They might see things they you dont which can help you tighten security....try not to dwell on it the ******* wont be giving you a second thought so dont give them one just resolve to prevent it again....(((hugs)))...xx
Hi I deal with these *******s all day long... I hope you manage to get sorted out. You can get some support for victim support ,, please don't poo poo this service as they are really helpful for all sorts of things.

Phil x
Hi I deal with these *******s all day long... I hope you manage to get sorted out. You can get some support for victim support ,, please don't poo poo this service as they are really helpful for all sorts of things.

Phil x

I absolutely agree with Phil. I used to volunteer for Victim Support and they do offer a great service xx
Getting broken into is my worst fear- It must be so scary for you!

I live by myself and it's such a fear; I live in a fairly rough area too. When i'm out i have my alarm on but i don't when in bed- nothing!

Look after yourself and concentrate on the diet later, hope you get to sleep ok!
There are some days when life gets in the way and that was definatley one of those days. Im so sorry to hear what happened, from the news it seems to be on the increase with the credit crunch etc I hope life settles down again soon for you.
That is so awful. I hope that you are recovering from the shock. I hope they get caught and get what is coming to them. Thinking of you...
Thanks guys, I'm feeling a bit better today and I'm back on track. Gosh I must of had about a months worth of syns yesterday! I just binged all day, but the main thing is I'm back 100% on SW.
Went out today as my BF was working and I didn't wana be home alone, so I went and got acrylic nails instead, something I never treat myself too!
Thanks everyone for all your comments xxx
I'm so sorry to hear about this.

My lad and I were burgled in 2004 and they took everything - even down to the nail brush in the bathroom and the boiler!

People who do this are absolute scum - I hope you are feeling better. HUGEST hugs xxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks guys, I'm feeling a bit better today and I'm back on track. Gosh I must of had about a months worth of syns yesterday! I just binged all day, but the main thing is I'm back 100% on SW.
Went out today as my BF was working and I didn't wana be home alone, so I went and got acrylic nails instead, something I never treat myself too!
Thanks everyone for all your comments xxx
Don't worry it is understandable it is a terrible thing to go through - just glad to hear your feeling better take care x