Best excercise for stomach


Full Member
What's the best excercise to help with stomach and thighs to help for my holiday my stomach is awful and I know it needs a miracle but any tips will be very grateful
stomach would be plank holds and mountain climbers!

thighs- squats and lunges
Aww thanks will google mountain climbers
yeah they look easy, but are so not easy
I have the weighted hoola hoop.. Is great for tummy ( when I was using it, must get back into it)
sit ups arnt always that effective. for me they do absolutely nothing.
mountain climbers and planks are agony but work
Been doing my brisk walking every morning for an hour and after that I continued with my hula hoop for 15mins....much easier to hula with a weight hoop. In the beginning ,you may get some bruises around the waist and hips's hurts initially but when once you get around it will be so much easier.