Best exercise...


Whats the best exercise to do to aid weight loss and gain muscle tone?

Is it best to exercise before eating in the morning or have something first?

I was thinking of starting to take the dogs out walking as soon as I get up, just for a quick walk round the block type of thing, then come back, have breakfast and do a loner, more strenuous walk later in the day.

Im still trying to loose the weight, so is it better to wait until Im at my optimum weight before I try and build muscle tone?

Any help appreciated :)
If you choose walking, you can boost the effect by interval walking. Walk normally for, say, two minutes, then walk as fast as you can comfortably (don't hurt yourself, but getting a bit puffed is fine) for, say, one minute. Lather, rinse, repeat. If you need a longer gap between faster intervals or a shorter duration for them at first that's fine (I do). Your heart rate for the whole walk will be higher than if you'd just walked normally and you'll burn more calories, plus this effect will last longer after your walk. This is suggested many places but I've verified it myself using a heart rate monitor, being the skeptical sort!
Its definitely best to gain muscle at same time as doing cardio- the muscle will help you burn fat.

As for best exercises - well for cardio, id say anything that raises heart rate and burns calories...walking should be ok.

For weights, the whole body exercises (i see lots of kids in the gym obsessed with working chest and arms).


pullups (use an assisted machine if cant do them)
pushups (do from knees if cant do them)
shoulder press

some crunches

between those exercises your whole body is getting a workout
Swimming is also a great exercise to help lose weight and tone up as it works nearly all of the muscles in your body.

Swimming at a slow to moderate pace for 20 minutes 3 times a week, then as you build up your stamina work your way up to 50 minutes. Alternate strokes throughout your swim to help target every area.

This is also great if you have and sore problem joints or if you find normal exercise too strenuous.

Walking is great too as mentioned by the others :) good luck xxx