Been thinking..Are we craving more sweet food...

Isabel, Go Lower has definately helped me.. I know longer crave the sweetness that used to be my normal way of life. I do enjoy the Go Lower treats, but to be truthful I only eat them because I know I can and that I am allowed to,not because I HAVE to eat them...

How much have you lost on Go Lower. As I've said in a previous post, 8 weeks = 2stone for me.

Thanks Suzy - appreciate your praise!


without a doubt Go Lower has helped me.

I only just posted on another thread about last week. I had quite a stressful time and before doing Go Lower I would have binged on chocolate and all other sorts of rubbish food to comfort eat. I stuck to my diet the whole time and I am very pleased with myself.

I enjoy my Go Lower treats but I don't have that desperate craving anymore.

Happy you deserve the praise as you are doing really well.

Suzy's right...the cravings are getting lesser and lesser. I find it's even easier knowing that I've got a Go Lower treat sitting in the cupboard if I need something sweet to eat. I've never been able to keep things in the cupboard and not eat them, that is until now. For me that's what so great about Go Lower - I can have it if I want it, but I don't want it!

Good luck

These days the sugar industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. When it is worth that much money to these companys I think it will never go away, I do think it should be regulated more though, like companys not been allowed to advertise there products after a certain time at night if they contain a certain amount of fat or sugar. When my 4 year old daughter sees something she likes on the tv, she asks me to go out and buy it so it makes sense, if she cannot see it she cannot ask for it.

I think that's a hard one. My kids also see the adverts etc and ask for stuff, but at the end of the day it's me who decides whether to buy it for them or not. More often than not, I don't buy it, only for a treat. They have learnt that they can't eat sweets, crisps, chocolate, McD's all the time as it is bad for them. I believe it also up to us as parents to educate our kids that sugar is bad for us and they can have it in moderation. Now when my kids get, they enjoy it, and know they won't get any more for the rest of the day.

Don't think it'll make too much difference what time the adverts are on tv, you still see adults giving their kids packets of crisps on the way to school in the mornings - the parent is the adult and should say 'NO' - end of!

Good luck with your diet
Hi Happy

I just wanted to say I have to agree with you about deciding what your kids eat. I haven't explained to them yet that some foods are bad I just don't allow them to have the bad foods very often.

I guess I should tell them why I restrict some foods I just don't know how much they will understand. Oh well this week they are with my parents so I don't have to think about it just yet!
Hi Suzy
Hope you are doing ok....not seen you for a while..

Thanks for agreeing with me re:what the kids eat etc. Aren't you the lucky one kids away at the grandparents this week. That sounds like heaven. Have you got anything special planned?

How are you going with Go Lower - still as happy as ever? You seem to be doing well...

Hi Happy

I have been on holiday to Spain and the kids are still there so that is why I haven't been around for a couple of weeks.

I didn't follow Go Lower while I was away but I also didn't go stupid. I did not gain anything during my time of the diet so I am really pleased.

I started again on Monday so I am hoping I am back in keotosis as in the past it happened really quickly.

Unfortunatley we have a funeral this weekend so any plans of a free weekend are now going to be spent driving to Wales and then back to London again intime to collect the kids and my parents from the airport, not quite what I would have planned but then nothing ever does go to plan does it?

How are you doing with Go Lower? Are you still beating your friends weight loss each week?
Hi Suzy.
Pleased you had a good holiday - loads of relaxing and enjoying time with the kids....You are very lucky that they are still in Spain - sounds like heaven!

Sorry to hear about the funeral - hope it all goes well, that is as well as these sorts of things can go!

You did really well by not putting any weight on whilst you were away - that's very impressive. It just goes to show, once you know the right way and how to make the right choices the rest is quite simply easy(ish!) How are you feeling - ketosis hit yet? Not a pleasant journey, but once over with life is plain sailing.

Yes, of course I'm still beating my friend. Actually this is her first week doing Go Lower - I finally managed to persuade her to give it ago! Watch this space. Not been able to weigh myself for 2 weeks now as my friend was away - (I don't own any scales!) and I want to weigh on the same scales in the same position all the time. Looking forward to tomorrow to see how I'm doing..My clothes are feeling looser again, had to make a new hole in belt so things should be going my way!

Good luck with ketosis - you know where we are if you need to 'SCREAM' at someone.

Its always the deals in the supermarkets that get me lol Even if I dont feel like chocolate at that particular moment it ends up sitting in my cupboards and (of course) at some point it has to be eaten *sigh!*
Hi Jojo, I can't have it sitting in my cupboard otherwise I will want to eat it.

After being off my diet for two weeks while on holiday I said right come Monday that is is lets get back on track! What did I do Monday night because I knew they were there, I ate some crisps. Not good!

Since then I have been really good and Happy, I think I may be back in keotosis. I had a really slight headache yesterday, which I happened to mention to my Go Lower consultant as I spoke to them last night and I think that may have been keotosis for me.

I certainly don't feel hungry and I know I should be thinking about lunch about now!

Great news your friend is now doing Go Lower, but she has a way to go before she catches up with your loss I bet.

Good luck with your weigh in.

Isn't it a great feeling everytime you realise your belt feels to big again? I have got one more notch left on this belt and then I think I have a good enough excuse to spend the money and buy a new one!
saw on 'doctors' this morning about how artificial sweeteners increase your cravings for sweet things but not sure if it does. generally don't eat stuff with them in but some of them are 200 times more sweet than sugar? thats what they said anyway. seems an awful lot so they were advising no diet coke although they wouldn't recommend ordinary coke either ha ha:)
That is what I love about keotosis, I don't crave the sweet stuff.

I know when I have looked at low carb foods, especially the sugar free stuff it is full of sweetners so I guess Breadbin and Happy they could be right.

Shame they didn't recommend full fat coke......
I don't like full fat coke - it tastes sooo different to the diet stuff that when I do drink fizzy which is very rare, I have always had diet - even when I've not been dieting (which again has also been very rare -but you get the point!). Hopefully Go Lower will be the last ever diet I ever do. And if results so far are anything to go by, then it should be!

Ketosis is great isn't it Suzy - thoroughly recommend it to everyone. Still hate seeing my OH and the kids/friends/family etc eating the naughty food - its still sooo tempting no matter how not hungry I am.


we have very different taste buds as I lurve full fat coke but as I am so addicted to it I am glad I am not drinking it! I can drink it like most people drink water! I used to have to ween myself off it every now and then.

Like you I am confident that Go Lower is the last diet I will ever need as I proved whilst on holiday by not gaining.

I am not tempted when I see others eating although I do look forward to my chocolate treat some days a lot more than others. Maybe that is my brains way of dealing with it!
Suzy, its a good feeling to know that you are never going to have to diet ever again isn't it!

You are luckier than me by the sounds of things easy as Go Lower is, and ketosis does really help,I still like the idea of chocolate and everything naughty, the difference is of course is that now I don't eat it like I used too, but when I look at others eating it, I soooo want it. But somehow I am able not to eat it like I used to do on the many various diets I have done in the past...maybe that is the ketosis or I just realise now it's not worth it....If it wasn't for the Go Lower snacks, no idea how I would cope!?

Hi Happy

Yes a brillaint feeling that finally Go Lower is my last diet.

I know when it comes to maintaining I will have to be sensible but I got away with so much whilst on holiday I know it will be fine.

I have never stuck to a diet like I have this one before and because the results are so good it is a great motivation!

Don't get me wrong I still love my chocolate raspberries and brazil nuts and I would not be without them but some days I can quite easily do without them and yet other days I think I can't wait to sit down in the evening and enjoy them.
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Its something I've been thinking about. Do we as a society crave more sweet things than say 10, 20, 30 or longer years ago? I mean our grandparents tended not to be fat like we as a nation are today. Why is this? I wonder is it really down to the fact that we've all got a sweeter tooth today or that food is more easily available? Even strawberries are bread to be sweeter? So many questions, and not enough answers....answers on a postcard please!

I think its the processed crap we are bombarded with these days ( which we never had in the past ) that puts,our weight on, without dealing with the hunger.

It's not REAL FOOD.
Real food comes from Nature and is not 'fiddled about with' by food manufacturers

Of course, it's also the sugars and hidden sugars in foods like these that do the damage, so it's best to keep out of places like Iceland, etc etc, where all you can see is boxed, frozen, or tinned. yuk !
I think you are absolutely right. There is so much rubbish out there. I do tend to cook most of meals from scratch (for the family anyway as I'm doing Go Lower and they supply all my meals for me!)...but even that is becoming harder. I mean you but cheese and then you realise it's not even real cheese - those cheese string things, I was told they're not real cheese!! Even yoghurt for the kids are now full of sweeteners, additives etc etc... Thankfully my kids do love fruit and veg and everything home-made. Tonight for their dinner they all had burgers and chips, but it was all home-made. Burgers with lean mince, I used to do Slimming world and so made SW chips (fat free) and then beans and can't go wrong. The kids still ate burgers and chips, but it was a healthy one = nothing wrong with it! It was what you would call real food.

You are doing really well on your diet - nearly there. Well done and keep at it.

thanks hc

I think you are feeding your family in a good and nourishing, sensible way, and your children will thank you for it, as this way of eating will be hopefully 'taken up' by them for the future good of their health..if only all mothers were the same..

good luck in continuing your journey.
