Consolidation Before and after pictures

Emma you look gorgeous!

I'm seriously thinking of sticking my before and after photos on the fridge as a reminder so I don't ever get like that again!
We could be an advert for Dukan :) So how many more will be brave enough to post?
In my old life I used to hate having my photo taken, I'd be somewhere in the back with my shoulders hunched. At the wedding on saturday I was all oooh, camera - photos, lovely! pose, smile, pose etc. Was great fun :D
Emma - wow, wow, wow! You look amazing, well done on a terrific achievement!

Jo - I just took a look at your pictures - crikey! Huge congrats to you! You look 20 years younger, so happy, healthy and bloomin fantastic. I am in awe :D

Thanks again to all of you for sharing your photos, I know how hard it can be and hope I am brave enough when I have reached my target too :)
Poppy - you're one hot mama!!!
Louschou - fantastic fit body!!!
Emma - you look fab!
Really admire you all, a great inspiration!!! X
You have me chuckling. Never been called a hot mama before - well other than when I have just pulled the giant turkey out of the oven and I am literally hot!

Poppy - you're one hot mama!!!
Louschou - fantastic fit body!!!
Emma - you look fab!
Really admire you all, a great inspiration!!! X
I've dragged this old post up to see if we have any new takers who are willing to post their before and after pictures. I'm sure we must have some members who have now reached conso, it's great inspiration for anyone who may be struggling:D
and it's even inspiring for old members to revisit their own photos! (Mine are on my album - I hardly recognise myself!)
I'm a bit of a wuss so haven't been brave enough to add a public gallery, but will add some new pics to my private one.

If anyone wants a peek, let me know and I'll add you so you can look :)
Me too!
Me three :)
Me four!