Been there; done that..!


Love God; Love People
Hi all, I'm back on LT to get my weight down to the originally planned target. I was back on regular meals for 4 months and I can compare notes now with what it was like eating again.
Someone mentioned being obsessed with food. It was actually becoming that way with me especially in the last few weeks. I was kinda pushing myself to the limits of what I could get away with (anyone know what I mean?!). Now back on TFR day 2 it seems much simpler: LT shakes and 'NO!' to everything else.
So folks, it amy seem hard but we can enjoy the simplcity and effectiveness of LT TFR. This stage of weight loss is actually easier than maintenance.
On with the journey, drink up! :D
I know what you mean about pushing yourself with food, why do we do it. Do we what to get fat again? At least when on lipotrim all that choice is taken away we know what we'll be having!! Maybe it just takes time to being slim and staying slim, we do deserve it you know. Keep going.XX
Yeah, what hepled a lot in the early days of maintenance was exercising and being very careful about calorie intake and making healthy food choices then I started easing off thinking "well I'm not putting on weight..." When I first came off TFR, I thought I'd be careful forever but healthy living takes commitment and it does take staying commited till it becomes a habit and your nature.