Betty's S&S diary

OMG bettie 6lbs thats brill, much more than me, i am only down 4lb,
i am happy to send you a cheque for the shakes if you want??? just pm me all details,
how are you feeling today , kay
Good Morning,

your doing well!! Day 3 and 6lbs down!!! i know what you mean though i never get excited about weight loss until its weigh day!! that makes it official.

im not sure if im a vanilla girl either!! yet to try the crispy one!!

Day one done and i was in bed by 9:30pm!! haha but the spag bol was amazing!!!! cooked some mushrooms with it and shallots! yummy!!!!

Thanks! It could slow down later on and yours could do a massive jump! You still have done really really well, 4lb is fantastic! I am happy at the moment though! I will send you the details, I will count how many I have, do you want the crispy vanilla ones as well?

I am feeling ok at the moment. Again, i am slightly worried as I decided to stay home today (and work longer tomorrow) to relax, I will feel hungrier and constantly thinking about food. Yesterday time flew by, had my morning shake and next time I had food was at 6pm. And I still had 2 more things to have after that. Whereas today I have already had 2 packs and it's only half 10...

How are you feeling? x
Morning hun! Thank you! It does feel great but like you said, it's best to wait until weigh in day, I would be disappointed if on Tuesday it's still only 6lb. I am sure it's not!

Well done you, sounds like you had a good day! I haven't tried the spag bol yet, I love chilli so much! Will give spag a try tonight though! Feeling good today Em? xxx
yes thats great bettie, just bung them all in and just pm me address and how much, i will post the money off today, i have pmd you my details.

i did have a headache this morning but am feeling better now i have had a drink, i havent had my brekkie yet will do in about half hr, i really need to stagger them meals out, its not even that i am hungry but i want to eat with the family at the table later, my ketosis sticks have gone even darker so thats a good sign, you must be in now mustnt you,

thanks for the shakes lovely xxx
oooo i think i might take monday off work as havent had a day off this year yet and am feeling it!!! i hopefully will be well underway by then as will be day 6 so fingers crossed! i am finding being at work easier though as i havent yet had my 1st pack. Managed to hold out till 11:30 yesterdya and 3 o'clock for my lunchtime shake!. . . .this doesnt happen even when im eating food haha!!!

i just keep filling up on water.

i feel ok today, was mega tired yesterday!!! i felt hungry when i woke up this morning but then after half hr it went away! wierd

Yeah, I am the same. At work, no problem at all. As soon as I am home I start craving stuff. I really hope it will disappear soon as I am not hungry. Just used to constantly snacking on something. Hence I am overweight.

Glad you're feeling ok today. My day 2 was waaaaaay better than Day 1. Thankfully by the weekend I should be in ketosis properly so hopefully it will fly by. isn't it weird taht you find you don't have much to do at all half the time when food is taken out of your life...

omg yes!!! when food is gone its like hmmm what to do!!! its normal to be like oo lets go for dinner with friends or shall we grab some lunch etc etc but hey ho its only food im just going to start watching more films and spending the time doing something else. . . exercise after week one i think when im feeling not so weak!! :)

yes fingers crossed the weekend does fly by!!! ketosis . . . hurry up! lol i was tempted to get the ketostix to see test when i am in ketosis but i know i would get obsessed! haha!

surprised how ok i feel . . . can feel a little bit of a headache lurking around but drinking more water in the hope that it will dissapear!!! :)

Yeah, exactly. OH suggested going to the pub for lunch as we don't get much time off together. And was like, bleh, no point.

I'm not too worried about ketostix. They are not very reliable plus... Doesn't really matter, if I follow the plan I'll be in ketosis, if I don't I'm not ;)

Glad you're feeling ok! I feel tired today. Had a 2 hour nap. I never nap during the day. Feeling surprisingly low. I am sure it's gonna be better again tomorrow. xxx

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exactly! whats the point in going to the pub for a nice big glass of WATER haha!

yer exactly my thoughts!!! if i dont follow then not gonna be in ketosis!! haha

i feel rubbish today, tired and have a headache!! defo the diet because i have drunk loads of water!! :( home for chilli and bed i think!

I can't wait to be able to go out normally again!

MyFitnessPal and calorie counting will be my new friends when I get closer to my target!

Sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish too :( I have not had any headache so far *touch wood* but do feel so tired and generally fed up. xxx

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Hang in there Bettie, you sound really peed off, anyways just a quick note to say, the cheques in the post, have always wanted to say that lol, hope the rest of the day goes ok for you x
Thank you hun! I am feeling a bit fed up today, I guess it's the lack of food :)

Thank you for the cheque, posting the shakes tomorrow morning so you'll have them ASAP x

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Keep going Betty, you will not regret it. Once the first few days are by, you will get into a routine and things will get easier.

Don't worry about going out to the pub. A sparkling mineral water with ice (no lemon of course!) will make you feel so virtuous!
Ugh, the caramel shake is awful... I think a lot is to do with the fact I did SlimFast before and made my shakes with skimmed milk... And now I just can't stomach the water shakes no matter how much water I put in there, mush or shake - they're yukk :(

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No, I haven't tried cafe latte yet. I don't have any. Will try red fruits later. I saw you're getting on very well, well done! :) x

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i always start off well, its a few weeks time i will be leaning on everyone for support, thats a fact.

i havent tried red fruits yet and i have loads,i hope i like it, it just doesnt sound too appealing to me, dont know why i ordered it, i might try the caramel one this morning i only have 2 but like you i hate caramely things, so have to get them out of the way,

thankyou, you are too even if you dont think you are,you have stuck to it , but feeling low doesnt mean you arent
doing good :) xxx
Why not have more of the meal packs so have a bar for break fast a meal for lunch and tea